Senate Bill No. 489-Committee on Finance



AN ACT relating to aging persons; requiring the creation of a Nevada silver haired legislative forum to identify and act upon issues of importance to aging persons; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved July 16, 1997]


Section 1. Chapter 427A of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 to 11, inclusive, of this act.
Sec. 2. The division shall establish the Nevada silver haired legislative forum to identify and act upon issues of importance to aging persons.
Sec. 3. 1. The governor shall appoint 21 persons to the Nevada silver haired legislative forum, of whom not more than 11 may be members of the same political party. The governor shall appoint from each senatorial district a number of members equal to the number of state senators that represent the senatorial district.
2. Appointments to the Nevada silver haired legislative forum must be made by the governor before December 1 of an odd-numbered year. The term of a member begins on December 1 of the odd-numbered year of appointment.
3. The members of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum from Clark County senatorial districts 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8, Washoe County senatorial districts 1 and 3, the Capital senatorial district and the Western Nevada senatorial district serve an initial term of 1 year. The eight members of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum from the remaining senatorial districts serve an initial term of 2 years. After the initial terms, each member serves a term of 2 years.
Sec. 4. A member of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum must:
1. Have been a resident of this state for 5 years immediately preceding his appointment;
2. Have been a registered voter in the senatorial district that he is to represent for 3 years immediately preceding his appointment; and
3. Be at least 60 years of age on the day that he is appointed.
Sec. 5. Members of the national silver haired congress from this state shall serve as ex officio members of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum. If a member of the national silver haired congress ceases to be a member of the national silver haired congress, the ex officio membership of that person in the Nevada silver haired legislative forum terminates. An ex officio member of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum has the same rights and responsibilities as the members who are appointed.
Sec. 6. 1. A position in the Nevada silver haired legislative forum becomes vacant upon:
(a) The death or resignation of a member.
(b) The illness of a member that prevents him from attending three consecutive meetings of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
(c) The absence of a member for any reason from three consecutive meetings of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
2. If a vacancy occurs, the governor shall appoint a person to serve the remainder of the unexpired term. The governor may appoint a person whose membership in the national silver haired congress has ended to fill a vacancy in the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
Sec. 7. The Nevada silver haired legislative forum shall elect from among its members, to serve a term of 1 year:
1. A president, who shall conduct meetings and oversee the formation of committees as necessary to accomplish the purposes of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
2. A vice president, who shall assist the president and conduct meetings of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum if the president is absent or otherwise unable to perform his duties.
3. A secretary, who shall:
(a) Prepare and keep a record of meetings, including, without limitation, the date, time, place and purpose of every meeting; and
(b) At the first meeting every year of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum, prepare a list of the dates of the meetings that are scheduled for the year.
4. A treasurer, who shall prepare and keep a list of the expenses of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum to be sent to the division for payment.
Sec. 8. The Nevada silver haired legislative forum may:
1. Meet 1 day each month during the regular session of the legislature in the legislative building in Carson City.
2. Meet and hold public hearings at least 1 day during each of the months of June, July and August during each even-numbered year.
3. Comply with chapter 241 of NRS.
Sec. 9. The Nevada silver haired legislative forum may:
1. Submit a report containing topics for possible legislative action to the governor before September 1 of each even-numbered year.
2. Accept gifts, grants and donations that must be deposited in the state treasury for credit to the aging services division's gift account in the department of human resources' gift fund. A gift, grant or donation to the Nevada silver haired legislative forum may be expended only in carrying out the duties of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
3. Adopt procedures to conduct meetings of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum and committees thereof. These procedures may be changed upon approval of a majority vote of all members of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum who are present and voting.
Sec. 10. Within the limits of legislative appropriations, and any gifts, grants and donations:
1. The division shall pay the expenses of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum.
2. Each member of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum is entitled to receive for attendance at a meeting of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum or a committee thereof the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.
Sec. 11. The division may adopt such regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 2 to 11, inclusive, of this act.
Sec. 12. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the aging services division of the department of human resources the sum of $5,000 for the per diem allowance and travel expenses of members of the Nevada silver haired legislative forum. Each member may receive from this appropriation a maximum of 1 day of per diem allowance and travel expenses.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 1999, and reverts to the state general fund as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.
Sec. 13. This act becomes effective on July 1, 1997.