Senate Bill No. 463-Committee on Finance

June 12, 1997

Referred to Committee on Finance

SUMMARY--Transfers office of science, engineering and technology from office of governor to University and Community College System of Nevada. (BDR 34-1789)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Executive Budget.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to the office of science, engineering and technology; transferring the office from the office of the governor to the University and Community College System of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Chapter 396 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 to 5, inclusive, of this act.
Sec. 2 1. There is hereby established within the system an office of science, engineering and technology.
2. The board of regents shall appoint the director of the office of science, engineering and technology. In making the appointment, the board of regents shall:
(a) Take reasonable actions to recruit from throughout the United States candidates who are qualified, including, without limitation, advertising the position in appropriate technical journals and publications; and
(b) Assemble a panel of persons with appropriate experience in science, engineering and technology to make recommendations of qualified candidates for the position. The panel must include members of the Nevada Technology Council and the commission on economic development.
3. The director serves at the pleasure of the board of regents.
4. The director must have:
(a) A graduate degree in an appropriate field of science or engineering;
(b) Experience administering major scientific and engineering programs; and
(c) Demonstrated experience in the development of plans and policies for state governments and the Federal Government.
5. If a vacancy occurs during the term of office of the director, the board of regents shall appoint a person to serve the remainder of the unexpired term in the manner provided in subsection 2.
6. The director shall devote his entire time and attention to the business of his office and shall not engage in any other gainful employment or occupation, except for consulting and academic pursuits that the board of regents determines:
(a) Do not conflict with the duties of the director; and
(b) May further the interests of this state.
Sec. 3 The director of the office of science, engineering and technology:
1. May serve as a member of the Nevada Technology Council.
2. Shall work in coordination with the commission on economic development to establish criteria and specific goals for economic development and diversification in this state in the areas of science, engineering and technology.
3. Shall establish and carry out policies to:
(a) Ensure that projects and resources located in this state which relate to science, engineering and technology are managed and coordinated to provide the greatest benefit to residents of this state.
(b) Recommend alternative uses of the Nevada Test Site that most effectively utilize the technology which is available at the site.
(c) Establish programs that develop and enhance the scientific and mathematical skills of pupils in this state.
(d) Coordinate the activities of the various agencies of this state to bring advanced technological programs that are federally funded or operated into this state.
(e) Provide technical assistance to the commission on economic development and local authorities to bring advanced technology into this state.
(f) Provide advice and assistance to businesses and industries that are located in this state.
4. Shall not overlap or duplicate any work performed by the state climatologist, state engineer, state health officer or the executive director of the agency for nuclear projects.
Sec. 4 1. The director of the office of science, engineering and technology may:
(a) Accept any gift, donation, bequest or devise; and
(b) Apply for and accept any grant, loan or other source of money,
to assist him in carrying out his duties.
2. The account for the office of science, engineering and technology is hereby created in the state general fund. Money accepted pursuant to subsection 1 must be deposited in the account for the office of science, engineering and technology. Money in the account must only be used to carry out the duties of the director.
Sec. 5 The director of the office of science, engineering and technology shall:
1. Report periodically to the chairman and executive director of the commission on economic development concerning the administration of the policies and programs of the office of science, engineering and technology.
2. Submit a report to the director of the legislative counsel bureau on or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year for transmittal to the legislature. The report must include information that concerns the policies, programs, operations and functions of the office of science, engineering and technology and any recommendations of the office of science, engineering and technology for proposed legislation.
Sec. 6 NRS 231.500, 231.510, 231.520 and 231.530 are hereby repealed.
Sec. 7 The director of the office of science, engineering and technology who was appointed by the governor pursuant to NRS 231.500 shall continue to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the board of regents until a director is appointed by the board of regents pursuant to section 2 of this act.
Sec. 8 This act becomes effective on July 1, 1997.


231.500 Creation; appointment and qualifications of director; restrictions on additional employment or occupation of director.
231.510 Director: Service as member of Nevada Industry, Science, Engineering and Technology, Inc.; coordination with commission on economic development; duties; prohibition against duplication of work of certain other state officers.
231.520 Gifts, grants and similar sources of money; account for the office of science, engineering and technology.
231.530 Periodic reports to chairman and executive director of commission on economic development; biennial reports to legislature.