Senate Bill No. 429-Committee on
Legislative Affairs and Operations

May 28, 1997

Referred to Committee on Government Affairs

SUMMARY--Authorizes local governments to institute programs to increase participation of residents in development of public policy and improvement of government. (BDR 19-1575)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Yes.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to governmental operations; revising the provisions governing the governor's proclamation of constitution day and constitution week; authorizing local governments to institute programs to increase the participation of citizens in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government; creating a repository within the department of museums, library and arts to store information regarding such programs; providing the powers of the director of the department concerning the repository; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 236.035 is hereby amended to read as follows:
236.035 1. The governor [shall] may annually proclaim the third week in September to be "Constitution Week" and September 17 to be "Constitution Day" to commemorate the historical contributions that the United States Constitution has made to citizens and its significance in preserving the individual freedoms, liberties and common welfare of the people who live in the United States of America.
2. The proclamation [shall:] may:
(a) Call upon the news media, educators, state and local officers, professional, business and labor leaders, and others in positions of authority or influence to bring to the attention of [Nevada's] the citizens of this state the importance of the United States Constitution in shaping and articulating the basic values that underlie the unique character of American civilization and culture, based on the belief that sovereignty emanates from the people who comprise a society and that governmental authority is based upon the consent of the governed;
(b) Encourage elected and appointed officers and employees at all levels of government and in all public and educational institutions to develop new programs and new ideas by which the citizens of this state and nation can [better] :
(1) Better understand and improve the effectiveness of all branches of government established within the American constitutional system; and
(2) Increase the extent and quality of their participation in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government at all levels;
(c) Encourage citizens of this state to assist elected and appointed officers and employees at all levels of government, and in all public and educational institutions, to develop new programs and new ideas to increase the extent and quality of the participation of the citizens of this state in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government at all levels;
(d) Direct interested citizens and appropriate officers and agencies to develop recommendations by which federal, state and local policies for the preservation of historical records can be formulated and put into effect, so that the cultural and informational resources that are essential to a constitutional form of government are preserved and made accessible to present and future generations of citizens; [and
(d)] (e) Remind all citizens that the preservation of the American constitutional form of government, and the freedom and liberty guaranteed by the United States Constitution, are based upon the responsibility of each citizen to uphold and defend the Constitution [.] ; and
(f) Request all citizens to submit any information they may have concerning a program, activity, event, proposal or any other action to increase the extent and quality of participation of citizens in the:
(1) Development of public policy; and
(2) Improvement of the operation of government at all levels,
to the repository created pursuant to section 4 of this act.
Sec. 2 Chapter 244 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
A board of county commissioners may institute a program or sponsor an activity, event or any other action designed to increase the extent and quality of participation of the residents of the county in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government at all levels. The board may submit a report of any action taken pursuant to this section to the repository created pursuant to section 4 of this act.
Sec. 3 Chapter 268 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
The city council or other governing body of an incorporated city may institute a program or sponsor an activity, event or any other action designed to increase the extent and quality of participation of the residents within the incorporated city in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government at all levels. The city council or other governing body of an incorporated city may submit a report of any action taken pursuant to this section to the repository created pursuant to section 4 of this act.
Sec. 4 Chapter 378 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
1. The repository for records concerning programs, activities and events related to the participation of citizens in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government is hereby created within the department.
2. The director shall receive, store and maintain in the repository and make available to members of the public materials, information and records submitted to the department:
(a) In response to a proclamation issued pursuant to NRS 236.035; or
(b) By the Federal Government, any state or local government or any political subdivision thereof reporting the results of an action taken to increase the extent and quality of the participation of citizens in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government.
3. To maintain and develop the repository, the director may:
(a) Apply for any available grants and accept any gifts, grants or donations;
(b) Delegate his powers and duties to any person within the department; and
(c) Create and appoint an advisory committee.
4. An advisory committee created pursuant to this section must be created by a regulation adopted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 233B of NRS. The regulation must specify the:
(a) Membership of the committee;
(b) Purpose for which the committee is created;
(c) Duties of the committee;
(d) Period of existence of the committee; and
(e) Rules for the governance of the committee.
5. An advisory committee created pursuant to this section may advise the director on matters concerning the repository, including, without limitation:
(a) The coordination of public agencies concerning programs, activities or events designed to increase the extent and quality of the participation of the residents of this state in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operation of government at all levels;
(b) The assistance of public agencies in developing such programs, activities and events;
(c) The development of effective ways to provide information contained in the repository to members of the public; and
(d) Recommended programs that demonstrate the effective methods by which residents of this state may participate in the development of public policy and the improvement of the operations of government at all levels.
6. The members of an advisory committee created pursuant to this section serve without compensation unless an appropriation or other money for that purpose is provided by the legislature.
Sec. 5 The director of the department of museums, library and arts shall submit a report to the 71st session of the Nevada legislature on or before February 1, 2001, regarding the status of the repository created pursuant to section 4 of this act.