Senate Bill No. 398-Committee on Natural Resources

May 15, 1997

Referred to Committee on Natural Resources

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing appointment of members to board of wildlife commissioners. (BDR 45-1653)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to wildlife; prohibiting the appointment of certain members to the board of wildlife commissioners unless those members were nominated for appointment by a county advisory board to manage wildlife; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 501.171 is hereby amended to read as follows:
501.1711. A [county advisory board to manage wildlife] board shall submit written nominations for appointments to the commission upon the request of the governor and may submit nominations at any other time.
2. After consideration of the written nominations submitted by a [county advisory board to manage wildlife] board and any additional candidates for appointment to the commission, the governor shall appoint to the commission:
(a) One member who is actively engaged in the conservation of wildlife;
(b) One member who is actively engaged in farming;
(c) One member who is actively engaged in ranching; and
(d) One member who represents the interests of the general public . [; and
(e) Five]
3. The governor shall appoint five additional members who , during at least 3 of the 4 years immediately preceding their appointment , held a resident license to fish or hunt, or both, in [Nevada.
3.] this state and who were nominated by a board pursuant to subsection 1.
4. The governor shall not appoint to the commission any person who has been convicted of:
(a) A gross misdemeanor for a violation of NRS 501.376, 502.060 or 504.395; or
(b) Two or more violations of the provisions of chapters 501 to 504, inclusive, of NRS,
during the previous 10 years.
[4.] 5. Not more than three members may be from the same county whose population is 400,000 or more, not more than two members may be from the same county whose population is 100,000 or more but less than 400,000, and not more than one member may be from the same county whose population is less than 100,000.
[5.] 6. The commission shall annually select a chairman and a vice chairman from among its members. A person shall not serve more than two consecutive terms as chairman.
Sec. 2 Upon the expiration of the term of a member of the board of wildlife commissioners who was appointed pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NRS 501.171, as that section existed before the effective date of this act, the governor shall appoint a member to the board of wildlife commissioners who was nominated by a county advisory board to manage wildlife in accordance with the amendatory provisions of section 1 of this act.
Sec. 3 This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.