Senate Bill No. 355-Committee on Transportation

(On Behalf of the Department of Motor Vehicles
and Public Safety)

May 2, 1997

Referred to Committee on Transportation

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing fees related to commercial drivers' licenses. (BDR 43-474)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Yes.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising the provisions governing fees related to commercial drivers' licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 483.910 is hereby amended to read as follows:
483.910 1. The department shall charge and collect the following fees:

For an original commercial driver's license which requires the department to administer a [knowledge test and a] driving skills test $84
For an original commercial driver's license which [requires] does not require the department to administer a [knowledge] driving skills test 54
For renewal of a commercial driver's license which requires the department to administer a driving skills test 84
For renewal of a commercial driver's license which does not require the department to administer a driving skills test 54
For reinstatement of a commercial driver's license [which requires the department to administer a knowledge test and a driving skills test] after suspension [, revocation, cancellation or disqualification] or revocation of the license for a violation of NRS 484.379 or 484.3795, or pursuant to NRS 484.384 and 484.385, or pursuant to 49 C.F.R. § 383.51(b)(2)(i) or (ii) 84
For reinstatement of a commercial driver's license [which requires the department to administer a knowledge test] after suspension, revocation, cancellation or disqualification of the license , except a suspension or revocation for a violation of NRS 484.379 or 484.3795, or pursuant to NRS 484.384 and 484.385, or pursuant to 49 C.F.R. § 383.51(b)(2)(i) or (ii) 54
For the transfer of a commercial driver's license from another jurisdiction , which requires the department to administer a [knowledge test and a] driving skills test 84
For the transfer of a commercial driver's license from another jurisdiction , which [requires] does not require the department to administer a [knowledge] driving skills test 54
For a duplicate commercial driver's license 19
For any change of information on a commercial driver's license 9
For each endorsement added after the issuance of an original commercial driver's license [which does not require the department to administer a driving skills test] 14
For [each endorsement added after the issuance of an original commercial driver's license which requires the department to administer] the administration of a driving skills test to change any information on, or add an endorsement to, an existing commercial driver's license 30

2. The department shall charge and collect an annual fee of $555 from each person who is authorized by the department to administer a driving skills test pursuant to NRS 483.912.
3. An additional charge of $3 must be charged for each knowledge test administered to a person who has twice failed the test.
4. An additional charge of $25 must be charged for each driving skills test administered to a person who has twice failed the test.
5. The increase in fees authorized in NRS 483.347 must be paid in addition to the fees charged pursuant to this section.