Senate Bill No. 323-Committee on Natural Resources

April 22, 1997

Referred to Committee on Government Affairs

SUMMARY--Authorizes board of trustees of general improvement district to provide for control and eradication of noxious weeds. (BDR 25-1582)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; authorizing the board of trustees of a general improvement district to provide for the control and eradication of noxious weeds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 318.116 is hereby amended to read as follows:
318.116 Any one, all or any combination of the following basic powers may be granted to a district in proceedings for its organization, or its reorganization pursuant to NRS 318.077 and all provisions in this chapter supplemental thereto, or as may be otherwise provided by statute:
1. Furnishing electric light and power, as provided in NRS 318.117;
2. Extermination and abatement of mosquitoes, flies, other insects, rats, and liver fluke or fasciola hepatica, as provided in NRS 318.118;
3. Furnishing facilities or services for public cemeteries, as provided in NRS 318.119;
4. Furnishing facilities for swimming pools, as provided in NRS 318.1191;
5. Furnishing facilities for television, as provided in NRS 318.1192;
6. Furnishing facilities for FM radio, as provided in NRS 318.1187;
7. Furnishing streets and alleys, as provided in NRS 318.120;
8. Furnishing curb, gutter and sidewalks, as provided in NRS 318.125;
9. Furnishing sidewalks, as provided in NRS 318.130;
10. Furnishing facilities for storm drainage or flood control, as provided in NRS 318.135;
11. Furnishing sanitary facilities for sewerage, as provided in NRS 318.140;
12. Furnishing facilities for lighting streets, as provided in NRS 318.141;
13. Furnishing facilities for the collection and disposal of garbage and refuse, as provided in NRS 318.142;
14. Furnishing recreational facilities, as provided in NRS 318.143;
15. Furnishing facilities for water, as provided in NRS 318.144;
16. Furnishing fencing, as provided in NRS 318.1195;
17. Furnishing facilities for protection from fire, as provided in NRS 318.1181;
18. Furnishing energy for heating, as provided in NRS 318.1175; [and]
19. Furnishing emergency medical services, as provided in NRS 318.1185 [.] ; and
20. Control and eradication of noxious weeds, as provided in chapter 555 of NRS.