Senate Bill No. 319-Senator Townsend

April 21, 1997

Referred to Committee on Finance

SUMMARY--Makes various changes and appropriations concerning mental illnesses. (BDR 39-1288)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Contains Appropriation not included in Executive Budget.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to mental health; authorizing the acceptance and use of certain donations, gifts and grants for programs that provide services to persons who are mentally ill or mentally retarded; requiring the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources to fill certain vacant positions; requiring the legislative commission to study the feasibility of an outpatient civil commitment law; making appropriations for certain programs, the purchase of vehicles and the renovation of certain facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Chapter 433 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
1. Upon approval of the director of the department, the administrator may accept:
(a) Donations of money and gifts of real or personal property; and
(b) Grants of money from the Federal Government,
for use in public or private programs that provide services to persons in this state who are mentally ill or mentally retarded.
2. The administrator shall disburse any donations, gifts and grants received pursuant to this section to programs that provide services to persons who are mentally ill or mentally retarded in a manner that supports the plan to coordinate services created by the commission pursuant to subsection 7 of NRS 433.316. In the absence of a plan to coordinate services, the administrator shall make disbursements to programs that will maximize the benefit provided to persons who are mentally ill or mentally retarded in consideration of the nature and value of the donation, gift or grant.
3. Within limits of legislative appropriations or other available money, the administrator may enter into a contract for services related to the evaluation and recommendation of recipients for the disbursements required by this section.
Sec. 2. NRS 353.335 is hereby amended to read as follows:
353.335 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 5 and 6, a state agency may accept any gift or grant of property or services from any source only if it is included in an act of the legislature authorizing expenditures of nonappropriated money or, when it is not so included, if it is approved as provided in subsection 2.
2. If:
(a) Any proposed gift or grant is necessary because of an emergency as defined in NRS 353.263 or for the protection or preservation of life or property, the governor shall take reasonable and proper action to accept it and shall report the action and his reasons for determining that immediate action was necessary to the interim finance committee at its first meeting after the action is taken. Action by the governor pursuant to this paragraph constitutes acceptance of the gift or grant, and other provisions of this chapter requiring approval before acceptance do not apply.
(b) The governor determines that any proposed gift or grant would be forfeited if the state failed to accept it before the expiration of the period prescribed in paragraph (c), he may declare that the proposed acceptance requires expeditious action by the interim finance committee. Whenever the governor so declares, the interim finance committee has 15 days after the proposal is submitted to its secretary within which to approve or deny the acceptance. Any proposed acceptance which is not considered within the 15-day period shall be deemed approved.
(c) The proposed acceptance of any gift or grant does not qualify pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b), it must be submitted to the interim finance committee. The interim finance committee has 45 days after the proposal is submitted to its secretary within which to consider acceptance. Any proposed acceptance which is not considered within the 45-day period shall be deemed approved.
3. The secretary shall place each request submitted to him pursuant to paragraph (b) or (c) of subsection 2 on the agenda of the next meeting of the interim finance committee.
4. In acting upon a proposed gift or grant, the interim finance committee shall consider, among other things:
(a) The need for the facility or service to be provided or improved;
(b) Any present or future commitment required of the state;
(c) The extent of the program proposed; and
(d) The condition of the national economy, and any related fiscal or monetary policies.
5. A state agency may accept:
(a) Gifts, including grants from nongovernmental sources, not exceeding $10,000 each in value; and
(b) Governmental grants not exceeding $50,000 each in value,
if the gifts or grants are used for purposes which do not involve the hiring of new employees and if the agency has the specific approval of the governor or, if the governor delegates this power of approval to the chief of the budget division of the department of administration, the specific approval of the chief.
6. This section does not apply to:
(a) The state industrial insurance system;
(b) The University and Community College System of Nevada; or
(c) The department of human resources while acting as the state health planning and development agency pursuant to paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NRS 439A.081 [.] or for donations, gifts or grants to be disbursed pursuant to section 1 of this act.
Secs. 3-5. (Deleted by amendment.)
Secs. 6 and 7. (Deleted by amendment.)
Sec. 8. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the state public works board the sum of $140,000 for the renovation of building 7 at the Nevada mental health institute for a crisis unit that will provide emergency psychiatric services. This appropriation must be reduced by the amount of any other appropriation made for the same purpose by the 69th session of the Nevada legislature.
2. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources for the operation of facilities to be located in Clark and Washoe counties, including at least 8 beds in the facility located in Washoe County by October 1, 1997, and at least 16 beds in facilities located in Clark County by October 1, 1998, for persons in need of transitional housing:
For the fiscal year 1997-1998 $236,227
For the fiscal year 1998-1999 $471,372
This appropriation must be reduced by the amount of any other appropriation made for the same purpose by the 69th session of the Nevada legislature.
3. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources for the establishment of a program for assertive community treatment (PACT) in Washoe County to provide comprehensive, integrated and continuing mental health care and services to persons with long-term serious mental illness, in their own natural environment:
For the fiscal year 1998-1999 $420,932
This appropriation must be reduced by the amount of any other appropriation made for the same purpose by the 69th session of the Nevada legislature.
Sec. 9. Any balance of the appropriations made by subsections 2 and 3 of section 8 of this act remaining at the end of the respective fiscal years must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 and reverts to the state general fund as soon as all payments of money committed for the fiscal year have been made.
Sec. 10. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 of section 8 of this act must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 1999, and reverts to the state general fund as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.
Sec. 10.5. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the motor pool division of the department of administration the sum of $73,932 for the purchase of additional vehicles for use by the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources.
2. Any remaining balance of the appropriation made by subsection 1 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30, 1999, and reverts to the state general fund as soon as all payments of money committed have been made.
Sec. 11. This act becomes effective on July 1, 1997.