Senate Bill No. 305-Committee on Taxation

April 16, 1997

Referred to Committee on Taxation

SUMMARY--Revises provision governing calculation of limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem for local governments. (BDR 31-60)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to local government finances; revising the provision governing the calculation of the limitation upon revenue from taxes ad valorem for local governments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 354.59811 is hereby amended to read as follows:
354.59811 Except as otherwise provided in NRS 350.087, 354.59813, 354.59815, 354.5982, 354.59871, 354.705, 450.425 and 543.600, for each fiscal year beginning on or after July 1, 1989, the maximum amount of money that a local government, except a school district, a district to provide a telephone number for emergencies, or a redevelopment agency, may receive from taxes ad valorem, other than those attributable to the net proceeds of minerals or those levied for the payment of bonded indebtedness and interest thereon incurred as a general or medium-term obligation of the issuer, or for the payment of obligations issued to pay the cost of a water project pursuant to NRS 349.950, or for the payment of obligations under a capital lease executed before April 30, 1981, must be calculated as follows:
1. The rate must be set so that when applied to the current fiscal year's assessed valuation of all property which was on the preceding fiscal year's assessment roll, together with the assessed valuation of property on the central assessment roll which was allocated to the local government, but excluding any assessed valuation attributable to the net proceeds of minerals, assessed valuation attributable to a redevelopment area or tax increment area and assessed valuation of a fire protection district attributable to real property which is transferred from private ownership to public ownership for the purpose of conservation, it will produce 106 percent of the maximum revenue allowable from taxes ad valorem for the preceding fiscal year . [, except that the rate so determined must not be less than the rate allowed for the previous fiscal year, except for any decrease attributable to the imposition of a tax pursuant to NRS 354.59813 in the previous year.]
2. This rate must then be applied to the total assessed valuation, excluding the assessed valuation attributable to the net proceeds of minerals and the assessed valuation of a fire protection district attributable to real property which is transferred from private ownership to public ownership for the purpose of conservation but including new real property, possessory interests and mobile homes, for the current fiscal year to determine the allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem for the local government.
Sec. 2 This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.