Senate Bill No. 197-Committee on Finance

March 6, 1997

Referred to Committee on Finance

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing fund for National College of Juvenile and Family Law and makes appropriations for National Judicial College and National College of Juvenile and Family Law. (BDR 1-832)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Contains Appropriation not included in Executive Budget.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising the provisions governing the expenditure of money from the fund for the National College of Juvenile and Family Law; making appropriations for the National Judicial College and the National College of Juvenile and Family Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1. NRS 1.480 is hereby amended to read as follows:
1.480 1. The fund for the National College of Juvenile and Family Law is hereby created as a special revenue fund. The interest and income earned on the money in the fund, in an amount not exceeding [$100,000] $200,000 per year, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the fund. Any interest and income earned in excess of [$100,000] $200,000 per year must be credited to the state general fund.
2. The state treasurer shall, subject to the limitation in subsection 1, pay to the dean of the National College of Juvenile and Family Law at the end of each quarter an amount equal to any interest and income credited to the fund during that quarter. The dean may use the money to pay expenses relating to the operation of the college.
3. The state board of examiners may, upon making a determination that any portion of the principal of the money in the fund is necessary to meet existing or future obligations of the state, recommend to the interim finance committee that the amount so needed be transferred from the fund to the state general fund. Upon approval of the interim finance committee, the money may be so transferred.
4. The dean shall submit an itemized statement of all of the income and expenditures of the National College of Juvenile and Family Law each year to the legislature or the interim finance committee.
Sec. 2. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the fund for the National Judicial College, created by NRS 1.470, the sum of $1,250,000.
Sec. 3. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the fund for the National College of Juvenile and Family Law, created by NRS 1.480, the sum of $1,250,000.
Sec. 4. This act becomes effective upon passage and approval or on June 30, 1997, whichever is earlier.