Senate Bill No. 126-Committee on Commerce and Labor

February 10, 1997

Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing certain examinations and analyses conducted by state hygienic laboratory. (BDR 40-105)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Yes.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to public health; requiring the state hygienic laboratory to charge a fee for conducting a chemical examination or analysis of water for a nongovernmental entity; prohibiting the state hygienic laboratory from expending money received from legislative appropriations to pay the costs of conducting such an examination or analysis; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 439.240 is hereby amended to read as follows:
439.240 1. The health division shall maintain the state hygienic laboratory, [heretofore] established pursuant to the provisions of chapter 230, Statutes of Nevada 1909, and may establish and maintain such branch laboratories as may be necessary.
2. The [purpose of the] state hygienic laboratory [is:
(a) To make] may:
(a) Make available, at [such charges as may be determined upon,] the charges established by the state hygienic laboratory pursuant to this section, to health officials and licensed physicians of the state proper laboratory facilities for the prompt diagnosis of communicable diseases.
(b) [To make] Conduct necessary examinations and analyses of water, natural ice, sewage, milk, food [,] and clinical material.
(c) [To conduct] Conduct research into the nature, cause, diagnosis and control of diseases.
(d) [To undertake] Undertake such other technical and laboratory duties as the state board of health may direct in the interests of the public health.
3. If the state hygienic laboratory conducts a chemical examination or analysis of water for a nongovernmental entity, the state hygienic laboratory shall charge a fee for conducting that examination or analysis. The fee must not be less than the reasonable and customary fee charged in this state for conducting such an examination or analysis, as determined by the state hygienic laboratory. The state hygienic laboratory may impose any fees or charges it deems appropriate for conducting any other examinations or analyses conducted by it pursuant to this section.
4. The state hygienic laboratory shall not expend any money received from legislative appropriations to pay the costs of conducting a chemical examination or analysis of water for a nongovernmental entity.
5. The person in charge of the state hygienic laboratory [shall] must be a skilled bacteriologist, and [shall] must have such technical assistants as may be appointed by the administrator with the approval of the director.
[4.] 6. Reports of investigations conducted at the state hygienic laboratory may be published from time to time in bulletins and circulars, in the discretion of the state board of health.