Senate Bill No. 109-Committee on Commerce and Labor

(On Behalf of the Nevada Board of Professional Engineers
and Land Surveyors)

February 3, 1997

Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor

SUMMARY--Revises requirements for registration as professional engineer or professional land surveyor or for certification as engineering intern or land-surveying intern. (BDR 54-479)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to professions; revising the requirements for registration as a professional engineer or professional land surveyor or for certification as an engineering intern or land-surveying intern; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 625.180 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.180 1. Any citizen of the United States or any person who is lawfully entitled to remain and work within the United States, and is over the age of 21 years, may apply to the board for examination, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the regulations adopted by the board, for registration as a professional engineer.
2. A person is not eligible for registration as a professional engineer if he is not of good character and reputation.
3. An applicant for registration as a professional engineer is not entitled to take the examination unless [:
(a) He] he is a graduate from an approved course in engineering of 4 years or more in a school or college approved by the board [,] and has a record of an additional 4 years or more of active experience working under the supervision of a professional engineer in engineering work that is satisfactory to the board and indicates that the applicant is competent to be placed in responsible charge of engineering work . [; or
(b) He has a record of 10 years or more of active experience in engineering work that is satisfactory to the board and indicates that he is competent to be placed in responsible charge of engineering work.
4. The satisfactory completion of each year of approved courses in engineering in a school or college approved by the board, without graduation, is equivalent to 1 year of active experience.
5. Graduation in a course, other than engineering from a college or university of recognized standing, is equivalent to 2 years of active experience.
6. An applicant may not receive credit for more than 4 years of active experience because of educational qualifications.
7.] 4. The mere execution as a contractor of work designed by a professional engineer or the supervision of the construction of such work as a foreman or superintendent is not active experience in engineering work.
[8.] 5. Any person having the qualifications prescribed in this chapter [to] that entitle him to [registration] register is eligible [for registration] to register although he is not practicing his profession at the time of making his application.
[9.] 6. A person applying for registration within a specific discipline of professional engineering must have 2 [years'] years of active experience working under the direct supervision of a person who is registered in the discipline in which the applicant is seeking to become registered, unless this requirement is waived by the board.
Sec. 2 NRS 625.185 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.185 To be eligible for certification by the board as an engineering intern an applicant must [:
1. Be] be a graduate of or in his final year of an engineering curriculum of 4 years or more that is approved by the board [, and successfully] and pass the written examination described in paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 625.200 . [; or
2. Have 4 years or more of experience in engineering work satisfactory to the board and successfully pass the written examination described in paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 625.200.]
3 NRS 625.200 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.200 1. The written examination for registration as a professional engineer must consist of a 2-day test, of four 4-hour periods, divided into two parts:
(a) Part 1 must be an 8-hour written examination on the fundamentals of engineering. If the applicant [is a graduate from an engineering school approved by the board and] has more than 8 years of experience in responsible engineering, part 1 may be waived.
(b) Part 2 must be an 8-hour written examination on the principles and practices of engineering and must cover that discipline of engineering in which the applicant is engaged as indicated by his record of experience and to which he has applied for registration.
Where possible, the usually recognized disciplines of engineering must be considered in the preparation of the examination. The board may conform the nature and extent of the examination to the particular qualifications of the applicant.
2. The board may administer or authorize an accredited college or university which offers a program in engineering approved by the board to administer part 1 of the written examination to persons who are not applicants for registration as professional engineers in this state.
3. An applicant for registration must pass part 1 of the written examination or receive a waiver of part 1 before taking part 2 of the examination.
4. The board may require additional written examinations for registration in specialized areas of practice within one or more recognized disciplines of engineering.
5. The board may prescribe or limit the use of notes, texts and reference materials, but shall allow each applicant to use any standard table of mathematical or physical data of his [own] selection within the prescribed or limited categories.
6. Oral examinations must be given in the manner prescribed by the board.
7. To qualify for registration as a professional engineer or an engineering intern, an applicant must receive a grade of not less than 70 on his examination.
Sec. 4 NRS 625.270 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.270 1. A person who:
(a) Is 21 years of age or older; and
(b) Is a citizen of the United States or is lawfully entitled to remain and work in the United States,
may apply to the board for examination, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and any regulations adopted by the board, for registration as a professional land surveyor.
2. A person is not eligible for registration as a professional land surveyor if he is not of good character and reputation.
3. An applicant for registration as a professional land surveyor must [:
(a) Be] be a graduate of a land-surveying curriculum of 4 years or more that is approved by the board and have a record of an additional 4 years or more of active experience working under the supervision of a professional land surveyor in land surveying that is satisfactory to the board and indicates that he is competent to be placed in responsible charge of land-surveying work . [; or
(b) Have a record of 10 years or more of active experience in land-surveying work that is satisfactory to the board and indicates that he is competent to be placed in responsible charge of land-surveying work.
4. For the purposes of evaluating an applicant's qualifications for registration, the board shall consider:
(a) Satisfactory completion of 1 year of courses in land surveying that are approved by the board to be equivalent to 1 year of active experience in land surveying; and
(b) Graduation from a college or university curriculum in a field other than land surveying to be equivalent to 2 years of active experience.
5. An applicant may not receive credit for more than 4 years of active experience because of educational qualifications described in subsection 4.]
5 NRS 625.275 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.275 Except as otherwise provided in NRS 625.305, to be eligible for certification as a land-surveying intern, an applicant must [:
1. Be] be a graduate of or in his final year of an approved land-surveying or engineering curriculum of 4 years [of] or more, approved by the board as satisfactory, and have [successfully] passed part 1 of a written examination designated by the board . [; or
2. Have had 4 years or more of experience in land-surveying work satisfactory to the board, and have successfully passed part 1 of the examination provided for in NRS 625.280.]
6 NRS 625.280 is hereby amended to read as follows:
625.280 1. The written examination for registration as a professional land surveyor must consist of a 2-day test, of four 4-hour periods, divided into two parts:
(a) Part 1 must be an 8-hour written examination on the fundamentals of land surveying and must cover the subject matter of a general land surveying education or training. If the applicant [is a graduate of a curriculum of land surveying that is approved by the board or] has 8 years or more of experience in land surveying, part 1 may be waived.
(b) Part 2 must be an 8-hour written examination on the principles and practice of land surveying.
2. An applicant must pass part 1 of the examination or receive a waiver of part 1 before taking part 2 of the examination.
3. The board may prescribe or limit the use of notes, texts and reference materials, but shall allow each applicant to use any standard table of mathematical or physical data of his [own] selection within the prescribed or limited categories.
4. Oral examinations must be given in the manner prescribed by the board.
Sec. 7 This act becomes effective on October 1, 2007.