Assembly Resolution No. 18-Committee on Elections,
Procedures, and Ethics

July 6, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Expresses appreciation to Chief Clerk, staff of front desk, sergeant at arms and his staff and other attachés of Assembly for their dedication and outstanding performance during 69th session of Nevada Legislature. (BDR R-1874)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION--Expressing appreciation to the Chief Clerk, the staff of the front desk, the sergeant at arms and his staff and the other attachés of the Assembly for their dedication and outstanding performance during the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature.

Whereas, The smooth and efficient operation of the Nevada Legislature is largely dependent upon the quality and dedication of the staff; and
Whereas, The attachés of the Assembly, composed of bill clerks, secretaries, the sergeant at arms and his staff, the staff of the front desk and other clerical and support staff, have worked diligently and efficiently in their service to the members of this legislative body; and
Whereas, The bill clerks, arriving at 5 a.m. or earlier, have worked their magic this session without being seen or acknowledged, even though their absence would be noticed immediately; and
Whereas, The secretaries and other clerical support have kept minutes, listened to constituents, written letters, organized the offices of legislators, packed those offices, unpacked those offices, set up those offices again, and performed countless other important tasks necessary to the operation of this Legislature; and
Whereas, The sergeant at arms and his staff have pleasantly performed errands, poured coffee, delivered messages, handed out countless copies of amendments and other official materials, greatly assisted in the legislative recycling program and organized the daily files of the Assembly; and
Whereas, The Chief Clerk, the ladies of the front desk and the lone gentleman of the front desk have diligently ensured that the business of the legislative session is accurately recorded, visually presented on the viewing screens, steadily flowing and clearly presented to the listening public; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the members of the Assembly of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature commend and express their heartfelt appreciation to the Chief Clerk, the staff of the front desk, the sergeant at arms and his staff and the other attachés for their dedicated service ensuring that this legislative session was successful and orderly despite technical difficulties and an expanding building; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Counsel prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chief Clerk of the Assembly, Linda Alden.