Assembly Resolution No. 13-Committee on Elections,
Procedures, and Ethics



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION--Recognizing the work and contributions of Harold Bradford, whose art work has been exhibited in the Legislative Building.

Whereas, The members of the Nevada Legislature are especially appreciative to have had the opportunity to enjoy the art work created by Harold Bradford that has been on display in the Legislative Building during this legislative session; and
Whereas, Harold Bradford was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, but has called the State of Nevada his home for over 20 years; and
Whereas, The paintings created by Harold Bradford that have been on display in the Legislative Building feature the Buffalo Soldier and depict the contributions that African-Americans made to the early West; and
Whereas, Harold Bradford's goal is to educate his fellow man through his art work by documenting the culture and history of African-Americans in the early West; and
Whereas, For this past year, Harold Bradford has been part of the adjunct faculty for the Clark County Community College, where he instructs students in advanced illustration; and
Whereas, Harold Bradford has participated in many solo and group exhibitions from exhibits at the Stella Vones Gallery in New Orleans, Louisiana, to the Left Center Art Gallery and Studio in Las Vegas, where he currently has an exhibit of his paintings; and
Whereas, Art is a universal medium through which the culture of a nation may be expressed while enriching the lives of those who observe it, and Harold Bradford's works of art exemplify these qualities and foster the excellence and vitality of the fine arts; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the members of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to Harold Bradford for his generosity in loaning his beautiful works of art for display in the Legislative Building during this legislative session; and be it further
Resolved, That the Nevada Legislature has enjoyed viewing Harold Bradford's unique art work and wishes Mr. Bradford continued success in the fine arts; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Mr. Harold Bradford.