Assembly Resolution No. 1-Committee on Elections, Procedures, and Ethics

January 20, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Provides for appointment of attachés. (BDR R-1049)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION-Providing for the appointment of attachés.

Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the following persons are elected as attachés of the Assembly for the 69th session of the Legislature of the State of Nevada: Jacqueline Sneddon, Lucinda Benjamin, Bonnie Borda, Susan Furlong Reil, Carolyn Grabski, Terry Sullivan, Jason Hataway, Rebecca Lawson, Joe Crawford, Christopher Brunsvold, Nicole Geissler, Greg Torres, Michael Wiese, Jeanne Douglass, Heather Collins, Susan Herman, Patricia Hicks, Marcelene Wehry, Carole Johnston, Laverna Marwin, Harle Glover, Philene Anderson, Matthew Baker, Jane Baughman, Cynthia Clampitt, Lori Conforti, Joi Davis, Erin DeLong, Vicki Folstad, Barbara Gray, Virginia Letts, Sara Kaufman, Nykki Kinsley, Janice Luevano, Yhvona Martin, Jean McGuire, Brenda Olson, Carmela Porcella, Jo Rasey, Sherie Silva, Sharon Spencer, Ann Van Nostrand, Rita Ahart, Iris Bellinger, Ann Buoncristiani, Catalina Cabral, Mark Carlson, Carole Cavolick, Reba Coombs, Linda Cooper, Linda Corbett, Stephany Corral, Cecile Crofoot, Irene Davis, Kathleen Day, Naomi Dottei, Elizabeth Frankel, Kristi Geiser, Marge Griffin, Donna Hancock, Joyce Hess, Barbara Houger, Ralph Keetch, Jr., Dana Langdon, Kelly Liston, Jana Mabry, Carolyn Maynick, Lois McDonald, Marilyn McElhany, Francis Noe, Barbara Pryor, Debra Spieth, Lela Rude, Sheila Sease, Jasmine Shackley, Nancy Smart, Cindy Southerland, Marlene Staub, Carol Thomsen, Frankie Valley, Dyan Merritt, Brent Alverson, Bruce Pfeiffer, Edward Cordisco, Jr., Mary Carel, Katie Beydler, Norm Budden, Melvin Cowperthwaite, John Davis, Jr., Juanita Heston, Kathleen Jorgenson, Lois LaHair, Steve Lamoreaux, Kevin Magrane, Ron Marwin, Bob Maynick, Birgitta Metz, Reid Meyer, Barbara Morgan, Mike Pintar and Shanna Pozzi.