Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5-Assemblymen Price, Giunchigliani, Carpenter, Goldwater, Lambert, Sandoval, Manendo, Arberry, Mortenson, Lee, Segerblom, Evans, Freeman, Bache, Krenzer, Chowning, Nolan, Koivisto, Anderson, Buckley, Ohrenschall, Amodei, Close, Herrera, Parks, Cegavske, Williams, Berman, de Braga, Neighbors, Tiffany, Ernaut and Dini

February 27, 1997

Referred to Committee on Elections, Procedures, and Ethics

SUMMARY--Proposes to amend Nevada constitution to provide for limited annual legislative sessions. (BDR C-308)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION--Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to provide for limited annual legislative sessions.

Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of Nevada, Jointly, That a new section be added to article 4, and section 2 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada be amended to read respectively as follows:
Sec. 29A. The Legislature shall adjourn sine die each regular session not later than midnight in the Pacific standard time zone 60 calendar days following its commencement. Any legislative action taken in a regular session after midnight in the Pacific standard time zone on the 60th calendar day is void.
Sec. 2. The sessions of the Legislature shall be [biennial,] annual, and shall commence on the [3rd Monday of January next ensuing the election of members of the Assembly,] first Monday of March, unless the Governor of the State , [shall,] in the interim, [convene] convenes the Legislature by proclamation.
And be it further
Resolved, That section 12 of article 17 of the constitution of the State of Nevada be repealed.


Sec: 12. First biennial legislative session to commence in 1867. The first regular session of the Legislature shall commence on the second Monday of December A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Four, and the second regular session of the same shall commence on the first Monday of January A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Six; and the third regular session of the Legislature shall be the first of the biennial sessions, and shall commence on the first Monday of January A.D. Eighteen hundred and Sixty Seven; and the regular sessions of the Legislature shall be held thereafter biennially, commencing on the first Monday of January.