Assembly Joint Resolution No. 12-Assemblymen Collins, Parks, Carpenter, Gustavson, Segerblom, Amodei, Sandoval, Tiffany, Mortenson, Anderson, Close, Price, Giunchigliani, Hettrick, Koivisto, Krenzer, Herrera, Lee, Manendo, Berman, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Marvel, Neighbors, Williams, Arberry, Goldwater, Humke, Von Tobel, de Braga, Chowning, Lambert, Cegavske, Bache, Evans, Dini, Freeman, Braunlin, Ernaut and Perkins

May 15, 1997

Referred to Committee on Elections, Procedures, and Ethics

SUMMARY--Urges Congress to adopt "Rodeo Freedom Act." (BDR R-1547)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION--Urging Congress to adopt a "Rodeo Freedom Act."

Whereas, Within the State of Nevada, the sport of rodeo has great historical, cultural and social significance, and is an important attraction for domestic and foreign tourism; and
Whereas, Professional rodeos generate substantial economic activity and are significant sources of income, employment, recreation and enjoyment for Nevadans; and
Whereas, The sponsors associated with rodeos of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association assist in sustaining rodeos, making this sport affordable and accessible to millions of rodeo fans; and
Whereas, Despite the importance of such events to the economy of Nevada and to the economies of other western states, federal agencies have proposed restrictions upon the activities of sponsors, programs and advertising connected with rodeo events; and
Whereas, Such restrictions, if adopted, would jeopardize the financial viability of rodeos, causing considerable loss to tourism and related industries and interfering with the enjoyment of rodeo events by the millions of Americans who attend rodeos annually; and
Whereas, These restrictions would impose unconstitutional limitations on both commercial speech and the freedom of association of the membership of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association; and
Whereas, During the 104th session of Congress, Senators Richard Bryan and Harry Reid jointly introduced the "Rodeo Freedom Act of 1995," which, if enacted, would have prohibited the regulation by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Commissioner of Food and Drugs of any activity of sponsors or sponsorship programs connected with, or any advertising used or purchased by, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association or any other professional rodeo association; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly and the Senate of the State of Nevada, Jointly, That the Nevada Legislature supports the efforts of Senators Richard Bryan and Harry Reid in this regard and urges the Nevada Congressional Delegation to continue to bring this issue before Congress; and be it further
Resolved, That the members of the 69th Session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby urge Congress to enact legislation patterned after the "Rodeo Freedom Act of 1995"; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Vice President of the United States as the presiding officer of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and each member of the Nevada Congressional Delegation; and be it further
Resolved, That this resolution becomes effective upon passage and approval.