Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5-Assemblywoman Freeman



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Designating the month of October as Nevada's Month for Children With Special Needs.

Whereas, The children of this state are its most precious resource; and
Whereas, Children with special needs are an integral part of our communities and make a valuable contribution to society as a whole; and
Whereas, The health and developmental concerns of children are more likely to become chronic and debilitating into adulthood if not addressed; and
Whereas, The family is the primary decision maker for children with special needs; and
Whereas, Anything that happens to one person in a family impacts the entire family and everything that happens to a family impacts the rest of the community; and
Whereas, Programs that serve children with special needs and their families have proven to be of significant benefit; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the month of October is hereby designated as Nevada's Month for Children With Special Needs; and be it further
Resolved, That the Nevada Legislature recognizes its responsibility to children with special needs and their families; and be it further
Resolved, That families and communities within the State of Nevada and local and state governmental agencies are hereby urged to observe the month by emphasizing and supporting a public awareness program on the importance of children with special needs and their families and by providing information concerning all locally available services and providers and facilities that provide such services; and be it further
Resolved, That the Division of Child and Family Services, the Health Division and the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources, the Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, the Department of Education and the Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council shall provide such technical assistance as may be necessary to disseminate this information; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Director of the Department of Human Resources, the Director of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Chairman of the Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council.