Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 55-Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Williams, Giunchigliani, Amodei, Humke, Close, Herrera, Goldwater, Arberry, Perkins, Buckley, Berman, de Braga, Neighbors, Marvel, Von Tobel, Segerblom, Chowning, Bache, Price, Mortenson, Braunlin, Sandoval, Carpenter, Anderson, Manendo, Lee, Hickey, Lambert, Freeman, Koivisto, Collins, Gustavson, Evans, Tiffany, Nolan, Hettrick, Cegavske, Parks, Dini, Krenzer and Ernaut



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commending retired educator Ruth Albright Stringer.

Whereas, Ruth Albright Stringer, one of 10 siblings, was born to A.G. and Annie Albright of Hoxie, Arkansas, on October 9, 1909; and
Whereas, A lifelong love for math was instilled in this young girl by a favorite teacher who made the subject interesting through the use of innovative and relevant hands-on activities that culminated in Ruth's analyzing the numbers on freight train cars on her way to school to determine the prime factors of each number, a practice in which she still engages when looking at license plates; and
Whereas, Ruth Stringer's early years growing up in a small town where she learned the value of working closely with others to improve her community instilled in her a desire to be a part of everything around her; and
Whereas, Because of her devoted father's often-repeated reminder, "Remember, Sister, every cloud has a silver lining," Ruth developed a remarkably positive attitude that served her well through the Great Depression; and
Whereas, Ruth Stringer began her first teaching position on the ninth day of the ninth month of 1929 as a third grade teacher and pursued that career for 39 years, 11 of which were in Clark County, plus an additional year as a substitute teacher; and
Whereas, During those 39 years, a professional folder 4 inches thick, filled with positive notations and anecdotes, was compiled for this extraordinary teacher; and
Whereas, In addition to her exemplary role as an instructor, Ruth Stringer volunteered long hours to numerous activities in the school system, such as sponsoring several classes, a cheerleading squad and a drill team for majorettes, coaching basketball teams and drama groups, planning and directing tours for her classes, and participating actively in the Parent-Teacher Association as well as many community activities such as the Girl Scouts; and
Whereas, This dedicated teacher has been appropriately rewarded with such honors as Outstanding Teacher of the Year in Clark County in 1970, Distinguished Teacher for 1974-1975 for the Nevada State Education Association, Clark County Educator Mother of the Year in 1987 and Nevada State Retired Teachers Association Certificate in recognition of services as auditor and nominating committee chair; and
Whereas, Ruth Stringer also found time to involve herself in political activities for 32 years because she believed one should be aware of what is happening in the community, state and nation; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the members of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature offer their commendation to Ruth Albright Stringer for her unselfish devotion to her family, her community, the educational system and the numerous organizations of which she is a part; and be it further
Resolved, That the members of this legislative body express their admiration for this true educator who exemplifies the highest standards of character and is a role model for countless students and teachers; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Ruth Albright Stringer.