Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 45-Assemblymen Williams, Cegavske, Gustavson, Collins, Chowning, Koivisto, Manendo, Ohrenschall, Von Tobel, Hickey and de Braga



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Urging the board of trustees of each county school district to develop and adopt standards for disciplining pupils who are enrolled in the public schools within the school district.

Whereas, The Legislature has a constitutional duty to provide for a uniform system of common schools in this state; and
Whereas, Disciplinary problems of pupils who are enrolled in the public schools are increasingly disrupting the educational process and thereby inhibiting the ability of all pupils in the public schools to learn; and
Whereas, The public schools in this state are increasingly reporting incidents of violence and other unacceptable behavior by pupils on school grounds, including violence against staff and other pupils, possession of dangerous weapons and possession and distribution of controlled substances; and
Whereas, Parents and legal guardians of pupils and educational personnel express grave concerns about the safety of pupils on school grounds; and
Whereas, In many school districts, the rules of behavior required of pupils are not consistently enforced throughout all the public schools within the school district; and
Whereas, In many school districts, the punishment prescribed for the violations of the rules of behavior are not consistently applied throughout all the public schools within the school district; and
Whereas, The board of trustees of the Nye County School District, in cooperation with pupils, parents and legal guardians of pupils, teachers, school administrators and local law enforcement agencies, has developed and adopted a district-wide policy for pupil discipline which has proven effective; and
Whereas, All pupils, teachers and other school staff deserve a learning and working environment that is safe and free from unacceptable behavior by pupils, including violence and other criminal activity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the Legislature hereby urges the board of trustees of each county school district in this state, in cooperation and consultation with pupils, parents and legal guardians of pupils, teachers, school administrators and local law enforcement agencies, to:
1. Review and consider the policy for pupil discipline adopted by the Nye County School District;
2. Develop and adopt standards for disciplining pupils who are enrolled in the public schools in the school district that will be consistently enforced and applied in each public school within the school district; and
3. Ensure that the public schools within the school district offer a healthy and safe learning environment for pupils, free from violence and other criminal activity; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the board of trustees of each county school district in this state.