Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 44-Assemblymen Williams, Cegavske, Gustavson, Collins, Chowning, Koivisto, Manendo, Ohrenschall, Von Tobel, Hickey and de Braga

June 13, 1997

Referred to Committee on Elections, Procedures, and Ethics

SUMMARY--Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim study of various needs of pupils in public schools. (BDR R-885)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the various needs of pupils in the public schools in this state.

Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the Legislative Commission is hereby directed to conduct an interim study of the various needs of pupils in the public schools in this state; and be it further
Resolved, That the study must include:
1. A review and evaluation of the methods for disciplining pupils currently used in the public schools in this state, including, without limitation, the methods by which the public schools respond to criminal activity on school grounds by pupils who are enrolled in the public schools;
2. A review and evaluation of the methods currently used in the public schools in this state for disciplining pupils with disabilities or other special needs who are participating in programs of special education, including, without limitation, the suspension of such pupils within a 10-day period, and methods to improve the effectiveness of disciplining those pupils that are in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et seq.);
3. An evaluation of the degree of consistency in enforcing the rules of behavior required of pupils and whether the punishment prescribed for violations of the rules is consistently applied and commensurate with the violations;
4. An evaluation of methods to increase the degree of consistency in the enforcement of the rules of behavior required of pupils and the punishment prescribed for violations of the rules;
5. A review and evaluation of disciplinary measures that will reduce disruptive and other unacceptable behavior of pupils during school hours, including, without limitation, disciplinary measures that may be enforced during school hours, such as suspensions, detentions and alternative programs of instruction for pupils;
6. A review and evaluation of the methods by which public schools communicate with the parents or legal guardian of a pupil concerning disciplinary problems of the pupil and consideration of methods to improve the communication;
7. A review and evaluation of methods to improve the reports of incidents involving weapons or violence in the public schools that are required to be reported pursuant to NRS 385.347;
8. A review and evaluation of the number of pupils with disabilities and other special needs per classroom and the work load of those pupils, including recommendations for modification of the class size or work load that the committee considers necessary;
9. A review and evaluation of the diagnosis and placement of all pupils with disabilities and other special needs, including, without limitation, diagnosis and placement of pupils:
(a) With fetal alcohol syndrome;
(b) With brain disorders; or
(c) Who were born with an addiction to a controlled substance or drug;
10. A review and evaluation of whether appropriate programs are available for pupils with fetal alcohol syndrome, with brain disorders and who were born with an addiction to a controlled substance or drug and recommendations to improve those programs;
11. A review and evaluation of the methods used by the public schools to incorporate pupils with disabilities and other special needs into the regular classroom and the effect of the incorporation on special education programs, regular classroom instruction and the number of pupils per classroom; and
12. A review and evaluation of any other methods for public schools to improve their ability to meet the various needs of pupils who are enrolled in the public schools in this state; and be it further
Resolved, That any recommendations for legislation resulting from the study must be approved by a majority of the members of the Assembly and a majority of the members of the Senate appointed to conduct the study; and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislative Commission shall submit a report of its findings and any recommendations for legislation to the 70th session of the Nevada Legislature.