Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41-Assemblymen Hickey, Dini, Hettrick, Von Tobel, Ernaut, Mortenson, Lambert, Williams, Amodei, Freeman, Neighbors, de Braga, Humke, Tiffany, Close, Cegavske, Nolan, Marvel, Braunlin, Berman, Carpenter, Sandoval and Gustavson



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commending Dr. James K. Gentry for his contributions to the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Whereas, Dr. James K. Gentry joined the faculty of the University of Nevada, Reno, in 1992, after almost 15 years at the University of Missouri School of Journalism where he was an associate and an assistant professor; and
Whereas, While employed at the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Dr. Gentry was twice elected Chairman of the Editorial Department and was also Assistant Director of the University's Honors College; and
Whereas, Under the leadership of Dr. Gentry, the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism is now recognized as a leader in the integration of emerging digital technologies into journalism instruction and in the application of critical thinking throughout the curriculum; and
Whereas, Dr. Gentry received his Ph.D. in journalism from the University of Missouri in 1993, giving his dissertation on a case study analysis of the ramifications of introducing a major change into a daily newspaper; and
Whereas, Dr. Gentry works frequently with newspapers to bring about organizational change intended to improve the quality of management and to improve business news coverage; and
Whereas, Dr. Gentry is a member of the Accrediting Committee of the Accrediting Council for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications; and
Whereas, With the help of funding from the American Press Institute, Dr. Gentry has analyzed change activities at newspapers that have taken the lead in new approaches in their newsrooms and in the paper as a whole, and his research has resulted in a changed process model that is used at conferences organized by the American Press Institute and at a number of newspapers; and
Whereas, In the past 2 years, Dr. Gentry has spoken at 10 seminars sponsored by the American Press Institute on change, newsroom leadership and critical/creative thinking, and he is one of the few academics who regularly speaks at such seminars; and
Whereas, Dr. Gentry has also been involved in newspaper change activities for 8 years as a facilitator for "New Directions for News," a creativity think tank at the University of Missouri School of Journalism; and
Whereas, Dr. Gentry was the first Executive Director of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and under his guidance this organization grew from 124 members to over 1,100 members; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the members of the 69th Session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby commend Dr. James K. Gentry for the 5 dedicated years in which he has served as Dean of the Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism and Center for Advanced Media Studies; and be it further
Resolved, That the Nevada Legislature extends its best wishes to Dr. Gentry as he continues his career in journalism as the Dean of the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas, which has one of the strongest journalism programs in the nation; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Dr. James K. Gentry.