Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 39-Assemblymen Krenzer, Amodei, Anderson, Arberry, Bache, Berman, Braunlin, Buckley, Carpenter, Cegavske, Chowning, Close, Collins, de Braga, Dini, Ernaut, Evans, Freeman, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Gustavson, Herrera, Hettrick, Hickey, Humke, Koivisto, Lambert, Lee, Manendo, Marvel, Mortenson, Neighbors, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Parks, Perkins, Price, Sandoval, Segerblom, Tiffany, Von Tobel and Williams

June 5, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Designates June 5, 1997, as "Baby Your Baby Day" in State of Nevada. (BDR R-1768)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Designating June 5, 1997, as "Baby Your Baby Day" in the State of Nevada.

Whereas, In 1990, many women in the State of Nevada were not accessing prenatal care early and the infant mortality rate was 9 deaths per 1,000 live births; and
Whereas, Prevention in the form of information and education promoting early and continuous prenatal care has been proven to improve the outcome of pregnancy; and
Whereas, In 1991, Sunbelt Communications, Washoe Health System, Sunrise Children's Hospital and Sierra Health Services joined with the Health Division and Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources to form a public/private partnership to improve the outcome of pregnancy in the State of Nevada; and
Whereas, The "Baby Your Baby" program, a multi-media public service campaign which includes a toll-free information and referral line, was developed and implemented to promote early and continuous prenatal care, has directly assisted over 20,000 pregnant women and their partners in accessing prenatal care and other related health services; and
Whereas, Since the implementation of the "Baby Your Baby" program in 1992:
1. The infant mortality rate of the State of Nevada is now one of the best in the nation, decreasing from 9 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1991, to 5.7 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1996;
2. The percentage of women in this state receiving prenatal care in the first trimester increased from 68 percent in 1991 to 79 percent in 1996;
3. Since 1993, participants in the "Baby Your Baby" program have delivered fewer premature babies than nonparticipants, the low and very low birth-weight rates have remained stable and the infant mortality rate has decreased even though the number of births increased; and
4. The "Baby Your Baby" program has successfully reached pregnant women who are at a high risk for poor outcomes at birth, including African-Americans, whose infant mortality rate diminished by one-half from 1988 to 1995 and whose low birth-weight rate decreased from 16 percent to 14.6 percent over the same period; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the members of the Nevada Legislature do hereby designate June 5, 1997, as "Baby Your Baby Day" in the State of Nevada in recognition of the success of the "Baby Your Baby" program, the importance of early and continuous prenatal health care and the fact that "prevention pays"; and be it further
Resolved, That the "Baby Your Baby" campaign and other prenatal programs, such as the Medicaid "MOMS" program, are excellent examples of governmental agencies and the private sector working together to have a significant impact on communities by enabling residents of the State of Nevada access to prenatal health services; and be it further
Resolved, That families, communities and governmental agencies are hereby encouraged to emphasize and support public awareness of the importance of early and continuous prenatal care for all pregnant women; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to Yvonne Sylva, Administrator of the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources and Myla Florence, Administrator of the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources.