Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 26-Assemblywoman Giunchigliani

May 16, 1997

Read and adopted

SUMMARY--Expresses support of Nevada Legislature for water conservation measures and tiered rate structures. (BDR R-1725)

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Expressing the support of the Nevada Legislature for water conservation measures and tiered rate structures.

Whereas, Safe and sufficient water is a basic necessity for all human life and an essential resource for the successful livelihood of any community; and
Whereas, The State of Nevada is the most arid state in the country, with an average annual rainfall which ranks the lowest in the United States; and
Whereas, The use of available water resources has allowed the State of Nevada to prosper beyond even the most optimistic projections, creating vibrant economies in both the northern and southern parts of this state, which in turn have led to larger populations and increased demands for water; and
Whereas, Many of the most successful and populated communities in the State of Nevada are in deserts, dependent on supplies of water which are highly seasonal in nature or which are not natural to the area of use; and
Whereas, It is a basic responsibility of government to provide and protect the public's access to water, particularly on behalf of residents with low or fixed incomes for whom water might otherwise be made unavailable if subject to such external forces as market pricing, uncontrolled use or inadequate delivery; and
Whereas, This Legislature recognizes that there is a certain amount of water that can be characterized as essential for the health and well-being of any resident and that this amount of water should be made reasonably affordable and available to all residents, but in particular to those who are senior citizens or live on low or fixed incomes; and
Whereas, Many local water agencies within the State of Nevada have implemented tiered rate structures for the pricing of water, as well as conservation and incentive programs to encourage residents to reduce the amount of water they use; and
Whereas, The Nevada Legislature recognizes that a tiered rate structure, properly designed, is an effective pricing mechanism for conservation that will ensure that water is available at a reasonable cost to all residents, but in particular to senior citizens and residents on low or fixed incomes; and
Whereas, The Nevada Legislature further recognizes that well-designed incentive programs, such as fixture replacement programs and other programs to conserve water, are an effective way to encourage residents to reduce the amount of water used and thereby reduce their costs; now, therefore be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the Legislature of the State of Nevada hereby acknowledges the importance of tiered water rates and conservation incentive programs to the continued affordability and availability of water to all residents, particularly senior citizens and those persons living on low or fixed incomes; and be it further
Resolved, That this Legislature hereby expresses its support for the continued development of rate structures and incentive programs based on conservation by local water agencies, including those programs that identify older homes that may need more efficient plumbing fixtures to conserve water; and be it further
Resolved, That this Legislature hereby encourages local water agencies throughout the State of Nevada to implement a management and pricing approach that emphasizes the importance of water as an essential resource, while maintaining flexibility and fairness in the fees charged for its use; and be it further
Resolved, That this Legislature also encourages those same agencies to develop and implement incentive programs for the conservation of water which will allow all residents, but in particular senior citizens and residents on low or fixed incomes, to conserve water and thereby reduce the cost of such service; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to each water authority, city council and board of county commissioners in this state.