Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 25-Assemblywomen
Krenzer and Evans



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Urging the agencies within the State of Nevada to cooperate to meet the needs of communities to encourage employment of as many of the residents of this state as is possible.

Whereas, Employment promotes the self-sufficiency of families, thriving communities and a healthy economy; and
Whereas, The State of Nevada has expressed its commitment to provide employment opportunities through its investment in economic development, business linkages and support of local communities; and
Whereas, To ensure that employment opportunities are accessible to all residents interested and capable of working, the State of Nevada is committed to the development of its workforce which has been demonstrated by the establishment of Nevada Workforce Agencies and School to Careers Programs and by the consolidation of employment and training programs into the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation; and
Whereas, These employment and training services are available throughout the state and provided by a variety of state, educational, private nonprofit and for profit agencies; and
Whereas, These employment and training services often have restrictions relating to the eligibility of participants in the program based on funding requirements that often cause confusion and frustration for the employer, persons seeking employment and agencies administering the programs; and
Whereas, It is in the best interests of the State of Nevada to provide ease of access for employers and persons seeking employment by providing services that have flexibility and commonly agreed upon definitions of successful performance; and
Whereas, These efforts will improve opportunities for persons seeking employment by providing more variety in the selection of occupations, reducing state and local restrictions on eligibility for certain funding, promoting increased accountability and increasing the interest of the private sector in utilizing training programs and services provided by state agencies, thereby resulting in a more efficient use of the money allocated for these purposes; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That all agencies involved in funding and regulating employment and training are hereby encouraged to cooperate, collaborate, integrate services, seek waivers and take other measures to customize services to meet individual and community needs for an economy based on the employment of as many of its residents as possible; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation for distribution to agencies involved in funding and regulating employment and training.