Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 21-Assemblymen Nolan, Price, Cegavske, Sandoval, Mortenson, Collins, Chowning, Hettrick, Ernaut, Perkins, Buckley, Williams, Berman, de Braga, Neighbors, Marvel, Segerblom, Carpenter, Tiffany, Hickey, Evans, Manendo, Krenzer, Gustavson, Koivisto, Braunlin, Parks, Lambert, Freeman, Bache, Lee, Anderson, Arberry, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Herrera, Close, Humke, Amodei, Ohrenschall, Von Tobel and Dini



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Declaring the month of April as Workplace Good Health and Fitness Month in Nevada.

Whereas, Numerous studies have shown that workers who get regular exercise enjoy reduced costs of health care, reduced absenteeism from work, reduced job turnover and increased job efficiency, productivity and satisfaction; and
Whereas, Regular exercise improves work performance, reduces stress and enhances self-image and self-worth; and
Whereas, Half of all premature deaths and illnesses in this country are caused by poor lifestyle habits; and
Whereas, A sedentary lifestyle and excess body weight are two significant health risk factors, and approximately one-half and one-quarter, respectively, of the adult residents of the State of Nevada fall into these categories; and
Whereas, In a study of overall health in each state that considered factors such as prevalence of smoking and rates of heart disease, cancer and infectious diseases, this state ranked as the second least healthy population in the United States; and
Whereas, Forty-five percent of the adult residents of the State of Nevada report that they do not engage in any physical activity during their leisure time; and
Whereas, A fitness program initiated by General Electric reduced costs of health care for participants in the program by 38 percent in an 18-month period while costs of health care for nonparticipants increased by 21 percent; and
Whereas, By using a combination of managed care and the promotion of health on the work site, the City of Birmingham, Alabama, held down the increase of expenditures for medical care over a 5-year period to just 1.4 percent compared to 11 to 14 percent for other employers in the area; and
Whereas, Companies all across the United States, including Bank of America, Coors Brewing Company and the Travelers Insurance Company, are finding that the return on investment for activities for the promotion of health is positive, averaging about $3 of savings for every $1 invested in the promotion of health; and
Whereas, The Nevada Legislature supports the promotion of programs of employee fitness as a means of reducing absenteeism from work and turnover of employees and bolstering the morale and commitment of employees; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the Nevada Legislature hereby proclaims the month of April as Workplace Good Health and Fitness Month in Nevada to encourage all Nevadans to participate in programs of regular exercise and physical activity for healthier lives and for improved performance and satisfaction at work; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Nevada.