Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 17-Assemblymen Hettrick, Amodei, Anderson, Arberry, Bache, Berman, Braunlin, Buckley, Carpenter, Cegavske, Chowning, Close, Collins, de Braga, Dini, Ernaut, Evans, Freeman, Giunchigliani, Goldwater, Gustavson, Herrera, Hickey, Humke, Koivisto, Krenzer, Lambert, Lee, Manendo, Marvel, Mortenson, Neighbors, Nolan, Ohrenschall, Parks, Perkins, Price, Sandoval, Segerblom, Tiffany, Von Tobel and Williams



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION--Commending the participants of the 1997 Annual Commemorative Re-Run celebrating the 137th anniversary of the Pony Express.

Whereas, The Pony Express was an overland mail service which extended approximately 1,900 miles from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, and which was in operation for a mere 18 months from April 3, 1860, to October 28, 1861; and
Whereas, The operation of the Pony Express required 500 horses, 190 relay stations, of which 29 were located across the State of Nevada, and 80 riders; and
Whereas, The trail originated in St. Joseph, Missouri, and wound through the states of Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Nevada en route to the terminus in Old Sacramento, California; and
Whereas, For their efforts riders received $120 to $125 per month, a Bible and a single pistol with an extra loaded cartridge; and
Whereas, Each rider was required to take an oath swearing not to use profane language, drink alcohol or fight with any other employee of the Pony Express; and
Whereas, Although the 10-day, 1,900-mile trek across the "Wild West" was a dangerous undertaking, only two of the original riders perished during the 18-month operation of the Pony Express, and they are buried near the site of the original station at Dry Creek Ranch, approximately 40 miles east of Austin, Nevada; and
Whereas, The mail was carried in a leather mochila that was thrown over the saddle and contained four boxes, two on each side, in which to carry mail; and
Whereas, When the coast-to-coast telegraph system was completed on October 24, 1861, and people began sending messages to the western states by wire, the Pony Express formally went out of existence; and
Whereas, The Pony Express performed a tremendously valuable service for the United States by rapidly transmitting mail to the West Coast, but failed financially because of its enormous expenses; and
Whereas, In 1960, riders retraced the Pony Express trail in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the historical venture; and
Whereas, Seventeen years later in 1977, several of those who participated in the 1960 re-ride organized a re-creation of the Pony Express that is now held annually in June; and
Whereas, This year will mark the 137th anniversary of the Pony Express; and
Whereas, To this day, every rider participating in the annual reenactment of the Pony Express is required to take the original oath and follow the original trail, and the re-ride is accomplished in 10 days; and
Whereas, Upon entering Nevada from Utah near Ibabah, the trail roughly follows U.S. Highway No. 50 through White Pine County north of Ely, through Eureka County north of Eureka, through Lander County at Austin, through Churchill County across Sand Springs and south of Fallon, through Lyon County at Fort Churchill, into Carson City and then south through Douglas County on Foothill Road to Genoa and up to South Lake Tahoe; and
Whereas, The Nevada Division of the National Pony Express Association is the largest division, and 123 riders from this state participate in the portion of the annual re-ride that winds through Nevada; and
Whereas, On August 3, 1992, after 9 years of tedious effort on the part of several members of the National Pony Express Association, the Pony Express National Historic Trail became a component of the National Trails System; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate Concurring, That the members of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature do hereby commend the participants of the 1997 Annual Commemorative Re-Run celebrating the 137th anniversary of the Pony Express; and be it further
Resolved, That this body is especially proud of the 123 riders from the Nevada Division who help to make this event successful as they ride across the State of Nevada; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly prepare and transmit a copy of this resolution to David Thomas, President of the Nevada Division of the National Pony Express Association.