Assembly Bill No. 90-Committee on Judiciary

January 27, 1997

Referred to Committee on Judiciary

SUMMARY--Makes certain provisions governing classified service applicable to certain agents of state gaming control board for certain purposes. (BDR 41-282)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to gaming; making certain provisions governing the classified service applicable to certain agents of the state gaming control board for certain purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 463.080 is hereby amended to read as follows:
463.080 1. The board, with the approval of the commission, may:
(a) Establish, and from time to time alter, such a plan of organization as it [may deem] considers expedient.
(b) Acquire [such] the furnishings, equipment, supplies, stationery, books, motor vehicles and other things [as it may deem] that it considers necessary or desirable [in carrying] to carry out its functions.
(c) Incur [such] other expenses, within the limit of money available to it, [as it may deem] that it considers necessary.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, all costs of administration incurred by the board must be paid out on claims from the state general fund in the same manner as other claims against the state are paid.
3. The board shall, within the limits of legislative appropriations or authorizations, employ and fix the salaries of or contract for the services of [such] professional, technical and operational personnel and consultants [as] that the execution of [its] the board's duties and the operation of the board and commission may require.
4. [The] Except as otherwise provided in subsection 6, the members of the board and [all] the personnel of the board, except clerical employees and employees described in NRS 284.148, are exempt from the provisions of chapter 284 of NRS. [They] The members of the board and the personnel of the board are entitled to [such] leaves of absence as the board prescribes, but such leaves must not be of lesser duration than those provided for other state employees pursuant to chapter 284 of NRS. Employees described in NRS 284.148 are subject to the limitations specified in that section.
5. Clerical employees of the board are in the classified service but are exempt from the provisions of chapter 284 of NRS for purposes of removal. They are entitled to receive an annual salary [which] that must be fixed in accordance with the pay plan adopted [under] pursuant to the provisions of that chapter.
6. An agent of the board whose duties include the enforcement or investigation of suspected violations of statutes or regulations shall be deemed to be in the classified service of the state for the purposes of NRS 284.383 to 284.390, inclusive, and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The provisions of this subsection must not be construed as placing such an agent in the classified service for any other purpose.
7. The board and the commission shall, by suitable regulations, establish a comprehensive plan governing employment, job classifications and performance standards, and retention or discharge of employees to assure that termination or other adverse action is not taken against such employees except for cause. The regulations must include provisions for hearings in personnel matters and for review of adverse actions taken in those matters.