Assembly Bill No. 660-Committee on Ways and Means



AN ACT relating to making appropriations from the state general fund and the state highway fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1998, and beginning July 1, 1998, and ending June 30, 1999; providing for the use of the money so appropriated; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved June 30, 1997]


Section 1. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the purposes expressed in sections 2 to 26, inclusive, of this act and for the support of the government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1998, and beginning July 1, 1998, and ending June 30, 1999.

1997-1998 1998-1999

Sec. 2. The Office and Mansion of the Governor.
For the support of the:
Office of the Governor $1,647,897 $1,633,431
Governor's mansion $238,409 $270,491
Agency for nuclear projects $50,000 $50,000
Sec. 3. The Office of Lieutenant Governor.
For the support of the office of the lieutenant Governor $316,509 $331,431
Sec. 4. The Office of Attorney General.
For the support of the:
Office of the attorney general $8,806,003 $8,988,824
Special litigation account $116,412 $116,412
Medicaid fraud unit $91,043 $90,269
Crime prevention program $224,986 $223,046
Office of the extradition coordinator $775,619 $778,116
Consumer Advocate $749,760 $769,258
Sec. 5. The Office of Secretary of State.
For the support of the:
Office of the secretary of state $3,598,368 $3,609,055
Sec. 6. The Office of State Treasurer.
For the support of the:
Office of the state treasurer $697,625 $687,288
Post secondary education expense
board $266,315 $1,113,067
Sec. 7. The Office of State Controller.
For the support of the office of the state controller $2,047,003 $2,016,154
Sec. 8. Department of Administration.
For the support of the:
Budget and planning $1,944,346 $2,385,130
Management, training and
controls $252,948 $249,624
Clear Creek youth center $108,239 $94,077
State public works board $753,490 $737,507
Merit award board $5,000 $5,000
Sec. 9. Department of Taxation.
For the support of the:
Department of taxation $10,565,876 $10,900,455
Senior citizens' property tax assistance $2,866,784 $3,162,916
Sec. 10. Legislative Fund.
For the support of the:
Legislative commission $469,440 $342,224
Audit division $2,067,803 $2,077,980
Administrative division $5,367,791 $5,309,882
Legal division $3,158,087 $3,953,756
Research division $1,918,290 $1,805,816
Fiscal analysis division $1,596,600 $1,617,701
Interim legislative operations $353,898 $311,901
Sec. 11. Supreme Court of Nevada.
For the support of the:
Supreme court of Nevada $2,867,695 $3,118,940
Law library $972,319 $987,110
Commission on judicial selection $11,408 $6,117
Division of planning and analysis $74,850 $81,534
Judicial ethics committee $31,668 $28,283
Sec. 12. Commission on Judicial Discipline.
For the support of the commission on judicial discipline $319,964 $323,718
Sec. 13. District Judges' Salaries and Judicial Pensions.
For the support of the district judges' salaries and pensions of justices, judges and widows $6,878,125 $7,187,513
Sec. 14. Commission on Economic Development.
For the support of:
Economic development $3,184,419 $3,187,247
Rural community development $77,335 $82,358
Procurement outreach program $138,541 $117,576
Sec. 15. State Department of Education.
For the support of:
Education, state programs $2,565,687 $2,919,046
Occupational education $371,128 $371,128
Teacher education and licensing $241,391 $212,604
Nutrition education $237,114 $239,201
Continuing education $478,056 $479,043
Education of handicapped children $1,112,836 $1,441,807
Proficiency testing $829,577 $845,119
School improvement programs $5,146,977 $4,677,248
Other state education programs $132,527 $132,607
Commission on postsecondary education $235,399 $245,093
Sec. 16. University and Community College System of Nevada.
For the support of:
System administration $2,317,277 $2,307,768
Science, engineering and technology office $99,048 $84,032
University press $604,914 $574,358
Statewide programs--UNR $4,395,452 $4,480,140
Intercollegiate athletics--UNR $1,313,674 $1,341,308
Statewide programs--UNLV $609,855 $621,455
Intercollegiate athletics--UNLV $1,360,833 $1,389,616
Agricultural experiment station $5,422,159 $5,547,750
Cooperative extension services $4,704,393 $4,846,205
System computing center $13,563,483 $10,443,830
UNLV law school $1,160,000 $2,448,000
Desert research institute $2,958,821 $2,430,807
National direct student loan $46,369 $46,369
University of Nevada, Reno $74,032,876 $69,776,174
School of medical sciences $14,315,564 $14,613,650
Bureau of laboratory and research $1,158,014 $1,190,298
University of Nevada, Las Vegas $79,097,825 $76,596,377
Community college of Southern
Nevada $37,446,958 $37,619,255
Western Nevada community
college $10,852,163 $10,705,824
Truckee Meadows community college $18,448,656 $17,821,543
Great basin college $6,895,624 $6,644,505
Business center, north $1,517,563 $1,568,821
Business center, south $1,297,356 $1,355,880
University system-Special projects $541,654 $541,654
Sec. 17. Western Interstate Comm-ission for Higher Education.
For the administrative support of Nevada's membership in the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education $229,921 $233,460
For the support of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Loan Fund $488,200 $667,266
Sec. 18. Department of Museums, Library and Arts.
For the support of the:
Museums, library and arts administration $176,548 $183,781
Museums and history $197,187 $200,792
Nevada historical society $508,192 $529,446
Nevada state museum, Carson
City $999,317 $958,181
Nevada museum, Las Vegas $709,750 $738,110
Lost City museum $213,816 $215,743
Nevada railroad museum $300,539 $273,524
Nevada council on the arts $1,137,042 $1,162,061
Nevada state library $2,409,955 $2,488,212
Nevada state library--Literacy. $96,529 $99,555
Archives and records $433,619 $441,588
Historic preservation and
archeology $162,144 $166,939
Comstock historic district $84,028 $80,958
Sec. 19. Department of Human Resources.
For the support of the:
Office of the director of human resources $1,974,448 $1,980,891
Family to family connection $2,511,289 $5,596,055
Indian affairs commission $115,920 $109,665
Office of the state public defender $755,509 $751,507
Health care financing and policy division:
Nevada Medicaid $172,788,209 $191,911,969
Health care financing and
policy $556,856 $507,510
Division of aging services:
Aging services division $2,206,479 $2,357,105
Senior services program $384,891 $384,891
Child and family services division:
Probation subsidies $871,930 $870,680
Unity/SACWIS $2,938,101 $2,157,752
Child and family administration $3,496,146 $3,657,339
Child care services bureau $326,808 $375,364
Nevada youth training center $5,069,219 $4,917,681
Caliente youth center $3,724,754 $3,744,417
Youth community services $18,594,641 $19,592,012
Youth alternative placement $1,273,136 $1,844,803
Youth corrections services $3,229,555 $3,238,127
Northern Nevada child and adolescent services $1,912,170 $1,852,124
Southern Nevada child and adolescent services $5,710,594 $6,156,926
Chapter I--Special education $1,164,310 $1,285,013
Southern Nevada children's
home $214,405 $0
Health division:
Office of state health officer $344,074 $346,267
Vital statistics $464,218 $473,070
Cancer control registry $8,069 $4,895
Maternal child health services $1,963,501 $2,005,174
Special children's clinic $3,653,343 $3,625,974
Community health services $237,030 $251,806
Consumer protection $699,643 $741,805
Radiological health $186,622 $193,615
Sexually transmitted disease control $1,478,443 $1,485,328
Communicable disease control $839,137 $845,156
Emergency medical services $747,892 $680,628
Immunization program $1,393,412 $1,521,167
Health aid to counties $757,795 $794,977
Mental hygiene and mental retardation division:
Division administration $1,531,431 $1,533,358
Mental health information system $305,004 $300,526
Southern Nevada adult mental health services $20,035,384 $21,575,691
Nevada mental health institute $11,780,936 $12,547,386
Facility for the mental offender $3,366,362 $3,943,650
Rural clinics $4,462,496 $4,813,947
Southern Nevada mental retardation services $10,776,191 $12,080,355
Northern Nevada mental retardation services $7,034,296 $7,494,670
Rural Nevada retardation
services $1,465,969 $1,629,321
Family preservation program $614,429 $655,120
Welfare division:
Welfare administration $10,642,710 $10,271,721
Welfare field services $14,209,023 $14,809,440
Assistance to aged and blind $4,916,896 $5,197,813
Aid to families with dependent children $17,212,427 $14,275,964
Employment and training program $9,030,896 $10,034,245
Sec. 20. Office of the Military.
For the support of the:
Nevada National Guard $1,530,898 $1,503,539
National Guard benefits $100,000 $100,000
Sec. 21. Department of Prisons.
For the support of the:
Office of director $7,536,404 $6,104,442
Medical care $27,938,984 $28,979,887
Southern Nevada correctional
center $8,017,800 $8,171,453
Southern desert correctional center $13,734,072 $14,031,088
Nevada state prison $11,662,618 $11,874,752
Northern Nevada correctional center $12,679,555 $12,574,547
Nevada women's correctional center $4,304,707 $5,385,110
Ely maximum security prison $16,736,502 $17,170,474
Lovelock correctional center $12,578,699 $13,630,849
Southern Nevada women's private
prison $7,335,950 $9,408,609
Stewart conservation camp $1,007,965 $1,040,771
Ely conservation camp $826,714 $838,021
Humboldt conservation camp $816,888 $822,921
Indian Springs conservation camp $1,429,243 $1,448,775
Jean conservation camp $717,866 $844,701
Pioche conservation camp $1,080,059 $1,103,968
Carlin conservation camp $855,011 $833,387
Wells conservation camp $830,749 $840,138
Silver Springs conservation camp $776,586 $800,332
Tonopah conservation camp $828,795 $838,622
Southern Nevada restitution center $354,976 $367,501
Northern Nevada restitution center $222,451 $220,082
Prison number seven $76,416 $220,828
Sec. 22. Department of Business and Industry.
For the support of the:
Business and industry admin-istration $323,425 $332,031
Committee to hire the handicap-
ped $213,598 $214,628
Financial institutions division $1,241,949 $1,258,527
Consumer affairs division $1,122,976 $1,011,332
Mentally ill individuals program $62,373 $62,373
Real estate administration $1,375,711 $1,277,625
Unclaimed property program $126,643 $128,086
Division of insurance $1,749,243 $1,984,742
Employee-management relations board $129,164 $125,909
Labor commissioner $1,120,547 $967,797
Nevada athletic commission $269,205 $263,364
Plant industry fund $1,578,054 $1,490,675
Veterinary medical services $638,140 $626,663
Junior livestock show board $41,846 $35,307
Predatory animal and rodent committee $572,109 $574,978
High school rodeo association $20,000 $20,000
Sec. 23. State Department of Con-servation and Natural Resources.
For the support of the:
Natural resources administration $929,136 $939,777
Division of state parks $4,346,121 $3,444,237
Nevada natural heritage $109,451 $115,326
Division of forestry $2,429,451 $2,339,897
Forest fire suppression/emergency response $1,000,000 $1,000,000
Forestry honor camps $5,593,333 $5,727,974
Water and mining $327,321 $327,321
State environmental commission $1,845 $1,230
Division of water resources $3,461,436 $3,408,678
Division of water planning $455,082 $485,321
Division of state lands $835,735 $765,895
Division of conservation districts $151,638 $155,968
Tahoe regional planning agency $802,333 $900,004
Nevada Tahoe regional planning
agency $1,340 $1,110
Division of wildlife $997,960 $996,909
Sec. 24. Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation.
For the support of:
Nevada equal rights commission $821,746 $744,008
Vocational rehabilitation $1,922,978 $1,924,055
Social security administration/ vocational rehabilitation $58,761 $56,970
Services to the blind $557,145 $556,884
Alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation $3,286,708 $3,232,446
Community based services $2,059,509 $2,039,351
Developmental disabilities $152,305 $164,982
Sec. 25. Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety.
For the support of the:
Director's office $52,870 $52,843
Field services $23,824 $26,956
Motor vehicles administration $116,273 $118,424
DMV justice assistance grant $47,852 $48,129
Highway patrol (dignitary protection) $236,661 $50,511
Dignitary protection $613,394 $602,791
Investigation division $4,397,276 $4,319,084
Nevada commissioner for veterans affairs $661,990 $681,120
Division of emergency manage-
ment $250,195 $252,848
Emergency management federal $5,482 $5,482
Parole board $853,422 $811,856
Division of parole and probation $19,755,566 $20,591,320
State fire marshal $260,056 $206,007
Drug commission $45,550 $45,822
Sec. 26. Ethics Commission.
For the support of the ethics commission $173,663 $166,114
Sec. 27. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the state highway fund for the purposes expressed in this section for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1998, and beginning July 1, 1998, and ending June 30, 1999:
Department of taxation $724,952 $693,973
Department of motor vehicles and public safety:
Director's office $1,803,874 $1,694,947
Highway patrol $36,583,202 $37,052,633
Administrative services $8,146,754 $8,574,766
Hearings office $620,545 $621,717
Automation $4,589,126 $3,630,500
Field services $7,261,347 $7,625,031
Project genesis $688,111 $1,347,403
Driver's license $2,176,153 $2,233,039
Motor carrier $1,914,026 $1,918,520
Registration division $4,691,764 $4,628,481
Hazardous materials $1,108,971 $1,135,325
Office of traffic safety $85,164 $78,675
Division of investigations $219,883 $171,135
Public service commission $1,241,189 $1,148,258
Sec. 28. The following sums are hereby appropriated from the wildlife account in the state general fund for the purpose expressed in this section for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1997, and ending June 30, 1998, and beginning July 1, 1998, and ending June 30, 1999.
For the support of the state predatory animal and rodent committee $20,000 $20,000
Sec. 29. 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the sums appropriated in this act must be:
(a) Expended in accordance with the allotment, transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive; and
(b) Work programmed for the 2 separate fiscal years, 1997-1998 and 1998-1999, as required by NRS 353.215. Work programs may be revised with the approval of the Governor upon the recommendation of the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration and in accordance with the provisions of the State Budget Act.
2. Transfers to and from salary allotments, travel allotments, operating expense allotments, equipment allotments and other allotments must be allowed and made in accordance with the provisions of NRS 353.215 to 353.225, inclusive, and after separate consideration of the merits of each request.
3. Pursuant to law, sums appropriated for the support of the supreme court of Nevada and the legislative fund are excluded from the allotment, transfer, work program and budget provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.245, inclusive.
Sec. 30. The sums appropriated to:
1. Senior citizens' property tax assistance;
2. Education of handicapped children;
3. Forest fire suppression/emergency response;
4. National guard benefits;
5. Communicable disease control;
6. Maternal child health services;
7. Welfare administration;
8. Welfare field services;
9. Aid to families with dependent children;
10. Assistance to aged and blind;
11. Nevada Medicaid;
12. Employment and training program;
13. Youth community services;
14. Pensions of justices, judges and widows; and
15. Attorney general's special litigation account,
are available for both fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999, and may be transferred from one fiscal year to the other with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The money appropriated for the support of pensions of justices, judges and widows is available in both fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999, and may be transferred from one fiscal year to the other with the approval of the interim finance committee.
Sec. 31. 1. The sums appropriated to the legislative fund by section 10 of this act for the support of the legislative commission, the various divisions of the legislative counsel bureau and legislative interim operations are available for both fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999, and may be transferred among the legislative commission, the various divisions of the legislative counsel bureau and the legislative interim operations and from one fiscal year to another with the approval of the legislative commission upon the recommendation of the director of the legislative counsel bureau.
2. The sums appropriated for the support of salaries and payroll costs must be applied pursuant to the budget approved by the legislature notwithstanding the provisions of NRS 281.123.
Sec. 32. The total amounts appropriated in section 19 of this act to each of the accounts of the health care financing and policy division and the welfare division enumerated in section 30 of this act, except for the amounts appropriated for the assistance to the aged and blind program, the Welfare administration account, Welfare field services account and except as otherwise provided in this section, are limits. The divisions shall not request additional money for these programs, except for:
1. Increased state costs in the event that federal financial participation rates are reduced from those in effect on July 1, 1997;
2. Costs related to additional services mandated by the Federal Government on or after October 1, 1997, and not specifically funded in the Nevada Medicaid account in fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999; or
3. An amount not to exceed $565,000 in the aid to families with dependent children budget for unanticipated costs associated with caseload growth and/or to implement requirements of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
Sec. 33. The sums appropriated to the welfare division by section 19 of this act may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the welfare division with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 34. Pursuant to Senate Bill No. 427 of this session, the director of the Department of Human Resources may request approval of the Interim Finance Committee to transfer from the Nevada Medicaid budget, the appropriation approved for the elder protective services for FY 1997-98 and FY 1998-99, to a division or divisions within the department designated to administer the program. The amount of the appropriation eligible for transfer shall be limited to the personnel costs and operational costs of the elder protective services program as specifically identified in the Medicaid budget as recommended by the Governor and approved by the 1997 legislature.
Sec. 35. The sums appropriated to the Department of Prisons by section 21 of this act may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the Department of Prisons with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor.
Sec. 36. 1. The sums appropriated to the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety by section 25 of this act for the support of payment to the public safety information services section may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety, as enumerated in section 25 of this act, for the support of payment to the public safety information services section with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The amount transferred between accounts is limited to the total amount appropriated for payments to the public safety information services section.
2. The sums appropriated to the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety by section 27 of this act for the support of payment to the public safety information services section may be transferred among the various budget accounts of the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety, as enumerated in section 27 of this act, for the support of payment to the public safety information services section with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The amount transferred between accounts is limited to the total amount appropriated for payments to the public safety information services section.
3. The sums appropriated in section 27 of this act to the registration division, driver's license division and the motor carrier account may be transferred, upon the recommendation of the Governor and the approval of the interim finance committee, to the field services account to fund staffing required to implement the recommendations of the business process re-engineering report dated May 16, 1996, and the preliminary organizational structure dated April 16, 1997.
Sec. 37. The sums appropriated to any division, agency or section of any department of state government for the support of salaries and payroll costs may be transferred to any other division, bureau, agency or section of the same department for the support of salaries and payroll costs with the approval of the interim finance committee upon the recommendation of the Governor. The amount transferred into a budget account is limited to the amount budgeted for vacancy savings, and such transfers are also limited only to those activities which are supported by state general fund or highway fund appropriations.
Sec. 38. In addition to the requirements of NRS 353.225, for the fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999, the board of regents of the University of Nevada shall comply with any request by the Governor to set aside from the appropriations made by this act in any specified amount.
Sec. 39. There is hereby appropriated $67,570 from the state general fund to the public employees' retirement board to be expended for the administration of the legislators' retirement system for the period July 1, 1997, through June 30, 1999.
Sec. 40. 1. Except as otherwise provided in section 51 of this act, unencumbered balances of the appropriations made in this act for the fiscal years 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 must not be committed for expenditure after June 30 of each fiscal year. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, unencumbered balances of these appropriations revert to the fund from which appropriated.
2. Any encumbered balance of the appropriations made to the legislative fund by section 10 of this act does not revert to the state general fund but constitutes a balance carried forward.
Sec. 41. If any claims which are payable and properly approved exceed the amount available in the Department of Prisons' warehouse account, the state controller may temporarily transfer, upon the recommendation of the director of the Department of administration, from the appropriations made in section 21 of this act for the Department of Prisons such amount as may be required to pay the claims but not exceeding a total of $4,000,000.
Sec. 42. The state controller shall provide for the payment of claims legally obligated in each fiscal year on behalf of state agencies until the last Friday of the August immediately following the end of each fiscal year.
Sec. 43. The state controller shall transfer among the appropriate accounts and funds the amounts necessary to carry out the budget approved by the legislature, and the amounts so transferred shall be deemed appropriated.
Sec. 44. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the legislative fund, created pursuant to NRS 218.085, the sum of $1,300,000.
Sec. 45. 1. There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund to the state printing division of the Department of administration, the sum of $450,000 for the purchase of a printing press.
2. Commencing on June 30, 1999, the state printing division of the Department of administration shall repay in annual installments to the state treasurer for deposit to the state general fund an amount equal to ten percent of the total cost of the printing press funded in subsection 1 with simple interest of six percent.
Sec. 46. 1. If the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources determines that, because of delays in the receipt of revenue for services billed to the Federal Government, local governments and other state governments, the amount of current claims for expenses incurred in the suppression of fire or response to emergencies exceeds the amount of money available to pay such claims within 30 days, he may request from the director of the Department of administration a temporary advance from the state general fund to pay authorized expenses.
2. The director of the Department of administration shall notify the state controller and the fiscal analysis division of the legislative counsel bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The state controller shall draw his warrant upon receipt of such notification.
3. An advance from the state general fund:
(a) May be approved by the director of the Department of administration only for expenses incurred in the suppression of fires or response to emergencies charged to the budget account for forest fire suppression/emergency response of the division of forestry of the state department of conservation and natural resources. Before approving the advance, the director shall verify that billings for reimbursement have been sent to the agencies of the Federal Government, local governments or other state governments responsible for reimbursing the division of forestry for costs incurred in fire suppression or emergency response activities.
(b) Is limited to the total due from outstanding billings for reimbursable expenses incurred in the suppression of fires or response to emergencies as approved for payment to the state by agencies of the Federal Government, local governments, and other state governments.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the state general fund to the budget account for forest fire suppression/emergency response pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last Friday in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 47. 1. If the Governor orders the Nevada National Guard into active duty as described in NRS 412.122 for an emergency as described in NRS 353.263 and the adjutant general of the Nevada National Guard determines expenditures will be required, then he may request from the chief of the Department of administration of the Department of administration a temporary advance from the state general fund for the payment of authorized expenses.
2. The chief of the Budget Division of the Department of administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau of the approval of a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The State Controller shall draw his warrant upon receipt of the approval by the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration.
3. An advance from the state general fund:
(a) Must be approved by the chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration for expenses incurred as a result of activation of the Nevada National Guard.
(b) Is limited to $25,000 per activation as described in subsection 1.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the state general fund to an account pursuant to subsection 3 must be repaid as soon as possible, and must come from the emergency account established under NRS 353.263.
Sec. 48. 1. If the director of the state Department of Prisons determines that, because of delays in the receipt of revenue for services billed to the Federal Government, for housing illegal aliens, he may request from the Director of the Department of Administration a temporary advance from the state general fund to pay authorized expenses.
2. The director of the Department of Administration shall notify the State Controller and the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau if he approves a request made pursuant to subsection 1. The state controller shall draw his warrant upon receipt of such notification.
3. An advance from the state general fund may be approved by the director of the Department of Administration, is limited to the total due from outstanding billings to the Federal Government for costs related to the housing of illegal aliens and shall not exceed $2,000,000, per fiscal year.
4. Any money which is temporarily advanced from the state general fund to the Department of Prisons pursuant to this section must be repaid on or before the last Friday in August immediately following the end of the fiscal year.
Sec. 49. 1. If projections of the ending balance of the state general fund fall below the amount estimated by the 1997 legislature for fiscal year 1997-1998 or 1998-1999, the chief of the Budget Division of the Department of administration shall report this information to the state board of examiners.
2. If the state board of examiners determines that the ending balance of the state general fund is projected to be less than $40,000,000 for fiscal year 1997-1998 or 1998-1999, the Governor, pursuant to NRS 353.225, may direct the Chief of the Budget Division to require the State Controller or the head of each department, institution or agency to set aside a reserve of not more than 15 percent of the total amount of operating expenses or other appropriations and money otherwise available to such department, institution or agency.
3. A reserve must not be set aside pursuant to this section unless:
(a) The Governor, on behalf of the state board of examiners, submits a report to the legislature, or if the legislature is not in session, to the interim finance committee, stating the reasons why a reserve is needed and indicating each department, institution or agency that will be required to set aside a reserve; and
(b) The legislature or the interim finance committee approves setting aside of the reserve.
Sec. 50. If the State of Nevada is required to make payment to the United States Treasury under the provisions of Public Law 101-453, the Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990, the state controller, upon approval of the State Board of Examiners, may make such payments from the interest earnings of the state general fund or interest earnings in other funds when interest on federal money has been deposited in those funds.
Sec. 51. 1. Of the sums appropriated to the Nevada council on the arts by section 18 of this act, the following amounts must be used to support the challenge grants program:
Fiscal year 1997-98 $105,246
Fiscal year 1998-99 $105,246
2. Any amounts provided to support the challenge grant program as provided by this section which are not committed for expenditure by June 30 of each fiscal year may be carried forward for a maximum of 2 fiscal years after which time any unexpended amounts revert to the state general fund. If a challenge grant project is completed in less than 3 fiscal years, any unexpended money must not be reallocated and reverts to the state general fund at the close of the fiscal year.
3. All money appropriated by section 18 of this act other than the sums designated in subsection 1 to support the challenge grant program is subject to the provisions of section 40 of this act.
Sec. 52. Of the sums appropriated to the department of education by section 15 for school improvement programs, $2,000,000 shall be transferred each fiscal year to the fund for school careers program to be distributed among eligible applicants and used only for the purposes for which that fund was established.
Sec. 53. 1. Any funds appropriated from the highway fund in section 27 for transportation-related functions of the Public Service Commission of Nevada may be transferred to the Transportation Services Authority created pursuant to legislation enacted by the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature.
2. Before October 1, 1997, the Public Service Commission of Nevada must submit to the Governor for his approval and for the approval of the Interim Finance Committee the proposed transfers of funding as referenced in subsection 1.
Sec. 54. 1. This section and section 44 of this act become effective on June 30, 1997.
2. Section 45 of this act becomes effective on July 1, 1998.
3. The remaining sections of this act become effective on July 1, 1997.