Assembly Bill No. 633-Committee on Transportation

(On Behalf of the Nevada Association of
Automotive Service Professionals)

June 21, 1997

Referred to Committee on Transportation

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing liens. (BDR 43-1724)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to liens; revising provisions governing liens on abandoned vehicles; making various changes concerning the priority of certain liens; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 487.270 is hereby amended to read as follows:
487.270 1. Whenever a vehicle has been removed to a garage or other place as provided by NRS 487.230, the owner of the garage or the automobile wrecker who towed the vehicle has a lien on the vehicle for the costs of towing and storing for a period not exceeding 90 days.
2. If the vehicle is appraised at a value of $500 or less and is not reclaimed within the period prescribed in NRS 487.250, the owner of the garage or automobile wrecker may satisfy his lien by retaining the vehicle and obtaining a certificate of ownership thereto or a certificate of dismantling as provided in NRS 487.250.
3. If the vehicle is appraised at a value of more than $500 and is not reclaimed within [90] 45 days, the owner of the garage or automobile wrecker may satisfy his lien, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 108.265 to 108.360, inclusive.
Sec. 2 NRS 108.290 is hereby amended to read as follows:
108.290 1. If property that is the subject of a lien which is acquired as provided in NRS 108.270 to 108.360, inclusive, is the subject of a secured transaction [,] in accordance with the laws of this state, the lien:
(a) In the case of a lien acquired pursuant to NRS 108.315, is a first lien; and
(b) In all other cases, if the amount of the lien:
(1) Does not exceed [$750,] $1,500, is a first lien.
(2) Exceeds [$750,] $1,500, is a second lien.
2. The lien of a landlord may not exceed $2,000 or the total amount due and unpaid for rentals and utilities, whichever is the lesser.
Sec. 3 The amendatory provisions of this act do not apply to a lien that attaches before October 1, 1997.