Assembly Bill No. 629-Committee on Infrastructure

(On Behalf of the City of Las Vegas)

June 21, 1997

Referred to Committee on Infrastructure

SUMMARY--Authorizes creation of local improvement district for street beautification project. (BDR 21-688)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to local improvements; authorizing the creation of a local improvement district for a street beautification project; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Chapter 271 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto the provisions set forth as sections 2 and 3 of this act.
Sec. 2 "Street beautification project" means the beautification of any street, including median strips, pedestrian malls, covered walkways or areas, water distribution and irrigation systems, retaining walls, landscaping, tree planting, shrubbery, foliage, fountains, waterfalls, decorative structures, benches, information booths, restrooms, signs and other structures and the reconstruction and relocation of existing municipally owned works, improvements or facilities on such streets, whether or not performed in conjunction with a street project or offstreet parking project, or both.
Sec. 3 1. On or before June 30 of each year after the creation of a district for a street beautification project, the governing body shall prepare and approve an estimate of the costs required during the next fiscal year and a proposed assessment roll assessing an amount not in excess of those estimated costs against the benefited property.
2. A public hearing must be conducted on the estimate of costs for the next year and the assessment roll. Notice of the hearing must be given, and the hearing conducted, in the manner described in NRS 271.380 and 271.385. The proposed assessments must not exceed the estimated amount specified in the original assessment plat unless a new hearing, after published and mailed notice, is held in the manner described in NRS 271.305, 271.306 and 271.310.
3. After the public hearing on the assessment roll, the governing body shall, by resolution or ordinance, confirm the assessments as specified in the roll or as modified.
4. The assessments must be due over a period of 1 year after the effective date of the resolution or ordinance confirming the assessments. The assessments may be made payable at one time or in two or more installments over that period. Interest may not be charged on an assessment or installment paid when due.
Sec. 4 NRS 271.265 is hereby amended to read as follows:
271.2651. The governing body of a county, city or town, upon behalf of the municipality and in its name, without any election, may from time to time acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain, within or without the municipality, or both within and without the municipality:
(a) A curb and gutter project;
(b) A drainage project;
(c) An offstreet parking project;
(d) An overpass project;
(e) A park project;
(f) A sanitary sewer project;
(g) A security wall;
(h) A sidewalk project;
(i) A storm sewer project;
(j) A street project;
(k) A street beautification project;
(l) A transportation project;
[(l)] (m) An underpass project;
[(m)] (n) A water project; and
[(n)] (o) Any combination of such projects.
2. In addition to the power specified in subsection 1, the governing body of a city having a commission form of government as defined in NRS 267.010, upon behalf of the municipality and in its name, without any election, may from time to time acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain, within or without the municipality, or both within and without the municipality:
(a) An electrical project;
(b) A telephone project;
(c) A combination of an electrical project and a telephone project;
(d) A combination of an electrical project or a telephone project with any of the projects (or any combination thereof) specified in subsection 1; and
(e) A combination of an electrical project and a telephone project with any of the projects (or any combination thereof) specified in subsection 1.
Sec. 5 NRS 271.280 is hereby amended to read as follows:
271.2801. Whenever the governing body is of the opinion that the interest of the municipality requires any project, the governing body, by resolution, shall direct the engineer to prepare, or may, after he has prepared, ratify:
(a) Preliminary plans showing:
(1) A typical section of the contemplated improvement.
(2) The type or types of material, approximate thickness and wideness.
(3) A preliminary estimate of the cost of the project, including incidental costs.
(b) An assessment plat showing:
(1) The area to be assessed.
(2) [The] Except as otherwise provided in section 3 of this act, the amount of maximum benefits estimated to be assessed against each tract in the assessment area.
The governing body is not required to employ the services of an appraiser to estimate or to assist the engineer in estimating the benefits to be derived from the project.
2. The resolution or ratification may provide for one or more types of construction, and the engineer shall separately estimate the cost of each type of construction. The estimate may be made in a lump sum or by unit prices, as the engineer determines is most desirable for the improvement complete in place.
3. The resolution or document ratified must describe the project in general terms.
4. The resolution or document ratified must state:
(a) What part or portion of the expense of the project is of special benefit and therefore is to be paid by assessments.
(b) What part, if any, has been or is proposed to be defrayed with money derived from other than the levy of assessments.
(c) The basis by which the cost will be apportioned and assessments levied.
5. If the assessment is not to be made according to front feet, the resolution or document ratified must:
(a) By apt description designate the improvement district, including the tracts to be assessed.
(b) Describe definitely the location of the project.
(c) State that the assessment is to be made upon all the tracts benefited by the project proportionately to the benefits received.
6. If the assessment is to be upon the abutting property upon a frontage basis, it is sufficient for the resolution or document ratified so to state and to define the location of the project to be made.
7. It is not necessary in any case to describe minutely in the resolution or document ratified each particular tract to be assessed, but simply to designate the property, improvement district or the location, so that the various parts to be assessed can be ascertained and determined to be within or without the proposed improvement district.
8. The engineer shall forthwith prepare and file with the clerk:
(a) The preliminary plans; and
(b) The assessment plat.
9. Upon the filing of the plans and plat, they must be examined by the governing body. If the plans and plat are found to be satisfactory, the governing body shall make a provisional order by resolution to the effect that the project will be acquired or improved, or both acquired and improved.
Sec. 6 NRS 271.306 is hereby amended to read as follows:
271.3061. Regardless of the basis used for apportioning assessments, the amount apportioned to a wedge or V or any other irregularly shaped tract must be in proportion to the special benefits thereby derived.
2. [If,] Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, if, within the time specified in the notice, complaints, protests and objections in writing, that is, all written remonstrances, against acquiring or improving the project proposed by initiation of the governing body are filed with the clerk, signed by the owners of tracts constituting a majority of the frontage, of the area, of the zone, or of the other basis for the computation of assessments, as the case may be, of the tracts to be assessed in the improvement district or in the assessment unit if the improvement district is divided into assessment units, the project therein must not be acquired or improved unless:
(a) The municipality pays one-half or more of the total cost of the project, other than a park project, with money derived from other than the levy of assessments; or
(b) The project constitutes not more than 2,640 feet, including intersections, remaining unimproved in any street, including an alley, between improvements already made to either side of the same street or between improvements already made to intersecting streets. In this case the governing body may on its own motion cause the intervening and unimproved part of the street to be improved. Such improvements will not be stayed or defeated or prevented by written complaints, protests and objections thereto, unless the governing body in its sole discretion, deems such written complaints, protests and objections proper to cause the improvement to be stayed or prevented.
3. Written remonstrances by the owners of tracts constituting 40 percent of the basis for the computation of assessments suffice to preclude the acquisition or improvement of a street beautification project.
Sec. 7 NRS 271.485 is hereby amended to read as follows:
271.4851. Any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter may be sold in such a manner as may be approved by the governing body to defray the cost of the project, including all proper incidental expenses. The governing body may issue a single issue of bonds to defray the costs of projects in two or more improvement districts if the principal amount of those bonds does not exceed the total uncollected assessments levied in each improvement district.
2. Bonds must be sold in the manner prescribed in NRS 350.105 to 350.195, inclusive:
(a) For not less than the principal amount thereof and accrued interest thereon; or
(b) At the option of the governing body, below par at a discount not exceeding 9 percent of the principal amount and except as otherwise provided in NRS 271.487 and 271.730, at a price which will not result in an effective interest rate which exceeds by more than 3 percent the Index of Twenty Bonds which was most recently published before the bids are received or a negotiated offer is accepted if the maximum or any lesser amount of discount permitted by the governing body has been capitalized as a cost of the project.
3. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 271.487 and 271.730, the rate of interest of the bonds must not at any time exceed the rate of interest, or lower or lowest rate if more than one, borne by the special assessments, but any rate of interest of the bonds may be the same as or less than any rate of interest of the assessment, subject to the limitation provided in subsection 2, as the governing body may determine.
4. The governing body may employ legal, fiscal, engineering and other expert services in connection with any project authorized by this chapter and the authorization, issuance and sale of bonds.
5. Any accrued interest and any premium must be applied to the payment of the interest on or the principal of the bonds, or both interest and principal.
6. Any unexpended balance of the proceeds of the bond remaining after the completion of the project for which the bonds were issued must be paid immediately into the fund created for the payment of the principal of the bonds and must be used therefor, subject to the provisions as to the times and methods for their payment as stated in the bonds and the proceedings authorizing their issuance.
7. The validity of the bonds must not be dependent on nor affected by the validity or regularity of any proceedings relating to the acquisition or improvement of the project for which the bonds are issued.
8. A purchaser of the bonds is not responsible for the application of the proceeds of the bonds by the municipality or any of its officers, agents and employees.
9. The governing body may enter into a contract to sell special assessment bonds at any time but, if the governing body so contracts before it awards a construction contract or otherwise contracts for acquiring or improving the project, the governing body may terminate the contract to sell the bonds, if:
(a) Before awarding the construction contract or otherwise contracting for the acquisition or improvement of the project, it determines not to acquire or improve the project; and
(b) It has not elected to proceed pursuant to subsection 2 or 3 of NRS 271.330, but has elected to proceed pursuant to subsection 1 of that section.
10. If the governing body ceases to have jurisdiction to proceed, because the requisite proportion of owners of [more than one-half of] the frontage to be assessed, or of [such] the area, zone or other [assessment basis,] basis of assessment, file written complaints, protests and objections to the project, as provided in NRS 271.306, or for any other reason, any contract to sell special assessment bonds is terminated and becomes inoperative.