Assembly Bill No. 608-Committee on Government Affairs



AN ACT relating to metropolitan police departments; providing for the representation of an employee of a department by a person of the employee's own choosing at a hearing or other proceeding conducted by the civil service board of the department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved July 11, 1997]


Section 1. NRS 280.310 is hereby amended to read as follows:
280.310 1. Each department shall have a system of civil service, applicable to and governing all employees of the department except elected officers and such other positions as designated by the committee.
2. The system of civil service must be governed by a board composed of five civil service trustees appointed by the committee. Upon creation of the board, the committee shall appoint one trustee for a term of 2 years, two trustees for terms of 3 years and two trustees for terms of 4 years. Thereafter the terms of all trustees [serve for terms of] are 4 years.
3. The members of the board may administer any oath or affirmation necessary in discharging its duties. The board may issue subpoenas in the discharge of its duties in the same manner as a subpoena is issued in a civil action.
4. The board shall prepare regulations governing the system of civil service to be adopted by the committee. The regulations must provide for:
(a) Examination of potential employees;
(b) Recruitment and placement procedures;
(c) Classification of positions;
(d) Procedures for promotion, disciplinary actions and removal of employees; and
(e) Such other matters as the board may consider necessary.
5. Copies of the regulations of the system of civil service must be distributed to all employees of the department.
6. The sheriff shall designate a personnel officer to administer the personnel functions of the department according to the policies and regulations of the board, including , but not limited to , the items enumerated in subsection 4.
7. In any hearing or other proceeding conducted by the board, an employee of the department may represent himself or be represented by any person of the employee's own choosing.