Assembly Bill No. 570-Committee on Infrastructure

(On Behalf of Washoe County)

June 7, 1997

Referred to Committee on Infrastructure

SUMMARY--Authorizes creation of assessment districts for maintenance of landscaping, security walls and public lighting. (BDR 21-680)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to governmental services; providing for the creation of assessment districts for the maintenance of landscaping, security walls and public lighting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Title 21 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new chapter to consist of the provisions set forth as sections 2 to 101, inclusive, of this act.
Sec. 2 This chapter applies:
1. To any unincorporated town.
2. To any city, including Carson City, whether incorporated or governed under a general act, special legislative act or special charter, enacted, adopted or granted pursuant to section 1 or 8 of article 8 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, or otherwise.
3. To any county for any project outside of any city.
4. To a county for a project or benefited property within the boundaries of a city, if the city within whose boundaries the project or benefited property is located consents to the exercise of powers under this chapter within its boundaries, in an interlocal agreement entered into pursuant to NRS 277.045 to 277.180, inclusive.
5. To a city for a project or benefited property outside the boundaries of the city, if the county or other city within whose boundaries the project or benefited property is located consents to the exercise of powers under this chapter within its boundaries, in an interlocal agreement entered into pursuant to NRS 277.045 to 277.180, inclusive.
Sec. 3 It is hereby declared as a matter of legislative determination:
1. That providing for municipalities to which this chapter appertains the purposes, powers, duties, rights, disabilities, privileges, liabilities and immunities provided in this chapter serves a public use and promotes the health, safety, prosperity, security and general welfare of the inhabitants thereof and of the State of Nevada.
2. That the creation of a maintenance district pursuant to this chapter is in the public interest, is conducive to the public welfare, and constitutes a part of the established and permanent policy of the State of Nevada.
3. That the necessity for this chapter is a result of the large population growth and intense residential, commercial and industrial development in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of portions of the state and of the ensuing need for maintenance of the lighting and landscaping of common areas after the developer of an area has sold all lots in the area.
4. That the legislature recognizes the duty of municipalities as instruments of state government to meet adequately the needs for such maintenance within their boundaries, in cooperation with the state, counties and districts within the state.
5. That for the accomplishment of these purposes, the provisions of this chapter must be broadly construed, and the rule that statutes in derogation of the common law are to be strictly construed shall have no application to this chapter.
6. That the notices provided for in this chapter are reasonably calculated to inform each interested person of his legally protected rights.
7. That the rights and privileges granted and the duties, disabilities and liabilities provided in this chapter comply in all respects with any requirement or limitation imposed by any constitutional provision.
Sec. 4 Except for an action or decision made conclusive by a provision of this chapter, the action and decision of a municipality's governing body as to all matters passed upon by it in relation to any action, matter or thing provided in this chapter is, in the absence of fraud, prima facie evidence of its correctness.
Sec. 5 As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in sections 6 to 34, inclusive, of this act have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.
Sec. 6 "Assessable property" means the tracts of land specially benefited by any project the cost of which is wholly or partly defrayed by the municipality by the levy of assessments, except:
1. Any tract owned by the Federal Government, in the absence of its consent to the assessment, or the municipality.
2. Any street or other public right of way.
Sec. 7 "Assessment" or "assess" means a special assessment, or the levy thereof, against any tract specially benefited by any project, to defray wholly or in part the cost of the project, which assessment must be made on a front foot, zone, area or other equitable basis, as may be determined by the governing body, but in no event may any assessment exceed the estimated maximum special benefits to the tract assessed or its reasonable market value, as determined by the governing body, as provided in section 59 of this act.
Sec. 8 "Assessment lien" means a lien on a tract created by ordinance of the municipality to secure the payment of an assessment levied against that tract, as provided in section 72 of this act.
Sec. 9 "Assessment unit" means a unit or quasi-maintenance district designated by the governing body for the purpose of petition, remonstrance and assessment, in the case of a combination of projects pursuant to section 42 of this act.
Sec. 10 "Clerk" means the city clerk, county clerk, secretary or other officer of the municipality to whom is delegated by law general the responsibility for the maintenance of the records of the municipality.
Sec. 11 "Cost," or "cost of the project," or words of similar import, means all or any part designated by the governing body of the cost of creating the district, determining the assessments and performing the required maintenance, which cost, at the option of the governing body may include all or any part of the incidental costs pertaining to the project, including, without limiting, the generality of the foregoing, preliminary expenses advanced by the municipality from money available for use therefor in the making of surveys, preliminary plans, estimates of cost, assessment plats, other preliminaries, the costs of appraising, printing, employing engineers, architects, fiscal agents, attorneys at law, clerical help, other agents or employees, costs of making, publishing, posting, mailing and otherwise giving any notice in connection with the project, the levy of assessments, the filing or recordation of instruments, the levy and collection of assessments and installments thereof, and all other expenses necessary or desirable and appertaining to any project, as estimated or otherwise ascertained by the governing body.
Sec. 12 "County" means any county in the state and where the context so indicates, "county" means the geographical area comprising the county.
Sec. 13 "County assessor" means the county assessor of the county in which the municipality is located and if the municipality is located in more than one county, "county assessor" means each county assessor of each county in which such municipality is located.
Sec. 14 "Drainage" means any natural and artificial watercourses, wells, ditches, lakes, reservoirs, revetments, canals, levees, dikes, walls, embankments, bridges, sewers, culverts, syphons, sluices, flumes, ponds, dams, retarding basins, and other water diversion and storage facilities, pumping stations, stream gauges, rain gauges, flood warning service and appurtenant telephone, telegraph, radio and television service, and all appurtenances and incidentals necessary, useful or desirable for any such facilities, or any combination thereof, including real and other property.
Sec. 15 "Engineer" means the municipal engineer, any competent engineer or firm of engineers or other person appropriate for the specific project employed by the municipality in connection with any project authorized by this chapter.
Sec. 16 "Equipment" or "equip" means the furnishing of all necessary or desirable, related or appurtenant facilities, or any combination thereof, appertaining to any project authorized by this chapter.
Sec. 17 "Federal Government" means the United States of America, or any agency, instrumentality or corporation thereof.
Sec. 18 1. "Governing body" means the city council, city commission, board of county commissioners, board of trustees, board of directors, board of supervisors or other legislative body of the public body proceeding hereunder in which body the legislative powers of the public body are vested.
2. In the case of an unincorporated town, "governing body" means the board of county commissioners or, if appropriate, the town board.
Sec. 19 "Landscaping" means trees, shrubs, grass and other ornamentation, natural or artificial, and includes drainage.
Sec. 20 "Mailed notice" or "notice by mail" means the giving by the engineer, clerk, or any deputy thereof, as determined by the governing body, of any designated written or printed notice addressed to the last known owner or owners of each tract being assessed or other designated person at his or their last known address or addresses by deposit, at least 20 days before the designated hearing or other time or event, in the United States mail, postage prepaid as first-class mail. The names and addresses of such property owners must be obtained from the records of the county assessor or from such other source or sources as the clerk or the engineer deems reliable. Any list of such names and addresses appertaining to any maintenance district may be revised from time to time, but such a list need not be revised more frequently than at 12-month intervals. The mailing of any notice required by this chapter must be verified by the affidavit or certificate of the engineer, clerk, the deputy, or other person mailing the notice, which verification must be retained in the records of the municipality at least until all assessments appertaining thereto have been paid in full, or any claim is barred by a statute of limitations. Such affidavit of mailing is prima facie evidence of the mailing of the notice in accordance with the requirements of this section.
Sec. 21 "Maintenance district" means the geographical area within the municipality designated and delineated by the governing body, in which the landscaping security wall or public lighting, or any combination thereof, are located, the cost of the maintenance of which is to be defrayed wholly or in part by the levy of special assessments, and in which each tract to be assessed therefor is located. A maintenance district may consist of noncontiguous areas. Maintenance districts must be designated by consecutive numbers or in some other manner to identify separately each such district in the municipality.
Sec. 22 "Member" means a councilman, alderman, commissioner, trustee, director or other member of a governing body.
Sec. 23 1. "Municipality" means a county, unincorporated town or city in the state, including Carson City, whether incorporated or governed under a general act, special legislative act or special charter of any type or other political subdivision to which this chapter applies. Where the context so indicates, "municipality" means the geographical area comprising the municipality.
2. The term does not include an irrigation district or other special district governed by Title 48 of NRS.
Sec. 24 "Posting" means posting in three public places at or near the site of the project designated at least 20 days prior to the designated hearing or other time or event.
Sec. 25 "Project" means the landscaping, security wall or public lighting, or combination thereof, to be maintained through the maintenance district.
Sec. 26 "Property" means real property and personal property.
Sec. 27 "Public body" means the State of Nevada, or any agency, instrumentality, or corporation thereof, or any municipality, school district, other type district, or any other subdivision of the state, excluding the Federal Government.
Sec. 28 "Publication" or "publish" means publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the municipality and published at least once a week. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter or necessarily implied, "publication" or "publish" also means publication for at least once a week for 3 consecutive weeks by 3 weekly insertions, the first publication being at least 15 days before the designated time or event. Unless otherwise so stated, it is not necessary that publication be made on the same day of the week in each of the 3 calendar weeks, but not less than 14 days must intervene between the first publication and the last publication. Any publication required in this chapter must be verified by the affidavit of the publisher and filed with the clerk.
Sec. 29 "Public lighting" means works or improvements used or useful in lighting a street, sidewalk or other place used for a public purpose.
Sec. 30 "Real property" means:
1. Land, including land under water.
2. Buildings, structures, fixtures and improvements on land.
3. Any property appurtenant to or used in connection with land.
4. Every estate, interest, privilege, easement, franchise and right in land, legal or equitable, including, without limiting, the generality of the foregoing, rights of way, terms for years, and liens, charges or encumbrances by way of judgment, mortgage or otherwise, and the indebtedness secured by such liens.
Sec. 31 "Security wall" means any wall composed of stone, brick, concrete, concrete blocks, masonry or similar building material, together with footings, pilasters, outriggers, grillwork, gates and other appurtenances, constructed around the perimeter of a residential subdivision with respect to which a final map has been recorded pursuant to NRS 278.360 to 278.460, inclusive, to protect the several tracts in the subdivision and their occupants from vandalism.
Sec. 32 "Special benefit" means the increase in the market value of a tract that is directly attributable to a project for which an assessment is made as determined by the local government that made the assessment. The term may include incidental costs of the project as determined by the local government.
Sec. 33 "Tract" means any tract, lot or other parcel of land for assessment purposes, whether platted or unplatted, regardless of lot or land lines. Lots, plots, blocks and other subdivisions may be designated in accordance with any recorded plat thereof. All lands, platted and unplatted, must be designated by a definite description. For all purposes of this chapter, any tract which is assessable property in an maintenance district may be legally described pursuant to NRS 361.189.
Sec. 34 "Treasurer" means the city treasurer, county treasurer, or other officer of the municipality to whom is delegated by law general responsibility for the maintenance of the money of the municipality.
Sec. 35 For the purpose of computing any period of time prescribed in this chapter, including, but not limited to, publications, the day of the first publication, other act or designated time must be excluded, and the day of the last publication, other act or designated time must be included.
Sec. 36 The governing body of a county, city or town, upon behalf of the municipality and in its name, without any election, may within or without the municipality, or both within and without the municipality, provide for the maintenance of the landscaping of the common areas, the security wall or public lighting, or any combination thereof, of a residential subdivision, commercial area or industrial park.
Sec. 37 The governing body of any municipality, upon behalf of the municipality and in its name, for the purpose of defraying all the cost of a project authorized by this chapter, or any portion of the cost thereof not to be defrayed with money available therefor from the general fund, any special fund, or otherwise, may:
1. Levy assessments against assessable property within the municipality and cause the assessments so levied to be collected.
2. Make all contracts, execute all instruments and do all things necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers granted by this chapter.
Sec. 38 The procedure for creating a maintenance district can be initiated in one of the following ways:
1. Provisional order method; or
2. Petition method.
Sec. 39 1. Whenever the governing body is of the opinion that the interest of the municipality requires any project, the governing body, by resolution, shall direct the engineer to prepare, or may, after he has prepared, ratify:
(a) Preliminary plans showing:
(1) A description of the landscaping, security wall or lighting, or any combination thereof, to be maintained.
(2) A list of the specific maintenance tasks to be performed, including an estimate of frequency of performance of each task.
(3) A preliminary estimate of the annual cost of the project, including incidental costs.
(b) An assessment plat showing:
(1) The area to be assessed.
(2) The amount of maximum benefits estimated to be assessed against each tract in the assessment area.
2. The governing body is not required to employ the services of an appraiser to estimate or to assist the engineer in estimating the benefits to be derived from the project.
3. The resolution or ratification may provide for one or more types of maintenance and the engineer shall separately estimate the cost of each type of maintenance. The estimate may be made in a lump sum or by unit prices, as the engineer determines is most desirable.
4. The resolution or document ratified must describe the project in general terms.
5. The resolution or document ratified must state:
(a) What part or portion of the expense of the project is of special benefit and therefore is to be paid by assessments.
(b) What part, if any, has been or is proposed to be defrayed with money derived from other than the levy of assessments.
(c) The basis by which the cost will be apportioned and assessments levied.
6. If the assessment is not to be made according to front feet, the resolution or document ratified must:
(a) By apt description designate the maintenance district, including the tracts to be assessed.
(b) Describe definitely the location of the project.
(c) State that the assessment is to be made upon all the tracts benefited by the project proportionately to the benefits received.
7. If the assessment is to be upon the abutting property upon a frontage basis, it is sufficient for the resolution or document ratified so to state and to define the location of the project to be made.
8. It is not necessary in any case to describe minutely in the resolution or document ratified each particular tract to be assessed, but simply to designate the property, maintenance district or the location, so that the various parts to be assessed can be ascertained and determined to be within or without the proposed maintenance district.
9. The engineer shall forthwith prepare and file with the clerk:
(a) The preliminary plans; and
(b) The assessment plat.
10. Upon the filing of the plans and plat, they must be examined by the governing body. If the plans and plat are found to be satisfactory, the governing body shall make a provisional order by resolution to the effect that the maintenance district will be created.
Sec. 40 Whenever the owner or owners of land to be assessed for not less than 90 percent of the entire cost of any project, including all incidental expenses, constituting at least 66 2/3 percent in frontage, in area or other property basis used for the computation of assessments as therein provided, as the case may be, by written petition, initiates the creation of a maintenance district which the governing body is authorized to create, subject to the following limitations:
1. The governing body may incorporate the project in any maintenance district or districts.
2. The governing body need not proceed with the project or any part thereof after holding a hearing thereon, pursuant to section 48 of this act, and all provisions thereof thereunto enabling, if the governing body determines that it is not for the public interest that the proposed project, or a part thereof, be then ordered.
3. Any particular kind of project, or any part thereof, need not be included, as provided in the petition, if the governing body determines that it is not for the public interest.
4. The governing body need not take any proceedings or action upon receiving any such petition, if the governing body determines by resolution that the project probably is not feasible for a reason or reasons stated in the resolution, and if the resolution requires a cash deposit or a pledge of property in at least an amount or value therein designated and found therein by the governing body probably to be sufficient to defray the expenses and costs incurred by the municipality taken preliminary to and in the attempted creation of the maintenance district designated in the petition, and if the deposit or pledge is not made with the treasurer within 20 days after one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality of a notice of the resolution's adoption and of its content in summary form. An additional deposit or pledge may from time to time be similarly so required as a condition precedent to the continuation of action by the municipality. Whenever such deposit or pledge is so made and thereafter the governing body determines that the project is not feasible within a reasonable period, the governing body may require that all or any portion of the costs theretofore incurred in connection therewith by the municipality after its receipt of the petition be defrayed from the deposit or the proceeds of the pledged property in the absence of the defrayment of costs by petitioners or other interested persons within 20 days after the determination by resolution of the amount so to be defrayed and after published notice thereof.
Sec. 41 Upon the filing of a petition pursuant to section 40 of this act, the governing body shall proceed in the same manner as is provided in this chapter where proceedings are initiated by the governing body, except as otherwise expressly provided or necessarily implied in section 40 of this act.
Sec. 42 1. More than one project may be combined in one maintenance district when the governing body determines the projects may be combined together in an efficient and economical maintenance district.
2. If in the combination of projects, they are separate and distinct by reason of substantial difference in their character or location, or otherwise, each such project shall be considered as a unit or quasi-maintenance district for the purpose of petition, remonstrance and assessment.
3. In case of such a combination, the governing body shall designate the project and area constituting each such unit, and in the absence of an arbitrary and unreasonable abuse of discretion, its determination that there is or is not such a combination and its determination of the project and area constituting each such unit is final and conclusive.
4. The costs of each such project must be segregated for the levy of assessments and an equitable share of the incidental costs must be allocated to each such unit.
Sec. 43 1. Any estimate of cost required or authorized in this chapter is not a limitation upon the cost nor a limitation upon the rights and powers of the governing body or of any officers, agents or employees of the municipality, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
2. An assessment must not exceed the amount of the estimate of maximum special benefits to the tract assessed from any project.
Sec. 44 1. In the provisional order the governing body shall set a time, at least 20 days thereafter, and a place at which the owners of the tracts to be assessed, or any other interested persons, may appear before the governing body and be heard as to the propriety and advisability of creating the maintenance district or of the project or projects provisionally ordered. If a mobile home park is located on one or more of the tracts to be assessed, the notice must be given to the owner of the tract and each tenant of that mobile home park.
2. Notice must be given:
(a) By publication.
(b) By mail.
(c) By posting.
3. Proof of publication must be by affidavit of the publisher.
4. Proof of mailing and proof of posting must be by affidavit of the engineer, clerk, or any deputy mailing the notice and posting the notice, respectively.
5. Proof of publication, proof of mailing and proof of posting must be maintained in the records of the municipality until all the assessments appertaining to the project have been paid in full, including principal, interest, any penalties, and any collection costs.
6. The notice may be prepared by the engineer and ratified by the governing body, and, except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, must state:
(a) The kind of project proposed.
(b) The estimated cost of the project, and the portion, if any, to be paid from sources other than assessments.
(c) The basis for apportioning the assessments, which assessments must be in proportion to the special benefits derived to each of the several tracts comprising the assessable property and on a front foot, area, zone or other equitable basis.
(d) The number of installments and time in which the assessments will be payable.
(e) The maximum rate of interest on unpaid installments of assessments.
(f) The extent of the maintenance district to be assessed, by boundaries or other brief description.
(g) The time and place of the hearing where the governing body will consider all objections to the project or maintenance district.
(h) That all written objections to the project or maintenance district must be filed with the clerk of the municipality at least 3 days before the time set for the hearing.
(i) That pursuant to section 45 of this act, if a majority of the property owners to be assessed for a project proposed by a governing body, object in writing within the time stated in paragraph (h), the project must not be included in the maintenance district or the maintenance district must not be created.
(j) That the description of the tracts to be assessed, the maximum amount of benefits estimated to be conferred on each such tract and all proceedings in the premises are on file and can be examined at the office of the clerk.
(k) That a person should object to the inclusion of the project in a maintenance district or the creation of the maintenance district using the procedure outlined in the notice if his support for the project or district is based upon a statement or representation concerning the project or district that is not contained in the language of the notice.
(l) That if a person objects to the amount of maximum benefits estimated to be assessed or to the legality of the proposed assessments in any respect:
(1) He is entitled to be represented by counsel at the hearing;
(2) Any evidence he desires to present on these issues must be presented at the hearing; and
(3) Evidence on these issues that is not presented at the hearing may not thereafter be presented in an action brought pursuant to section 49 of this act.
7. All proceedings may be modified or rescinded wholly or in part by resolution adopted by the governing body, or by a document prepared by the engineer and ratified by the governing body, at any time before the passage of the ordinance adopted pursuant to section 51 of this act, creating the maintenance district or authorizing the project.
8. No substantial change in the maintenance district, details, preliminary plans or specifications or estimates may be made after the first publication, posting or mailing of notice to property owners, whichever occurs first, except for the deletion of a portion of a project and property from the proposed program and maintenance district or any assessment unit.
9. The engineer may make minor changes in time, plans and materials entering into the work at any time before its completion.
Sec. 45 1. Regardless of the basis used for apportioning assessments, the amount apportioned to a wedge or V or any other irregularly shaped tract must be in proportion to the special benefits thereby derived.
2. If, within the time specified in the notice, complaints, protests and objections in writing, that is, all written remonstrances, against the project proposed by initiation of the governing body are filed with the clerk, signed by the owners of tracts constituting a majority of the frontage, of the area, of the zone, or of the other basis for the computation of assessments, as the case may be, of the tracts to be assessed in the maintenance district or in the assessment unit if the maintenance district is divided into assessment units, the project must not be included in the maintenance district or the maintenance district must not be created.
Sec. 46 When expressly authorized by a provision of this chapter, the engineer may prepare a document required by this chapter without the prior direction of the governing body, and the governing body may ratify the document by ordinance or resolution upon determining that the document is satisfactory. The determination of the governing body is conclusive.
Sec. 47 1. When expressly authorized by a provision of this chapter, an ordinance required by this chapter may be adopted or amended as if an emergency existed.
2. The governing body's declaration, if any, in any ordinance that it is such an ordinance is conclusive in the absence of fraud or gross abuse of discretion.
3. Such an ordinance may become effective at any time when an emergency ordinance of the municipality may become effective.
4. Such an ordinance may only be adopted by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of all the voting members of the governing body, excluding from any such computation any vacancy on the governing body and any member thereon who may vote only to break a tie vote.
Sec. 48 1. On the date and at the place fixed for the hearing all property owners interested in the project may present their views in respect to the proposed projects to the governing body. The governing body may adjourn the hearing from time to time.
2. After the hearing has been concluded, after all written complaints, protests and objections have been read and considered, and after all persons desiring to be heard in person have been heard, the governing body shall consider the arguments, if any, and any other relevant material put forth, and shall by resolution or ordinance, as the board determines, pass upon the merits of each such complaint, protest or objection.
3. If the governing body determines that it is not for the public interest that the proposed project, or a part of the project, be made, the governing body shall make an order by resolution to that effect, and thereupon the proceedings for the project, or the part of the project determined against by the order, must stop and must not be begun again until the adoption of a new resolution.
4. Any complaint, protest or objection to:
(a) The propriety of the project;
(b) The estimated cost of the project;
(c) The determination concerning the portion of the cost of the project to be paid by assessments;
(d) The method used to estimate the special benefits to be derived from the project generally or by any tract in the assessment area;
(e) The basis established for apportionment of the assessments; or
(f) The regularity, validity and correctness of any other proceedings or instruments taken, adopted or made before the date of the hearing,
shall be deemed waived unless presented in writing at the time and in the manner provided by section 44 of this act.
Sec. 49 1. Any person filing a written complaint, protest or objection as provided in section 44 of this act may, within 30 days after the governing body has finally passed on the complaint, protest or objection by resolution or ordinance as provided in subsection 2 of section 48 of this act, commence an action or suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to correct or set aside the determination, but thereafter all actions or suits attacking the validity of the proceedings and the amount of benefits are perpetually barred.
2. Any person who brings an action pursuant to this section must plead with particularity and prove the facts upon which he relies to establish:
(a) That the estimate of the benefits to be derived from the project or the method used to apportion the cost of the project is fraudulent, arbitrary or unsupported by substantial evidence; or
(b) That any provision of sections 36 to 48, inclusive, of this act has been violated.
Conclusory allegations of fact or law are insufficient to comply with the requirements of this subsection.
3. In any action brought pursuant to this section, judicial review of the proceedings is confined to the record before the governing body. Evidence that has not been presented to the governing body must not be considered by the court.
Sec. 50 1. After the hearing, after the governing body has disposed of all complaints, protests and objections, oral and in writing, and after the governing body has determined that there were not filed with the clerk complaints, protests and objections in writing and signed by the owners of tracts constituting a majority of the frontage, of the area, of the zone, or of the other basis for the computation of assessments stated in the notice, of the tracts to be assessed in the maintenance district or in the assessment unit, if any, and the governing body has jurisdiction to proceed, the governing body shall determine whether to proceed with the maintenance district, and with each assessment unit, if any, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
2. If the governing body desires to proceed and desires any modification, by motion or resolution, it shall direct the engineer to prepare and present to the governing body:
(a) A revised and detailed estimate of the total cost of each proposed project and of each of the incidental costs. The revised estimate does not constitute a limitation for any purpose.
(b) Full and detailed plans and specifications for each proposed project designed to permit and encourage competition among the bidders, if any project is to be maintained pursuant to a contract.
(c) A revised map and assessment plat showing respectively the location of each project and the tracts to be assessed therefor, not including any area or project not before the governing body at a provisional order hearing.
3. That resolution, a separate resolution, or the ordinance creating the maintenance district may combine or divide the proposed project or projects into separate units for the purpose of letting separate and independent contracts, regardless of the extent of any project constituting an assessment unit and regardless of whether a portion or none of the cost of any project is to be defrayed other than by the levy of special assessments. Costs of unrelated projects must be segregated for assessment purposes as provided in this chapter.
Sec. 51 1. When an accurate estimate of cost, full and detailed plans and specifications and map are prepared, are presented and are satisfactory to the governing body, it shall, by resolution, make a determination that:
(a) Public convenience and necessity require the creation of the district; and
(b) The creation of the district is economically sound and feasible.
This determination may be made part of the ordinance creating the district adopted pursuant to subsection 2 and is conclusive in the absence of fraud or gross abuse of discretion.
2. The governing body may, by ordinance, create the district and order the implementation of the maintenance. This ordinance may be adopted and amended as if an emergency existed.
3. The ordinance must prescribe:
(a) The extent of the maintenance district to be assessed, by boundaries or other brief description, and similarly of each assessment unit therein, if any.
(b) The kind and location of each project proposed, without mentioning minor details.
(c) The amount or proportion of the total cost to be defrayed by assessments, the method of levying assessments, the number of installments and the times in which the costs assessed will be payable.
(d) The character and extent of any separate units.
4. The engineer may further revise the cost, plans and specifications and map from time to time for all or any part of any project, and the ordinance must be appropriately amended before letting any contract therefor and before any work being done other than by independent contract let by the municipality.
5. The ordinance, as amended if amended, must order the work to be done as provided in this chapter.
6. Upon adoption or amendment of the ordinance, the governing body shall cause to be filed in the office of the county recorder a certified copy of a list of the tracts to be assessed and the amount of maximum benefits estimated to be assessed against each tract in the assessment area, as shown on the assessment plat as revised and approved by the governing body pursuant to section 50 of this act. Neither the failure to record the list as provided in this subsection nor any defect or omission in the list regarding any parcel or parcels to be included within the district affects the validity of any assessment, the lien for the payment thereof or the priority of that lien.
Sec. 52 The maintenance work for a project must be done in any one or more of the following three ways:
1. By independent contract.
2. By use of municipally owned or leased equipment and municipal officers, agents and employees.
3. By another public body or the Federal Government as authorized by this chapter, which results in general benefits to the municipality and in special benefits to the assessable property being assessed therefor by the municipality within its boundaries.
Sec. 53 1. No contract for doing maintenance work for the project contemplated may be made or awarded, nor may the governing body incur any expense or liability in relation thereto, except for maps, plats, diagrams, estimates, plans, specifications and notices, until after the hearing upon the provisional order and notice thereof required by this chapter have been given and had.
2. This section does not prevent the governing body from advertising by publication for proposals for doing the work whenever the governing body sees fit, but the contract may not be made or awarded before the time stated in subsection 1.
3. In the case of maintenance work done by independent contract for any project, or portion thereof, in any maintenance district, the municipality shall request competitive bids, and proceed thereon.
4. The municipality may waive any irregularity in the form of any bid.
5. Any contract may be let on a lump sum or on a unit basis.
6. No contract may be entered into for such work unless the contractor gives an undertaking with a sufficient surety or sureties approved by the governing body and in an amount fixed by it for the faithful performance of the contract and for payment of the contract.
7. Upon default in the performance of any contract, any designated official, as directed by motion of the governing body, may advertise and relet the remainder of the work without further ordinance or resolution and deduct the cost from the original contract price and recover any excess cost by suit on the original bond, or otherwise.
8. All contracts must provide among other things that the person entering into the contract with the municipality will pay for all materials furnished and labor and services rendered for the performance of the contract, and that any person furnishing the materials or rendering the services may maintain an action to recover for them against the obligor in the undertaking as though the person was named therein.
9. A contract or agreement made in violation of the provisions of this section is voidable, and no action may be maintained thereon by any party thereto against the municipality.
10. To the extent the municipality makes any payment thereunder, such a contract or agreement is valid, and any such payment may be included in any cost defrayed by the levy of assessments, unless the municipality elects to void the contract or agreement in its entirety and to recover any such payment from the party to whom it was made.
11. The governing body, except as expressly limited in this section, may, in the letting of contracts, impose such conditions upon bidders with regard to bonds and securities, and such guaranties of good and faithful performance and completion of any work and providing for any further matter or thing in connection therewith, as may be considered by the governing body to be advantageous to the municipality and to all interested.
Sec. 54 After notice is published by the governing body pursuant to section 44 of this act:
1. In the case of a change in the project as described in subsection 2, the owner of the property that will be assessed for the cost of the additional work may at any time waive in writing:
(a) The requirements of subsection 8 of section 44 of this act and subsection 4 of section 51 of this act;
(b) The requirements regarding notice and hearing of sections 44, 48, 64 and 65 of this act relating to the change; and
(c) The 30-day period for payment provided in section 69 of this act.
Notwithstanding any other requirement set forth in this chapter, the governing body is not required to comply with any provision waived pursuant to this subsection.
2. The governing body may add to an existing contract for maintenance work any additional maintenance which an owner of assessable property requests to be included in a project without further compliance with subsection 3 of section 53 of this act or the provisions of any law requiring competitive bidding on any public contract, project or maintenance work, if the owner who is requesting the additional maintenance agrees in writing that his property will be assessed for the cost of the additional maintenance.
Sec. 55 1. In the case of maintenance work done by the use of municipally owned or leased equipment and municipal officers, agents and employees for any project, or portion thereof, in any maintenance district, supplies and materials may be purchased or otherwise acquired therefor.
2. The municipality shall accept the lowest bid, kind, quality and material being equal, but the municipality has the right to reject any bid, to waive any irregularity in any bid, and to select a single item from any bid when so stated in the invitation to bid.
3. The provision as to bidding does not apply to the purchase of patented and manufactured products offered for sale in a noncompetitive market or solely by a manufacturer's authorized dealer.
Sec. 56 1. In the case of maintenance work done by agreement with one or more public bodies or the Federal Government, or both, for any project, or portion thereof, in any maintenance district, the municipality may enter into and carry out any contract or establish or comply with the rules and regulations concerning labor and materials and other related matters in connection with any project, or portion thereof, as the municipality may deem desirable or as may be requested by the Federal Government or any public body other than the municipality which other public body is a party to any such contract with the municipality, that may assist in the financing of any project or any part thereof, regardless of whether the municipality is a party to any contract appertaining to incurring costs of the project.
2. Any project or projects, any portion of the costs of which may be defrayed by the municipality by the levy of special assessments hereunder, may be acquired with the cooperation and assistance of, or under a contract or contracts let by, or with labor, or supplies and materials, or all of such furnished by, any one or more such public bodies or the Federal Government, or both.
3. Advantage may be taken of any offer from any source for any project or projects on a division of expense or responsibility.
4. The engineer on behalf of and in the name of the municipality is authorized to implement any such project or projects in such a manner, when so authorized by the ordinance creating the maintenance district or any amendment thereto.
Sec. 57 1. The governing body of each municipality which creates a maintenance district may establish a procedure to allow a person whose property will be included within the boundaries of the district to apply for a hardship determination.
2. The procedure must include the referral of applications to an appropriate social services agency within the local government for evaluation. The agency shall consider each application on the basis of ability to pay the assessments attributable to the applicant's property and render a recommendation of approval or disapproval to the governing body.
3. The procedure must include a requirement for renewal of the hardship determination as often as the governing body deems necessary. An application for the renewal of a hardship determination must be treated in a manner that is similar to the evaluation and approval required for an initial determination.
Sec. 58 1. After the making of any contract, or after the determination of the annual net cost to the municipality, and annually thereafter, the governing body, by resolution or by a document prepared by the engineer and ratified by the governing body, shall:
(a) Determine the annual cost of the maintenance for the project to be paid by the assessable property in the maintenance district.
(b) Order the engineer to make out an assessment roll, or ratify his roll already made, containing, among other things:
(1) The name of each last known owner of each tract to be assessed, or if not known, that the name is "unknown."
(2) A description of each tract to be assessed, and the amount of the proposed annual assessment thereon, apportioned upon the basis for assessments stated in the provisional order for the hearing on the project.
(c) Cause a copy of the resolution or ratified document to be furnished by the clerk to the engineer.
2. In fixing the amount or sum of money that may be required to pay the costs of the maintenance for the project, the governing body need not necessarily be governed by the estimates of the costs of the project required by this chapter, but the governing body may fix such other sum, within the limits prescribed, as it may deem necessary to cover the cost of the maintenance for the project.
3. In fixing the costs of the maintenance of the project for the upcoming year, the governing body shall:
(a) Subtract from the costs any money from the current or previous years that is excess attributable to the project; and
(b) Add to the costs any amount paid from money of the municipality as required by sections 74 and 89 of this act.
4. Before ordering the engineer to make out an assessment roll or ratifying his roll already made, the governing body shall consider all applications for hardship determinations and the recommendations made by the social services agency and make a final decision on each application. The governing body shall direct the engineer to postpone the assessments on property for which a hardship determination has been finally approved. A property owner whose hardship determination is approved shall pay interest on the unpaid balance of previous and current assessments at the same rate and terms as are established for other assessments in the manner provided by the governing body. The assessment must remain postponed until the earlier of the following occurrences:
(a) The property is sold or transferred to a person other than one to whom a hardship determination has been granted;
(b) The property owner's application for renewal of the hardship determination is disapproved;
(c) The property owner fails to pay the interest on the unpaid balance of assessments in a timely manner; or
(d) The property owner pays all previous and current assessments.
5. A property owner may pay all previous and current assessments at any time before they become due without penalty.
6. If by mistake or otherwise any person is improperly designated in the assessment roll as the owner of any tract, or if the tract is assessed without the name of the owner, or in the name of a person other than the owner, the assessment must not for that reason be vitiated but is, in all respects, as valid upon and against the tract as though assessed in the name of the owner thereof, and when the assessment roll has been confirmed, the assessment becomes a lien on the tract and must be collected as provided by law.
Sec. 59 1. If the assessment is made upon the basis of frontage, the engineer shall assess each tract with such relative portion of the whole amount to be levied as the length of front of such premises bears to the whole frontage of all the tracts to be assessed, and the frontage of all tracts to be assessed shall be deemed to be the aggregate number of feet as determined upon for assessment by the engineer.
2. If the assessment is directed to be according to another basis, the engineer shall assess upon each tract such relative portion of the whole sum to be levied as is proportionate to the estimated benefit according to such basis.
3. Regardless of the basis used, in cases of wedge or V or any other irregularly shaped tracts, an amount apportioned thereto must be in proportion to the special benefits thereby derived.
4. An assessment must not exceed the amount of the estimate of maximum special benefits to the tract assessed, as provided in subsection 2 of section 43 of this act.
5. An assessment for any one project must not exceed the reasonable market value of the tract assessed, as determined by the governing body.
6. Any amount which would be assessed against any tract in the absence of both limitations provided in subsections 4 and 5 must be defrayed by other than the levy of assessments.
Sec. 60 Unless the board of trustees of the district consents to the assessment, all property owned and used by a school district is exempt from any assessment made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Sec. 61 Because the protection afforded by a security wall benefits each tract in the subdivision, in addition to any other basis for apportioning the assessments authorized by this chapter, the governing body may apportion the assessments for a security wall on the basis that all tracts in the subdivision share equally in the cost and maintenance of the security wall.
Sec. 62 The governing body shall determine what amount or part of every expense will be charged as an assessment and the tracts upon which the assessments will be levied. As often as the governing body deems it expedient, it shall require all of the several tracts chargeable with assessments respectively to be reported by the clerk to the engineer for assessment.
Sec. 63 1. The engineer shall make an assessment roll and state a proposed assessment therein upon each tract to be assessed, and he shall thereby defray the whole amount or amounts of all charges so directed to be levied upon each of the tracts respectively. When completed, he shall report the assessment roll to the governing body.
2. When any assessment is reported by the engineer to the governing body, as directed in this section, the roll must be filed in the office of the clerk and numbered.
3. The report must be signed by the engineer and made in the form of a certificate endorsed on the assessment roll as follows:

(Form of Certificate)

State of Nevada }
County of }
To the (insert "City Council," or "Board of County Commissioners," or other name of governing body) of ................................, Nevada:
I hereby certify and report that the foregoing is the assessment roll and assessments made by me for the purpose of paying that part of the cost which you decided should be paid and borne by special assessments for ................ Maintenance District No. ..........; that in making such assessments, I have, as near as may be, and according to my best judgment, conformed in all things to the provisions of this chapter.


Dated at......................., Nevada, ..........., 19...

Sec. 64 1. Upon receiving the assessment roll, the governing body, by resolution, shall:
(a) Fix a time and place when and where complaints, protests and objections made in writing or verbally concerning the assessment roll, by the owner of any tract or any person interested, will be heard.
(b) Order the clerk of the municipality to give notice of the hearing.
2. The clerk of the municipality shall give notice by publication and by registered or certified mail of the time and place of the hearing. The notice must state:
(a) That the assessment roll is on file in the office of the clerk.
(b) The date of filing the assessment roll.
(c) The time and place when and where the governing body will hear all complaints, protests and objections made in writing or verbally to the assessment roll or to the proposed assessments.
(d) That if a person objects to the assessment roll or to the proposed assessments:
(1) He is entitled to be represented by counsel at the hearing;
(2) Any evidence he desires to present on these issues must be presented at the hearing; and
(3) Evidence on these issues that is not presented at the hearing may not thereafter be presented in an action brought pursuant to section 67 of this act.
(e) That any complaint, protest or objection to the regularity, validity and correctness of the assessment roll, of each assessment, and of the amount of the assessment levied on each tract must be filed in writing with the clerk of the municipality at least 3 days before the assessment hearing.
Sec. 65 1. At the time and place designated pursuant to section 64 of this act, the governing body shall hear and determine any written complaint, protest or objection filed as provided in that section and any verbal views expressed in respect to the proposed assessments, assessment roll or assessment procedure. The governing body may adjourn the hearing from time to time.
2. The governing body, by resolution, may revise, correct, confirm or set aside any assessment and order that the assessment be made de novo.
3. Any complaint, protest or objection to:
(a) The assessment roll;
(b) The regularity, validity and correctness of each assessment;
(c) The amount of each assessment; or
(d) The regularity, validity and correctness of any other proceedings occurring after the date of the hearing described in section 48 of this act and before the date of the hearing governed by this section,
shall be deemed waived unless filed in writing within the time and in the manner provided by section 64 of this act.
Sec. 66 1. After the assessment roll is in final form and is so confirmed by resolution, the municipality by ordinance shall, by reference to the assessment roll, as modified if modified, and as confirmed by the resolution, levy the assessments in the roll. This ordinance may be adopted or amended as if an emergency existed.
2. Written notice of the levy of assessment must be given by mail to the owners of all the property upon which the assessment was levied.
3. The decision, resolution and ordinance are a final determination of the regularity, validity and correctness of the proceedings, of the assessment roll, of each assessment contained therein, and of the amount thereof levied on each tract and parcel of land.
4. The determination by the governing body is conclusive upon the owners of the property assessed.
5. The roll, when endorsed by the clerk as the roll designated in the assessment ordinance, is prima facie evidence in all courts and tribunals of the regularity of all proceedings preliminary to the making thereof and the validity of the assessments and the assessment roll.
Sec. 67 1. Within 15 days after the effective date of the assessment ordinance, any person who has filed a complaint, protest or objection in writing in the manner provided by section 64 of this act may commence an action or suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to correct or set aside the determination.
2. In any action brought pursuant to this section, judicial review of the proceedings is confined to the record before the government body. Evidence that has not been presented to the governing body must not be considered by the court. Judicial review of the proceedings in any action brought pursuant to this section is limited to the issues described in subsection 3 of section 65 of this act. Any other issue, including, without limitation, the method used to estimate the special benefits to be derived from the project, must not be considered by the court.
3. Thereafter all actions or suits attacking the regularity, validity and correctness of the proceedings, of the assessment roll, of each assessment contained in the assessment roll, and of the amount of the assessment levied on each tract, including the defense of confiscation, are perpetually barred.
Sec. 68 1. The cost of maintenance relating to street intersections may be segregated.
2. Such cost, except the share assessable to street or other railway companies, may be assessed upon all frontage of the street improved, excluding an alley, and on intersecting streets within a distance of one-half block in each direction from the intersections, in proportion to the frontage of each lot or tract on the street improved, excluding an alley, or on an intersecting street, or on both within such distance.
3. The cost of the maintenance relating to an alley intersection may be assessed upon the assessable property in the same block extending to the nearest street intersection and half the length of the block along its sides. However where the sides of blocks are of unequal length, the governing body may determine the limit of assessment.
4. In the alternative, the cost of maintenance relating to street intersections, including alley intersections, may be treated as one of the costs of any project without separately segregating such intersection cost. In such case the total cost of any project must be assessed as provided in subsections 1, 2 and 3 of section 59 of this act upon the basis determined without any separate assessment for intersection costs.
Sec. 69 1. All assessments made in pursuance of the assessment ordinance are due without demand within 30 days after the effective date of the assessment ordinance.
2. All such assessments may at the election of the owner be paid in quarterly installments with interest as provided in the assessment ordinance, whenever the governing body so authorizes the payment of assessments.
3. Failure to pay the whole assessment within 30 days is conclusively considered an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in installments the amount of the assessment then unpaid.
4. All persons who elect to pay in installments are conclusively considered as consenting to the projects, and such an election is conclusively considered as a waiver of all rights to question the power or jurisdiction of the municipality to maintain the projects, the quality of the work, the regularity or sufficiency of the proceedings or the validity or correctness of the assessment.
5. All installments, both of principal and interest, are payable at such times as may be determined in and by the assessment ordinance.
6. The clerk shall give notice by publication or by mail of the levy of any assessment, of the fact that it is payable, and of the last day for its payment as provided in this chapter.
Sec. 70 1. All assessments made against the state or any of its political subdivisions must be payable in cash without demand within 90 days after the effective date of the assessment ordinance.
2. All such assessments may at the election of the state or political subdivision against which the assessment was made be paid in installments with interest as provided in this chapter whenever the board so authorizes the payment of assessments. Such installments must not extend beyond the period authorized for private owners for the same assessment.
Sec. 71 1. Failure to pay any installment, whether principal or interest, when due ipso facto causes the whole amount of the annual assessment to become due immediately at the option of the municipality, the exercise of such option to be indicated by the commencement of foreclosure proceedings.
2. At any time before the day of sale, the owner may pay the amount of delinquent installments, with accrued interest, all penalties, and costs of collection accrued, including, but not necessarily limited to, any attorney's fees, and must thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner as if default had not been made.
Sec. 72 1. The payment of the amount so assessed, including each installment thereof, the interest thereon, and any penalties and collection costs, is secured by an assessment lien upon the tract assessed from the effective date of the assessment ordinance.
2. The final assessment roll, endorsed by the clerk as the roll designated in the assessment ordinance, must be recorded in the office of the county recorder together with a statement that the current payment status of any of the assessments may be obtained from the county or municipal officer who has been directed by the governing body to collect the assessment. Neither the failure to record the assessment roll as provided in this subsection nor any defect in the roll as recorded affects the validity of the assessments, the lien for the payment thereof or the priority of that lien.
3. The lien upon each tract assessed is:
(a) Coequal with the latest lien thereon to secure the payment of general taxes.
(b) Not subject to extinguishment by the sale of any property on account of the nonpayment of general taxes.
(c) Prior and superior to all liens, claims, encumbrances and titles other than the liens of assessments and general taxes.
4. No statute of limitations begins to run against any assessment nor the assessment lien to secure its payment until after the last installment of principal thereof becomes due.
Sec. 73 1. If any tract is divided after a special assessment thereon has been levied and divided into installments and before the collection of all the installments, the governing body may require the treasurer to apportion the uncollected amounts upon the several parts of land so divided.
2. The report of such an apportionment, when approved, is conclusive on all the parties, and all assessments thereafter made upon the tracts must be according to the subdivision.
3. The report, when approved, must be recorded in the office of the county recorder together with a statement that the current payment status of any of the assessments may be obtained from the county or municipal officer who has been directed by the governing body to collect the assessment. Neither the failure to record the report as provided in this subsection nor any defect in the report as recorded affects the validity of the assessments, the lien for the payment thereof or the priority of that lien.
Sec. 74 Should any assessment prove insufficient to pay for the maintenance work for which it is levied and the expense incident thereto, the amount of the deficiency must be paid from the general fund of the municipality. Any amount paid from the general fund of the municipality pursuant to this section must be added to the calculation of the annual assessment for the next year and repaid to the general fund upon collection.
Sec. 75 The governing body may provide in the assessment ordinance for any provisions the purpose of which is to secure the payment of assessments. The provisions may provide for:
1. The foreclosure of liens for delinquencies, the discontinuance of maintenance services and the collection of penalties and collection costs.
2. Events of default and the resulting rights and liabilities, and the rights, liabilities, powers and duties arising upon the breach by the municipality of any conditions or obligations.
Sec. 76 Subject to any contractual limitations binding upon the owners of any property assessed, including, but not limited to, the restriction of the exercise of any remedy to a specified proportion, percentage or number of such owners, and subject to any prior or superior rights of others, any owner may, for the equal benefit and protection of all owners similarly situated:
1. By mandamus or other civil action or proceeding enforce his rights against the municipality, the governing body and any other of the officers, agents and employees of the municipality, require the municipality, the governing body or any of such officers, agents or employees to perform and carry out their respective duties, obligations, other commitments pursuant to this chapter and their respective agreements with any such owner;
2. By a civil action require the municipality to account for revenues as if it is the trustee of an express trust; and
3. By a civil action enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful or in violation of the rights of the owner of any property.
Sec. 77 No right or remedy conferred upon any owner of property assessed is exclusive of any other right or remedy, but each such right or remedy is cumulative and in addition to every other right or remedy and may be exercised without exhausting and without regard to any other remedy conferred by sections 76 and 78 of this act, or by any other law.
Sec. 78 The failure of any owner of property assessed to proceed as provided in section 76 of this act or any defect in such proceedings does not relieve the municipality, the governing body or any of the officers, agents and employees of the municipality of any liability for failure to perform or carry out any duty, obligation or other commitment.
Sec. 79 1. Whenever any assessment is, in the opinion of the governing body, invalid by reason of any irregularity or informality in the proceedings, or if any court of competent jurisdiction adjudges such assessments to be illegal, the governing body may, whether the maintenance has begun or not, or whether any parts of the assessments have been paid or not, cause a new assessment to be made for the same purpose for which the former assessment was made.
2. All the proceedings for such reassessment and for the collecting thereof must be conducted in the same manner as provided in this chapter for other assessments.
Sec. 80 Whenever any sum or part thereof levied upon any tracts in the assessment so set aside has been paid and not refunded, the payment so made must be applied upon the reassessment of the tracts.
Sec. 81 1. When any assessment is so levied by ordinance and is payable, the governing body shall direct:
(a) The clerk to report to the county assessor a description of such tracts as are contained in the roll, with the amount of the assessment levied upon each and the name of the owner or occupant against whom the assessment was made.
(b) The municipal treasurer or the county treasurer to collect the sums so assessed.
2. If the municipal treasurer has been directed to collect unpaid assessments, the amount so levied in the assessment roll must be collected and enforced, both before and after delinquency, in the manner provided in sections 90 to 101, inclusive, of this act, except as otherwise provided in the ordinance levying the assessments.
3. If the county treasurer has been directed to collect unpaid assessments, the amount so levied in the assessment roll must be collected and enforced, both before and after delinquency, by the county treasurer and other county officers, as provided by law, with the other taxes in the general assessment roll of the county, and in the same manner, except as otherwise provided in the ordinance levying the assessments.
4. Such amounts shall continue to be a lien upon the tracts assessed until paid, as provided in section 72 of this act.
5. When such amount is collected, it must be credited to the proper fund.
6. The assessment roll and the certified ordinance levying the assessment are prima facie evidence of the regularity of the proceedings in making the assessment and of the right to recover judgment therefor.
Sec. 82 1. Whenever by mistake, inadvertence or for any cause any tract otherwise subject to assessment, within any maintenance district, has been omitted from the assessment roll for a project, the governing body of the municipality may, upon its own motion or upon the application of the owner of any tract within the maintenance district charged with the lien of an assessment for any project, assess the same in accordance with the special benefits accruing to the omitted property by reason of the project, and in proportion to the assessments levied upon other tracts in the maintenance district.
2. In any such case, the governing body shall first pass a resolution setting forth that the tract described was omitted from the assessments, and notifying all persons who may desire to object thereto to appear at a meeting of the governing body at a time specified in the resolution and present their objection thereto, and directing the engineer to report to the governing body at or before the date fixed for the hearing the amount which should be borne by each tract so omitted, which notice resolution must be published and given by mail to the last known owner or owners of each such tract.
3. At the conclusion of the hearing or any adjournment thereof, the governing body shall consider the matter as though the tract had been included upon the original roll, and may confirm the assessment or any portion thereof by ordinance.
4. Thereupon, the assessment or assessments on the roll of each omitted tract must be collected, the payment of which must be secured by an assessment lien, as other assessments.
Sec. 83 1. Whenever the governing body of any municipality within this state executes a contract for any project awarded by this chapter or makes any assessment against a tract within a maintenance district for any purpose authorized in this chapter, and has in making the contract or assessment acted in good faith and without fraud, or hereafter acts in good faith and without fraud, the contract and assessment is valid and enforceable as such, and the assessment is a lien upon the tract.
2. A person shall not object to the validity of such a contract, assessment or lien for the reason that:
(a) The contract for the project was not awarded in the manner or at the time required by this chapter, or otherwise.
(b) The assessment was made by an unauthorized officer or person, if the contract was confirmed by the authorities of the municipality.
(c) The assessment is based upon an improper basis of benefits to the tract within the maintenance district, unless it appears that the municipal authorities acted fraudulently or oppressively in making the assessment.
Sec. 84 Whenever any assessment, or installment thereof, is paid, or any delinquency therefor is redeemed, or any judgment therefor is paid by a joint owner of property assessed for maintenance, the joint owner may, after demand and refusal, by an action brought in the district court, recover from each of his co-owners the respective amounts of the payment which each such co-owner should bear, with interest thereon at 10 percent per annum from the date of payment, and costs of the action, and the joint owner making the payments was a lien upon the undivided interest of his co-owners in and to the property from date of the payment.
Sec. 85 Whenever, through error or inadvertence, any person pays an assessment, or installment thereof, upon the lands of another, the payer may, after demand and refusal, by an action in the district court, recover from the owner of the land the amount so paid and the costs of the action.
Sec. 86 If in any action it appears that the assessment has not been properly made against the defendant, or the tract sought to be charged, the court may, nevertheless, on satisfactory proof that the expense has been incurred by the municipality which is a proper charge against the defendant, or the tract in question, render judgment for the amount properly chargeable against the defendant or upon the tract.
Sec. 87 1. All cases in which there may arise a question of validity of any power granted or of any other provision of this chapter must be advanced as a matter of immediate public interest and concern, and heard at the earliest practicable moment.
2. The courts shall be open at all times for such purposes.
Sec. 88 In any case where a notice is required by this chapter, if the governing body or court finds for any reason that the notice was not given, the governing body or court does not thereby lose jurisdiction, and the proceeding in question is not thereby void or abated, but the governing body or court shall order the notice to be given and shall continue the hearing until such time as the notice has been properly given, and thereupon shall proceed as though notice had been properly given in the first instance.
Sec. 89 1. To defray the cost of equipment or other items necessary to perform the maintenance of a project included in a maintenance district, the governing body may advance money to cover that cost from:
(a) The general fund of the municipality, if the total cost does not exceed $300,000; or
(b) An internal service fund, if the municipality has established an internal service fund for that purpose pursuant to NRS 354.612.
2. Any money advanced pursuant to subsection 1 must be added to the calculation of the annual assessment for the next year or years and repaid to the fund from which it was taken upon collection. The repayment may not be extended for more years than the estimated useful life of the equipment or item whose cost was defrayed.
Sec. 90 1. All assessments and installments thereof must be collected and enforced by the municipal treasurer at the times and in the manner provided by this chapter. As soon as any assessment or installment becomes delinquent, the municipal treasurer shall mark the same delinquent on the assessment roll. Within 60 days thereafter, the governing body shall direct the municipal treasurer to give notice of the sale of the property or properties subject to the lien of a delinquent installment or the entire assessment if the governing body has exercised its option to cause the whole amount of the unpaid principal to become due. The notice must contain:
(a) The name of each last known owner of each tract upon which an assessment or installment thereof is delinquent, or if not known that the name is unknown.
(b) A description of each tract upon which an assessment is delinquent, and the total amount due thereon, including the delinquent installment or the whole assessment, as the case may be, accrued interest upon the whole amount of unpaid principal to the date of delinquency, interest upon unpaid principal and accrued interest from the date of delinquency to the date of sale at a rate not exceeding 1 percent per month, penalties and collection costs, including attorney's fees.
(c) A statement of the time and place of sale.
(d) A statement that each property described will be sold to satisfy the total amount due thereon.
2. Notice must be given:
(a) By publication; and
(b) By mail.
3. All such sales must be made between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and must take place at a convenient location within the municipality selected by the governing body. The sale must be continued from day to day, omitting Sundays and legal holidays, until all the property described in the assessment roll on which any assessment, or installment thereof, is delinquent and unpaid is sold. All sales must be public, and each lot, tract or parcel of land, or other property, must be sold separately and in the order in which it appears on the assessment roll.
4. Each tract of land sold for delinquent and unpaid assessments, or installments thereof, must be sold to the first person at the sale offering to pay the amount due thereon. If there is no bidder for any tract for a sum sufficient to pay that amount, the treasurer shall strike it off to the municipality. If any bidder to whom any property is stricken off at the sale does not pay the amount which the municipal treasurer was required to collect by the sale before 10 a.m. of the day following the sale, the property must then be resold, or if the assessment sale is closed, be deemed to have been sold to the municipality. A certificate of sale must be issued to the municipality for each property stricken off to the municipality in substantially the form provided in this chapter.
Sec. 91 Within 15 days after the completion of the sale of all property described in the assessment roll upon which a delinquent assessment or installment is unpaid, the municipal treasurer shall prepare a statement of his actions concerning the sale showing all the property sold by him, to whom sold and the sums paid for each tract. The report must be presented to the governing body at its regular meeting next following the preparation of the statement.
Sec. 92 After receiving the amount of the assessment, or installment thereof, interest, penalty and costs, the treasurer shall make out a certificate, dated on the date of the sale, stating (when known) the name of the owner as given on the assessment roll, a description of the tract sold, the amount paid therefor, the name of the purchaser, that it was sold for an installment or the whole amount of the assessment, as the case may be, giving the name of the district or other brief designation of the project for which the assessment was levied, and specifying that the purchaser is entitled to a deed upon the expiration of the applicable period of redemption as determined pursuant to subsection 1 of section 97 of this act, unless redemption is made. The certificate of sale must be signed by the municipal treasurer and delivered to the purchaser.
Sec. 93 The municipal clerk is the custodian of all certificates for property sold to the municipality. At any time before the expiration of the period of redemption as determined pursuant to subsection 1 of section 97 of this act and before the redemption of the property, he shall sell or transfer any certificate to any person who presents to him the treasurer's receipt evidencing payment of the amount for which the property described was stricken off to the municipality, with interest continuing to accrue from the date of sale to the date of payment at a rate not exceeding 1 percent per month. The clerk may, if authorized by the governing body, sell and transfer any certificate in like manner after the expiration of the period of redemption as determined pursuant to subsection 1 of section 97 of this act.
Sec. 94 When the amount of any installment or assessment, as the case may be, with interest, penalty and costs thereon, is paid to the treasurer before the sale of any property, he shall mark it paid with the date of payment on the assessment roll. When any property sold for any assessment is redeemed the treasurer shall enter it as such with the date of redemption on the roll. Such records must be made in the margin of the roll opposite the description of the property.
Sec. 95 When any property is bid in by, or stricken off to, any municipality under any proceeding provided by sections 90 to 94, inclusive, of this act, the property must be held in trust by the municipality for the maintenance district for which the assessment was levied for the amount for which the property was sold, and accrued interest at a rate of not exceeding 1 percent per month from the date on which the property was bid in by, or stricken off to, the municipality to the date of the transfer, sale or other disposition of the property. However, the municipality may at any time after receiving a deed pay to the credit of the maintenance district the amount for which the property was sold and accrued interest, and thereupon take and hold the property discharged of the trust.
Sec. 96 Any municipality may at any time after the period of redemption has expired and deeds have been issued to the municipality by virtue of any proceedings under sections 90 to 94, inclusive, of this act sell any such property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash. No bid may be accepted for any amount less than the amount set forth in the deed, plus accrued interest on the assessment. The municipality shall pay into the credit of the maintenance district for which the property was held in trust an amount necessary fully to cancel the assessment for which the property was sold, together with all penalties and interest thereon. Any such sale must be conducted only after notice describing the property has been given, and stating that the treasurer will, on the date specified, sell the property at a convenient location within the municipality selected by the governing body, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and continue the sale from day to day, or withdraw the property from sale after the first day if he deems that the interests of the municipality so require. Notice of the sale must be given:
1. By publication; and
2. By mail.
Sec. 97 1. Any property sold for an assessment, or any installment thereof, is subject to redemption by the former owner, or his grantee, mortgagee, heir or other representative after:
(a) If there was a permanent residential dwelling unit or any other significant permanent improvement on the property at the time the sale was held pursuant to subsection 3 of section 90 of this act, as determined by the governing body, at any time within 2 years; or
(b) In all other cases, at any time within 120 days,
after the date of the certificate of sale, upon payment to the municipal treasurer of the amount for which the property was sold, with interest thereon at a rate of not exceeding 1 percent per month, together with all assessments, or installments thereof, interest, penalties, costs and other charges, thereon paid by the purchaser since the sale, with like interest thereon. Unless written notice of assessments subsequently paid, and the amount thereof, is deposited with the treasurer, redemption may be made without their inclusion.
2. On any redemption being made, the treasurer shall give to the redemptioner a certificate of redemption, and pay over the amount received to the purchaser of the certificate of sale or his assigns.
3. If no redemption is made within the period of redemption as determined pursuant to subsection 1, the treasurer shall, on demand of the purchaser or his assigns, and the surrender to him of the certificate of sale, execute to the purchaser or his assigns a deed to the property. No deed may be executed until the holder of the certificate of sale has notified the owners of the property that he holds the certificate, and that he will demand a deed therefor. The notice must be given by personal service upon the owner. However, if an owner is not a resident of the state or cannot be found within the state after diligent search, the notice may be given by publication. The notice and return thereof, with the affidavit of the person, or in the case of the municipality, of the clerk, claiming a deed, showing that service was made, must be filed with the treasurer.
4. If redemption is not made within 60 days after the date of service, or the date of the first publication of the notice, as the case may be, the holder of the certificate of sale is entitled to a deed. The deed must be executed only for the property described in the certificate, and after payment of all delinquent assessments, or installments thereof, whether assessed before or after the issuance of the certificate of sale. A deed may be issued to any municipality for the face amount of the certificate of sale, plus accrued interest from the date of sale to the date of the execution of the deed at a rate of not exceeding 1 percent per month.
Sec. 98 The deed must be executed in the name of the municipality which performed the maintenance or caused the maintenance to be performed and must recite in substance the matters contained in the certificate of sale, the notice to the owner, and that no redemption has been made to the property within the time allowed by law. The deed must be signed and acknowledged by the treasurer, as such, and is prima facie evidence that the property was assessed according to law, that it was not redeemed, that due notice of demand for deed had been given, and that the person executing the deed was the proper officer. The deed is conclusive evidence of the regularity of all proceedings regarding the assessment, up to and including the execution of the deed, and conveys the entire fee simple title to the property described, except as otherwise provided for municipalities, stripped of all liens and claims except as otherwise provided in section 72 of this act.
Sec. 99 The treasurer shall charge 50 cents for the issuance of each certificate of sale and $1 for each deed.
Sec. 100 The purchaser of any certificate of sale acquires a lien on the property bid in by him for the amount paid plus all taxes and delinquent assessments or delinquency, and all interest, penalties, costs and charges thereon, whether levied before or after the sale, whether for state, county or municipal purposes, and paid by him. The purchaser is entitled to interest at the rate of 1 percent per month on the original amount paid by him from the date of the sale and upon subsequent payments from the date of payment of respective amounts.
Sec. 101 1. Irrespective of which county or municipal officer has been directed to collect and enforce assessments, any municipality may proceed with the collection or enforcement of any delinquent installment, or the entire assessment if the municipality has exercised its option to cause the whole amount of principal to become due, by an action brought in the district court in and for the county in which the municipality is located. It is not necessary to bring a separate suit for each piece or parcel of property delinquent, but all or any part of the property delinquent under any single assessment roll or assessment district may be proceeded against in the same action, and any or all of the owners or persons interested in any of the property may be joined as parties defendant in the action to foreclose, and any liens for delinquent assessments or installments may be foreclosed in the proceedings.
2. The proceedings must be tried before the court without a jury. In any such proceeding, it is sufficient to allege the passage of the ordinance for creating the district, the commencing of the maintenance, the levying of assessments, the date of delinquency of the assessment or installment, and that it was not wholly paid before the delinquency or at all. The assessment roll and assessment ordinance, or authenticated copies thereof, are prima facie evidence of the regularity and legality of the proceedings and the burden of proof is upon the defendants.
3. In any action where the owners or parties interested in any particular tract included in the suit suffer a default, the court may enter judgment of foreclosure and sale as to those parties' property and order execution thereon, and the sale may proceed as to the remaining defendants and property. The judgment of the court must specify separately the amount of the assessment or installment, with interest, penalty and collection costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, chargeable to the several tracts in the proceedings. The judgment has the effect of a separate judgment, and any appeal does not invalidate or delay it except as to property which is the subject of the appeal. Judgment may be entered as to any one or more tracts or parcels of land involved, and the court may retain jurisdiction of the case as to the balance.
4. All proceedings supplemental to the judgment, including appeal, period of redemption, sale and the issuance of a deed, must be conducted in accordance with the law relating to property sold upon foreclosure of mortgages or liens upon real property, except that there is no personal liability upon the defendants for any deficiency in the proceeds of the sale.