Assembly Bill No. 530-Committee on Judiciary

(On Behalf of the Administrative Office of the Courts)

May 26, 1997

Referred to Committee on Judiciary

SUMMARY--Revises certain provisions regarding court administrator. (BDR 1-785)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to the judicial system; requiring the court administrator to report upon and make recommendations to the supreme court regarding administrative procedures employed in the courts; providing that judges and personnel of the courts must follow recommendations regarding such procedures made by the court administrator and approved by the supreme court; requiring the judges, clerks and employees of certain courts to provide records, papers and information requested by the court administrator within a certain period; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 1.360 is hereby amended to read as follows:
1.360 Under the direction of the supreme court, the court administrator shall:
1. Examine , report upon and make recommendations to the supreme court for the improvement of the administrative procedures employed in the offices of the judges, clerks, court reporters and employees of all courts of this state [and make recommendations, through the chief justice, for the improvement of those procedures;] , including, without limitation:
(a) An examination of and report concerning:
(1) Systems of internal accounting, administrative control and financial management; and
(2) The classification and distribution of money collected on behalf of a city or county or the State of Nevada; and
(b) A reconciliation of and report concerning accounts receivable.
Each judge, clerk, court reporter and employee of a court of this state shall follow any recommendation relating to an administrative procedure employed in an office of that court which was made by the court administrator pursuant to this subsection and was approved by the supreme court.
2. Examine the condition of the dockets of the courts and determine the need for assistance by any court . [;
3. Make recommendations to and carry out the directions of the chief justice relating to the assignment of district judges where district courts are in need of assistance;
4.] 3. Develop a uniform system for collecting and compiling statistics and other data regarding the operation of the state court system and transmit that information to the supreme court so that proper action may be taken in respect thereto . [;
5.] 4. Prepare and submit a budget of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the state court system and make recommendations in respect thereto . [;
6.] 5. Develop procedures for accounting, internal auditing, procurement and disbursement for the state court system . [;
7.] 6. Collect statistical and other data and make reports relating to the expenditure of all public money for the maintenance and operation of the state court system and the offices connected therewith . [;
8.] 7. Compile statistics from the information required to be maintained by the clerks of the district courts pursuant to NRS 3.275 and make reports as to the cases filed in the district courts . [;
9.] 8. Formulate and submit to the supreme court recommendations of policies or proposed legislation for the improvement of the state court system . [; and
10.] 9. Attend to such other matters as may be assigned by the supreme court or prescribed by law.
Sec. 2. NRS 1.370 is hereby amended to read as follows:
1.370 1. All judges, clerks and employees of the district courts, justices' courts and municipal courts shall provide the court administrator with any records, papers or other information that he may [require] request and shall cooperate with him in every possible manner in order to effectuate the purposes of NRS 1.320 to 1.370, inclusive. Any records, papers or other information requested by the court administrator pursuant to this subsection must be provided to the court administrator not later than 10 working days after the date of the request, unless the court administrator, upon request, extends the deadline.
2. Subsection 1 does not authorize disclosure by the court administrator of records , [and] papers or other information not otherwise open to public inspection.