Assembly Bill No. 451-Assemblymen Manendo, Chowning, Segerblom, Bache, Ohrenschall, Freeman, Price, Herrera, Neighbors, Amodei, Von Tobel, Hickey, Williams, Sandoval, Buckley, Berman, Nolan, Koivisto, Gustavson, Collins, Anderson, Lambert, Cegavske, Goldwater, de Braga, Marvel, Dini, Krenzer, Mortenson, Lee, Braunlin, Parks, Evans, Close, Giunchigliani, Arberry, Humke and Tiffany

May 2, 1997

Referred to Committee on Transportation

SUMMARY--Provides for issuance of special license plates for support of community partnership schools. (BDR 43-738)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: Yes.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing for the issuance of special license plates for the support of community partnership schools; imposing a fee for the issuance or renewal of such license plates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Chapter 482 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
1. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the department, in cooperation with the department of education, shall design, prepare and issue license plates for the support of community partnership schools using any colors that the department deems appropriate. The department shall not design, prepare or issue the license plates unless it receives at least 250 applications for the issuance of those plates.
2. The department may issue license plates for the support of community partnership schools for a passenger car or light commercial vehicle upon application by a person who is entitled to license plates pursuant to NRS 482.265 and who otherwise complies with the requirements for registration and licensing pursuant to this chapter. A person may request that personalized prestige license plates issued pursuant to NRS 482.3667 be combined with license plates for the support of community partnership schools if that person pays the fees for the personalized prestige license plates in addition to the fees for the license plates for the support of community partnership schools pursuant to subsections 3 and 4.
3. The fee for license plates for the support of community partnership schools is $35, in addition to all other applicable registration and license fees and motor vehicle privilege taxes. The license plates are renewable upon the payment of $10.
4. In addition to all fees for the license, registration and privilege taxes, a person who requests a set of license plates for the support of community partnership schools must pay for the initial issuance of the plates an additional fee of $25 and for each renewal of the plates an additional fee of $20 to finance projects to support community partnership schools.
5. The department shall deposit the fees collected pursuant to subsection 4 with the state treasurer for credit to the trust fund for community partnership schools created pursuant to section 5 of this act.
6. If, during a registration year, the holder of license plates issued pursuant to the provisions of this section disposes of the vehicle to which the plates are affixed, he may retain the plates and:
(a) Affix them to another vehicle that meets the requirements of this section if the transfer and registration fees are paid as set out in this chapter; or
(b) Within 30 days after removing the plates from the vehicle, return them to the department.
7. As used in this section, "community partnership school" means a school at which the employees of the school and the parents or legal guardians of pupils who attend the school have voted to establish a council to permit teachers, parents, guardians, administrators and employees of this state to take a more active role in the management and operation of the school.
Sec. 2. NRS 482.270 is hereby amended to read as follows:
482.270 1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 482.3747, 482.3775, 482.379 [, 482.3791, 482.3792, 482.3793,] to 482.3794 , inclusive, and section 1 of this act, or NRS 482.384, the director shall order the preparation of motor vehicle license plates with no other colors than blue and silver. The director may substitute white in place of silver when no suitable material is available.
2. The director may determine and vary the size, shape and form and the material of which license plates are made, but each license plate must be of sufficient size to be plainly readable from a distance of 100 feet during daylight. All license plates must be treated to reflect light and to be at least 100 times brighter than conventional painted number plates. When properly mounted on an unlighted vehicle, the license plates, when viewed from a vehicle equipped with standard headlights, must be visible for a distance of not less than 1,500 feet and readable for a distance of not less than 110 feet.
3. Every license plate must have displayed upon it:
(a) The registration number, or combination of letters and numbers, assigned to the vehicle and to the owner thereof;
(b) The name of the state, which may be abbreviated;
(c) If issued for a calendar year, the year; and
(d) If issued for a registration period other than a calendar year, the month and year the registration expires.
4. The letters I and Q must not be used in the designation.
5. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 482.379, all letters and numbers must be of the same size.
Sec. 3. NRS 482.2703 is hereby amended to read as follows:
482.2703 1. The director may order the preparation of sample license plates which must be of the same design and size as regular license plates or license plates issued pursuant to NRS 482.384. The director shall ensure that:
(a) Each license plate issued pursuant to this subsection, regardless of its design, is inscribed with the word SAMPLE and an identical designation which consists of the same group of three numerals followed by the same group of three letters; and
(b) The designation of numerals and letters assigned pursuant to paragraph (a) is not assigned to a vehicle registered pursuant to this chapter or chapter 706 of NRS.
2. The director may order the preparation of sample license plates which must be of the same design and size as any of the special license plates issued pursuant to NRS 482.3667 to 482.3823, inclusive [.] , and section 1 of this act. The director shall ensure that:
(a) Each license plate issued pursuant to this subsection, regardless of its design, is inscribed with the word SAMPLE and the number zero in the location where any other numerals would normally be displayed on a license plate of that design; and
(b) The number assigned pursuant to paragraph (a) is not assigned to a vehicle registered pursuant to this chapter or chapter 706 of NRS.
3. The director may establish a fee for the issuance of sample license plates of not more than $15 for each license plate.
4. A decal issued pursuant to NRS 482.271 may be displayed on a sample license plate issued pursuant to this section.
5. All money collected from the issuance of sample license plates must be deposited in the state treasury for credit to the motor vehicle fund.
6. A person shall not affix a sample license plate issued pursuant to this section to a vehicle. A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 4. NRS 482.500 is hereby amended to read as follows:
482.500 1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, whenever upon application any duplicate or substitute certificate of registration, decal or number plate is issued, the following fees must be paid:

For a certificate of registration $5.00
For every substitute number plate or set of plates 5.00
For every duplicate number plate or set of plates 10.00
For every decal displaying a county name .50
For every other decal (license plate sticker or tab) 5.00

2. The following fees must be paid for any replacement plate or set of plates issued for the following special license plates:
(a) For any special plate issued pursuant to NRS 482.3667, 482.3672, 482.3675, 482.370 to 482.376, inclusive, or 482.379 to 482.3816, inclusive, and section 1 of this act, a fee of $10.
(b) For any special plate issued pursuant to NRS 482.368, 482.3765, 482.377 or 482.378, a fee of $5.
(c) For any souvenir license plate issued pursuant to NRS 482.3825 or sample license plate issued pursuant to NRS 482.2703, a fee equal to that established by the director for the issuance of those plates.
3. The fees which are paid for duplicate number plates and decals displaying county names must be deposited with the state treasurer for credit to the motor vehicle fund and allocated to the department to defray the costs of duplicating the plates and manufacturing the decals.
4. As used in this section:
(a) "Duplicate number plate" means a license plate or a set of license plates issued to a registered owner which repeat the code of a plate or set of plates previously issued to the owner to maintain his registration using the same code.
(b) "Substitute number plate" means a license plate or a set of license plates issued in place of a previously issued and unexpired plate or set of plates. The plate or set of plates does not repeat the code of the previously issued plate or set.
Sec. 5. Chapter 386 of NRS is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to read as follows:
1. The trust fund for community partnership schools is hereby created in the state general fund, to be administered by the superintendent of public instruction.
2. The department shall adopt regulations that establish the procedure by which a board of trustees of a school district may apply for a grant from the trust fund. The superintendent of public instruction may, in accordance with the regulations adopted by the department and upon application by the board of trustees of a school district, distribute grants of money from the trust fund to that school district.
3. The superintendent of public instruction may accept gifts and grants for deposit in the trust fund.
4. All claims against the trust fund must be paid as other claims against the state are paid.
5. The interest and income earned on the money in the trust fund must be credited to the trust fund.
Sec. 6. The amendatory provisions of this act expire by limitation on October 1, 2001, if on that date the department of motor vehicles and public safety has received fewer than 250 applications for the issuance of a license plate pursuant to section 1 of this act.