Assembly Bill No. 406-Committee on Government Affairs

April 24, 1997

Referred to Committee on Government Affairs

SUMMARY--Removes limitations on eligibility of person to be reappointed to board of trustees of Airport Authority of Carson City. (BDR S-1513)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to the Airport Authority of Carson City; removing the limitations on the eligibility of a person to be reappointed to the board of trustees of the Airport Authority of Carson City; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 Section 4 of chapter 844, Statutes of Nevada 1989, at page 2025, as amended by chapter 439, Statutes of Nevada 1995, at page 1144, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4. 1. The authority is governed by the board, which is composed of seven members appointed by the board of supervisors.
2. The board of supervisors shall appoint:
(a) Three members who represent the general public, but not including any person described in paragraph (b) or (c). At least one of these members must be a city official selected by the board of supervisors and one must be a pilot who, at the time of his appointment, owns and operates an aircraft based at the airport.
(b) Two members who are manufacturers in the Carson City industrial airport, but not including any person described in paragraph (c).
(c) Two members who are fixed-base operators at the airport.
3. [After the initial terms, the] The term of office of each member of the board is 4 years [. The city official who is appointed as a member of the board is eligible for reappointment to the board upon the expiration of his term. Each other member of the board is eligible for reappointment to the board 4 years after the expiration of his prior term.] , and any member may be reappointed.
Sec. 2. This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.