Assembly Bill No. 400-Assemblymen Buckley, Goldwater, Ohrenschall, Krenzer, Manendo, Bache, Perkins, Koivisto, Braunlin, Lee, Parks, Lambert, Freeman, Anderson, Price, Mortenson, Herrera, Amodei, Humke, Close, Giunchigliani, Arberry, Cegavske, Sandoval, Collins, Chowning, Ernaut, Williams, Neighbors, Tiffany, de Braga, Hickey, Evans and Nolan


AN ACT relating to mobile home parks; requiring the refund with interest of certain deposits held by landlords of mobile home parks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved ]2273, which amended NRS 118B.060, required any deposit collected by a landlord of a mobile home park as a sum to compensate for a tenant default to be refunded with interest not more than 5 years after the landlord received the deposit; and

Whereas, In a letter to the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division dated September 20, 1991, the Office of the Attorney General opined that section 12 of chapter 689, Statutes of Nevada 1991, at page 2273, did not apply to any such deposit received by a landlord before the effective date of that section which was on October 1, 1991; and
Whereas, The members of the 69th session of the Nevada Legislature wish to clarify that section 12 of chapter 689, Statutes of Nevada 1991, at page 2273, was intended to apply to all such deposits, including those received before October 1, 1991; now, therefore,


Section 1. 1. Any deposit that was received by a landlord of a mobile home park before October 1, 1991, as a sum to compensate for a tenant default which is still held by the landlord on the effective date of this act must be refunded to the tenant pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 118B.060 within 30 days after the effective date of this act.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the refunded amount must include interest calculated pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 118B.060 for the entire period during which the deposit was held by the landlord. Interest paid pursuant to this section need not be calculated for or applied to the portion of the period during which the deposit was held, if any, before October 1, 1991.
Sec. 2. This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.