Assembly Bill No. 369-Committee on Natural
Resources, Agriculture, and Mining

April 15, 1997

Referred to Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing state land use planning agency and land use planning advisory council. (BDR 26-1459)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to state lands; revising provisions governing the duties and activities of the state land use planning agency and the land use planning advisory council; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1. NRS 321.720 is hereby amended to read as follows:
321.720 The administrator shall develop and make available to cities and counties information useful to land use planning, including:
1. Preparation and continuing revision of a statewide inventory of the land and natural resources of the state;
2. Compilation and continuing revision of data, on a statewide basis, related to population densities and trends, economic characteristics and projections, environmental conditions and trends, and directions and extent of urban and rural growth;
3. Projections of the nature and quantity of land needed and suitable for:
(a) Recreation and esthetic appreciation;
(b) Conservation and preservation of natural resources, agriculture, mineral development [,] and forestry;
(c) Industry and commerce, including the development, generation and transmission of energy;
(d) Transportation;
(e) Urban development, including the revitalization of existing communities, the development of new towns, and the economic diversification of existing communities which possess a narrow economic base;
(f) Rural development, taking into consideration future demands for and limitations upon products of the land; and
(g) Health, educational, and other state and local governmental services;
4. Preparation and continuing revision of an inventory of environmental, geological and physical conditions, including types of soil, which influence the desirability of various uses of land;
5. Preparation and continuing revision of an inventory of state, local government and private needs and priorities concerning the acquisition and use of federal lands within the state;
6. Preparation and continuing revision of an inventory of public and private institutional and financial resources available for land use planning and management within the state and of state and local programs and activities which have a land use impact of more than local concern;
7. Provision, where appropriate, of technical assistance and training programs for state and local agency personnel concerned with the development and implementation of state and local land use programs;
8. Coordination and exchange of land use planning information and data among state agencies and local governments, with the Federal Government, among the several states and interstate agencies, and with members of the public, including conducting of public hearings, preparation of reports [,] and soliciting of comments on reports concerning information useful to land use planning;
9. Coordination of planning for state and local acquisition and use of federal lands within the state, except that in the case of a plan which utilizes both federal and private lands the governing body of the area where private lands are to be utilized has final authority to approve the proposal; [and]
10. Provision of assistance to counties to develop programs to increase the responsibility of local governments for the management of lands in the State of Nevada that are under federal management; and
11. Consideration of, and consultation with, the relevant states on the interstate aspects of land use issues of more than local concern.
Sec. 2. NRS 321.7355 is hereby amended to read as follows:
321.7355 1. The state land use planning agency shall prepare, in cooperation with appropriate state agencies and local governments throughout the state, plans or policy statements concerning the acquisition and use of lands in the State of Nevada [which] that are under federal management.
2. The state land use planning agency shall, in preparing the plans and policy statements, identify lands which are suitable for acquisition for:
(a) Commercial, industrial or residential development;
(b) The expansion of the property tax base, including the potential for an increase in revenue by the lease and sale of those lands; or
(c) Accommodating increases in the population of this state.
The plans or policy statements must not include matters concerning zoning or the division of land and must be consistent with local plans and regulations concerning the use of private property.
3. The state land use planning agency shall encourage public comment upon the various matters treated in a proposed plan or policy statement throughout its preparation and shall submit its work on a plan or statement of policy periodically for review and comment by the land use planning advisory council, the advisory board on natural resources and any committees of the legislature or subcommittees of the legislative commission [which] that deal with matters concerning the public lands.
4. Whenever the state land use planning agency prepares plans or policy statements pursuant to subsection 1 and submits those plans or policy statements to the governor, legislature or an agency of the Federal Government, the state land use planning agency shall include with each plan or policy statement the comments and recommendations of:
(a) The land use planning advisory council;
(b) The advisory board on natural resources; and
(c) Any committees of the legislature or subcommittees of the legislative commission that deal with matters concerning the public lands.
5. A plan or statement of policy must be approved by the governing bodies of the county and cities affected by it, and by the governor, before it is put into effect.
Sec. 3. NRS 321.750 is hereby amended to read as follows:
321.750 The land use planning advisory council shall [advise] :
1. Advise the administrator on the development and distribution to cities and counties of information useful to land use planning.
2. Advise the state land use planning agency regarding the development of plans and policy statements pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 321.7355.
Sec. 4. This act becomes effective on July 1, 1997.