Assembly Bill No. 250-Assemblyman Neighbors



AN ACT relating to county surveyors; expanding the services that may be assigned to county surveyors; revising the provisions regarding the compensation of a county surveyor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved June 6, 1997]


Section 1. NRS 255.020 is hereby amended to read as follows:
255.020 [A county surveyor may be appointed by the] The board of county commissioners [to serve] may appoint a county surveyor who serves at the pleasure of the board [.] to perform surveying and such other services for the county as the board determines appropriate.
Sec. 2. NRS 255.025 is hereby amended to read as follows:
255.025 No person may [hold the office of] be appointed as a county surveyor unless he is a professional land surveyor registered [under] pursuant to the provisions of chapter 625 of NRS.
Sec. 3. NRS 255.060 is hereby amended to read as follows:
255.060 1. The board of county commissioners shall [allow] pay to each county surveyor appointed pursuant to NRS 255.020:
(a) A salary set by the board; or
(b) In lieu of a salary, fair and reasonable compensation [, in lieu of salary,] in connection with each survey ordered by the board, or for [such] other services performed by him for the county, when he has been authorized to perform the [same.] services.
2. The county surveyor [shall be] is entitled to receive, in addition to the salary or compensation allowed by subsection 1, mileage for transportation necessary [in making any survey ordered by the board of county commissioners,] to fulfill his duties as determined by the board of county commissioners, at the rate for such mileage as [shall be] is provided by law to be allowed to county officers.
3. [The] Except when the county surveyor is paid a salary, the county surveyor shall file with the clerk of the board of county commissioners a proper statement of account for [such] all services he performs, and for all allowances [,] claimed by him for mileage, duly acknowledged as provided by law for filing claims for payment of accounts due from the county.
Sec. 4. NRS 255.130 is hereby amended to read as follows:
255.1301. Before [any] a subdivision plat is accepted by [any] a board of county commissioners pursuant to law, the [same shall] subdivision plat must be submitted to and [receive the certification of] certified as to its correctness and eligibility for recording by the county surveyor, or his deputy, if there is one qualified to act in the county. [Such certification shall be in respect of correctness in general and in detail and eligibility for record according to law.]
2. Reasonable fees based on work done [shall] by the county surveyor or his deputy must be paid to the [officer] county by the subdivider.
Sec. 5. This act becomes effective on July 1, 1997.