Assembly Bill No. 144-Assemblyman Carpenter



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring certain cities and towns to transmit the proceeds of certain license taxes to the districts to which the proceeds are assigned; allowing certain districts to pledge irrevocably the proceeds of certain license taxes for the repayment of certain bonds or other obligations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.

[Approved June 6, 1997]


Section 1. NRS 268.460 is hereby amended to read as follows:
268.460 1. Any license tax levied by any county against any lawful trade, calling, industry, occupation, profession or business conducted in the county and located in an unincorporated area therein, the proceeds of which are pledged before or after the incorporation of the area as a city or town for the [payment] repayment of any bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244.3358 or 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, must, [upon] after the incorporation of the area as a city or town, continue to be levied by the city or town and must be collected by the officer of the [newly incorporated] city or town charged by law with the collection of its license taxes. [The]
2. If the proceeds of the license tax levied pursuant to subsection 1 are pledged before or after the incorporation of the area as a city or town for the payment of any bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244.3358:
(a) The city or town shall, after the incorporation of the area as a city or town, transmit the proceeds of that license tax to the district to which the proceeds are assigned, so long as any of the bonds or other obligations remain outstanding and unpaid, both as to principal and interest, in accordance with their terms; and
(b) The district to which the proceeds are assigned may, after the incorporation of the city or town, irrevocably pledge those proceeds for the repayment or refinancing of any bonds or short-term or medium-term obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of chapter 318 or 350 of NRS, if the governing body of the city or town consents to the assignment by resolution in lieu of the consent of the board of county commissioners required pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244.3358.
3. If the proceeds of the license tax levied pursuant to subsection 1 are pledged before or after the incorporation of the area as a city or town for the repayment of any bonds or other obligations issued pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive, the proceeds must be transmitted to the county officer required by law to collect [such a county] the license tax, so long as any of the bonds or other obligations remain outstanding and unpaid, both as to principal and interest.
Sec. 2. NRS 244.3358 is hereby amended to read as follows:
244.3358 1. A county whose population is less than 100,000 may by ordinance assign to a district created pursuant to chapter 318 of NRS which has been granted the basic power of furnishing recreational facilities all or any portion of the proceeds of any tax on the revenues from the rental of transient lodging which is imposed by the county and collected within the boundaries of the district, except the tax imposed pursuant to NRS 244.3352 or a tax imposed pursuant to NRS 244.3351.
2. The district may use the proceeds assigned pursuant to subsection 1 for any purpose authorized pursuant to NRS 318.143.
3. The district may, with the consent of the board of county commissioners [,] or as otherwise provided in NRS 268.460, irrevocably pledge the proceeds assigned pursuant to subsection 1 for:
(a) The repayment of any bonds or short-term or medium-term obligations issued pursuant to chapter 318 or 350 of NRS for any lawful purpose pertaining to the furnishing of recreational facilities; or
(b) The refinancing of any such bonds or obligations.
The consent of the board of county commissioners must be given by resolution. If any proceeds are pledged pursuant to this subsection, the assignment of the proceeds may not be revoked until the bonds or short-term or medium-term obligations for which the proceeds were pledged have been completely repaid.
4. No assignment may be made pursuant to this section which is inconsistent with an assignment made or contract entered into for the purposes of NRS 244A.597 to 244A.655, inclusive.
5. A county which makes an assignment pursuant to this section may retain an amount equal to the reasonable cost of collecting the tax, which must not exceed 2 percent of the proceeds of the tax for any period of collection.
Sec. 3. This act becomes effective upon passage and approval.