Assembly Bill No. 116-Committee on Transportation

(On Behalf of the Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association)

February 3, 1997

Referred to Committee on Judiciary

SUMMARY--Revises provisions governing duties of peace officers' standards and training committee. (BDR 43-550)

FISCAL NOTE: Effect on Local Government: No.
Effect on the State or on Industrial Insurance: No.

EXPLANATION - Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [ ] is material to be omitted.

AN ACT relating to peace officers; requiring the peace officers' standards and training committee to determine the amount and frequency of certain required training of peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.


Section 1 NRS 481.053 is hereby amended to read as follows:
481.053 1. The governor shall appoint the peace officers' standards and training committee.
2. The committee consists of seven members, one appointed from Clark County, one from Washoe County, three from any other counties, one from category II peace officers and one from category III peace officers. Members serve terms of 2 years from the date of appointment. Members serve without compensation but are entitled to the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided by law for state officers and employees generally.
3. The governor shall make the appointments from recommendations submitted by Clark County, Washoe County, professional organizations of sheriffs and police chiefs of this state, category II peace officers and category III peace officers.
4. The committee shall:
(a) Meet at the call of the chairman, who must be elected by the members of the committee.
(b) Provide for and encourage the training and education of peace officers in order to improve the system of criminal justice.
(c) Adopt regulations establishing minimum standards for the certification and decertification, recruitment, selection and training of peace officers.
(d) Make necessary inquiries to determine whether agencies of the state and of local governments are complying with standards set forth in its regulations.
(e) Carry out the duties required of the committee pursuant to NRS 432B.610 and 432B.620.
(f) Determine the amount and frequency of specialized training of peace officers that is necessary when such training is required by:
(1) An agency of state or local government; or
(2) A specific statute that does not specify the amount and frequency of such training.
5. Regulations adopted by the committee:
(a) Apply to all agencies of the state and of local governments [which] that employ persons as peace officers;
(b) Must require that all peace officers receive training in the handling of cases involving abuse or neglect of children or missing children; and
(c) May require that training be carried on at institutions [which it approves] approved in those regulations.
6. The director may adopt regulations necessary for the operation of the committee and the enforcement of laws administered by the committee.
7. As used in this section:
(a) "Category II peace officer" means:
(1) The bailiff of the supreme court;
(2) The bailiffs of the district courts, justices' courts and municipal courts whose duties require them to carry weapons and make arrests;
(3) Constables and their deputies whose official duties require them to carry weapons and make arrests;
(4) Inspectors employed by the public service commission of Nevada who exercise those powers of enforcement conferred by chapters 704, 705 and 706 of NRS;
(5) Parole and probation officers;
(6) Special investigators who are employed full time by the office of any district attorney or the attorney general;
(7) Investigators of arson for fire departments who are specially designated by the appointing authority;
(8) The assistant and deputies of the state fire marshal;
(9) The brand inspectors of the division of agriculture of the department of business and industry who exercise the powers of enforcement conferred in chapter 565 of NRS;
(10) Investigators for the state forester firewarden who are specially designated by him and whose primary duties are the investigation of arson;
(11) School police officers employed by the board of trustees of any county school district;
(12) Agents of the state gaming control board who exercise the powers of enforcement specified in NRS 289.360, 463.140 or 463.1405, except those agents whose duties relate primarily to auditing, accounting, the collection of taxes or license fees, or the investigation of applicants for licenses;
(13) Investigators and administrators of the bureau of enforcement of the registration division of the department of motor vehicles and public safety who perform the duties specified in subsection 3 of NRS 481.048;
(14) Officers and investigators of the section for the control of emissions from vehicles of the registration division of the department of motor vehicles and public safety who perform the duties specified in subsection 3 of NRS 481.0481;
(15) Legislative police officers of the State of Nevada;
(16) The personnel of the capitol police division of the department of motor vehicles and public safety appointed pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 331.140;
(17) Parole counselors of the division of child and family services of the department of human resources;
(18) Juvenile probation officers and deputy juvenile probation officers employed by the various judicial districts in Nevada or by a department of family, youth and juvenile services established pursuant to NRS 62.1264 whose official duties require them to enforce court orders on juvenile offenders and make arrests;
(19) Field investigators of the taxicab authority;
(20) Security officers employed full time by a city or county whose official duties require them to carry weapons and make arrests; and
(21) The chief of a department of alternative sentencing created pursuant to NRS 211A.080 and the assistant alternative sentencing officers employed by that department.
(b) "Category III peace officer" means peace officers whose authority is limited to correctional services, and includes the superintendents and correctional officers of the department of prisons.