MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Sixty-eighth Session July 1, 1995 The Senate Committee on Taxation was called to order by Chairman Sue Lowden, at 11:20 p.m., on Saturday, July 1, 1995, on the Senate floor of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. There was no Agenda. There was no Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Sue Lowden, Chairman Senator Kathy M. Augustine, Vice Chairman Senator Ann O'Connell Senator Dean A. Rhoads Senator Randolph J. Townsend Senator John B. (Jack) Regan Senator Ernest E. Adler GUEST LEGISLATOR PRESENT: Senator Jon Porter STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Kevin Welsh, Deputy Fiscal Analyst Joan Thran, Committee Secretary Senator Lowden started discussion on Senate Bill (S.B.) 324 with the committee and asked Senator Porter to explain his concerns. S.B. 324 has been sent to the Governor for signing. SENATE BILL 324: Reduces rate of tax on aviation fuel. Senator Porter informed the committee he had received several calls from southern Nevada aviation companies and they felt S.B. 324 would cause considerable financial difficulties for their companies to pay higher aviation fuel costs. Senator Lowden reminded the committee Senate Bill (S.B.) 311 would benefit the aviation companies, but she would let the Governor's office know of Senator Porter's concerns on S.B. 324. Senator Lowden will convey the committee's concerns to the Senate Committee on Taxation July 1, 1995 Page 2 Governor's office. SENATE BILL 311: Proposes exemption from sales and use tax on sale of equipment and materials used in production of electricity from renewable resources. Senator Lowden adjourned the meeting at 11:25 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Joan Thran, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Sue Lowden, Chairman DATE: