MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION Sixty-eighth Session January 19, 1995 The Senate Committee on Transportation was called to order by Chairman William R. O'Donnell, at 1:35 p.m., on Thursday, January 19, 1995, in Room 226 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator William R. O'Donnell, Chairman Senator Maurice Washington, Vice Chairman Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen Senator Jon C. Porter Senator Raymond C. Shaffer COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator O.C. Lee (Excused) Senator Joseph M. Neal, Jr. (Excused) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Don O. Williams, Research Analyst Diane Rea, Committee Secretary Chairman O'Donnell stated "this is the first Senate Transportation Committee hearing of 1995." He introduced the members of the committee. Chairman O'Donnell introduced the standing committee rules (Exhibit C) and pointed out that last year there was no smoking by the committee. This year the rules state there will be no smoking at all. SENATOR Jacobsen MOVED THE STANDING RULES BE ADOPTED. SENATOR WASHINGTON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR NEAL AND SENATOR LEE WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE). * * * * * Senator O'Donnell asked Don Williams to give a briefing on the committee and on transportation (Exhibit D).. Don Williams: For the record I am Don Williams, Chief Principal Research Analyst. I will serve as your primary staff during the session. Before you, you have an Issue Brief which will provide you with some background information on the Transportation Committee and the issues that may come before the committee this session. The first section of the brief is a listing of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) which fall under the committees jurisdiction. The second section which begins on page 2 includes a review of selected legislation considered by the committee during the Sixty-seventh Session. The third section discusses the reports related to transportation which may be submitted to this committee. The fourth section on pages six and seven summarizes three significant transportation issues which may come before you this session. The fifth section is a list of key transportation officials and interest groups including some telephone numbers of some of the people you will see testify before the committee this session. Mr. Williams summarized the contents of the report making reference to Assembly Bill 655 of the Sixty-seventh Session; Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR) 71 study, Legislative Counsel Bureau Bulletin (LCB) 95-9; Assembly Bill (AB) 378, Bulletin Number 95-2; Bill Draft Request (BDR) 58-367 and BDR 58-827; Assembly Bill 760 of the Sixty-seventh Session. ASSEMBLY BILL 655: Requires department of transportation to study alternative methods of establishing system of emergency telephones along most frequently traveled public highways. ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT Directs Legislative Commission to conduct interim RESOLUTION 71: study of drug and alcohol abuse among criminal offenders. ASSEMBLY BILL 378: Directs legislative commission to conduct interim study concerning financing of construction, maintenance and repair of highways and roads in Nevada. BILL DRAFT REQUEST Revises taxation of motor carriers. 58-367: BILL DRAFT REQUEST Revises method of collecting tax on special fuels. 58-368: ASSEMBLY BILL 760: Revises taxation of motor carriers. Senator O'Donnell asked Mr. Williams to set up a joint transportation meeting. Senator O'Donnell asked for questions from the committee. Senator Jacobsen suggested that it might be a proper order of business first thing to thank the old director (Garth Dull) of the State of Nevada Department of Transportation for his services to the State Legislature. Senator O'Donnell asked that the secretary draft a letter. Senator O'Donnell said the committee would, in addition to tow truck issue, also be discussing taxicabs again. He stated he would like to have everybody at the committee room at 1:30 and he will get the meetings over with as quickly as possible so other work could be accomplished. He asked that at the end of session everyone show up for the meetings. Senator Porter stated: I think the key issue for Nevada in Senate District 1 is the transportation of the materials via the highways, whether they be hazardous, nuclear, or a combination of the above. I think it is going to be a key issue. Senator O'Donnell replied that the committee needs to do all they can to protect the health and safety of all the citizens of the state, predominately those in District 1 where this may occur. Senator Porter added that he appreciated the prepared brief and the history. Senator Washington stated that, in Washoe District 2 they are in the process of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) clean-up. He asked that the committee be informed of the situation, for the constituents out there. Senator O'Donnell asked Senator Washington to draft a letter for the committee to send off. Senator Porter stated that a great number of people are not insuring or registering their vehicles here in the state and a lot of revenue is being lost. Senator O'Donnell stated the committee is going to have to address that issue head-on this year. Senator Jacobsen stated that one other thought is that it would be nice to have some kind of a briefing from Department of Transportation (DOT) as to what has transpired in the last 2 years. What they might have experienced as the major problems. Senator O'Donnell stated that a tour of the Department of Transportation should be addressed and the new members of this committee should be invited by the Department of Transportation and given a tour of that facility. The other thing in the briefing that the committee needs to look at is in the terms of Federal funding. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: _____________________________ Diane C. Rea, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: _____________________________________ Senator William R. O'Donnell, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Transportation January 19, 1995 Page