MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES Sixty-eighth Session June 28, 1995 The Senate Committee on Natural Resources was called to order by Chairman Dean A. Rhoads, at 3:54 p.m., on Wednesday, June 28, 1995, in Room 224 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Senator Mark A. James Senator Mike McGinness Senator Ernest E. Adler Senator John B. (Jack) Regan Senator O. C. Lee STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Doug Busselman, Executive Vice President, Nevada Farm Bureau Stephanie Licht, Lobbyist, Elko County Board of Commissioners Willie Molini, Administrator, Division of Wildlife Joseph L. Johnson, Lobbyist, Coalition For Nevada's Wildlife Pamela B. Wilcox, Administrator, Division of State Lands Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Assembly Concurrent Resolution (A.C.R.) 46: ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 46: Urges Division of Wildlife of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to prepare statewide elk management plan. Doug Busselman, Executive Vice President, Nevada Farm Bureau, testified in support of A.C.R. 46. He told the committee this resolution will go a long way in resolving conflicts that have been taking place, especially with elk and the ranching and farming communities. Mr. Busselman explained the resolution directs the Division of Wildlife and the wildlife commission to carry out a management/development program. Stephanie Licht, Lobbyist, Elko County Board of Commissioners, indicated Elko County is one area in Nevada which boasts a large elk population. She told the committee there is an elk preserve in Elko County. She said Elko County supports A.C.R. 46. Willie Molini, Administrator, Division of Wildlife, indicated A.C.R. 46 will generate an additional work load for his agency, but he believes there is a need to do state-wide planning for elk in terms of where they will be...what kind of numbers there are. He said the resolution does urge his agency, in developing those plans, to meet and work with landowners, ranchers, public land management agencies, sportsmen and the general public. He stated the provisions of A.C.R. 46 are good ones that his agency can live with. He said the Division of Wildlife supports A.C.R. 46. Senator Jacobsen inquired about the population increase of elk in the Ely district. Mr. Molini said he had recently attended a meeting with the Coalition for Nevada's Wildlife and the Ely District of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to discuss the elk population. He commented the elk population has increased substantially in the Ely area and the western United States over the last 6 or 7 years. He summarized the elk population is doing well. There is work to be done, according to Mr. Molini, and the proposed planning effort as outlined in A.C.R. 46 will be of great help. Mr. Molini provided further conversation concerning the elk population in Nevada and answered questions posed by Senator Jacobsen concerning the language in A.C.R. 46. Joseph L. Johnson, Lobbyist, Coalition for Nevada's Wildlife, requested to go on record as supporting A.C.R. 46. Chairman Rhoads called for a motion on A.C.R. 46. SENATOR REGAN MOVED TO DO PASS A.C.R. 46. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ***** Chairman Rhoads opened a work session on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 720. ASSEMBLY BILL 720: Creates garlic and onion growers' advisory board. Senator McGinness and Senator Jacobsen came back to the committee with reports from garlic producers. The consensus of the agriculture community is this measure does have some advantages. Senator Jacobsen suggested the mandatory assessment be lowered from $10 an acre to $5. Senator McGinness said a Fallon grower has only 5 acres in garlic, however, there is a high yield. Senator Jacobsen remarked he did not hear a lot of negative comments concerning an advisory board in his conversations with the garlic producers in his district. SENATOR McGINNESS MOVED TO DO PASS A.B. 720. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR ADLER VOTED NO ON THE MOTION). ***** Chairman Rhoads brought forth Assembly Bill (A.B.) 717, which was heard by this committee on June 26, 1995. ASSEMBLY BILL 717: Provides criteria for cleaning up discharge petroleum. Chairman Rhoads called for a motion on A.B. 717. SENATOR REGAN MOVED TO DO PASS A.B. 717. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator James commented he represents petroleum industry participants in the underground storage tank program, but he believes they will not be affected any differently than anyone else, so he will be voting on this measure. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the work session on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 548. ASSEMBLY BILL 548: Makes various changes regarding fees paid to state land registrar for use of state land. Pamela B. Wilcox, Administrator, Division of State Lands, informed the committee that she and Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, met with Assemblyman Lynn C. Hettrick, Assembly District No. 39, concerning A.B. 548. She said Mr. Hettrick indicated a preference for the proposed alternative which would solve all the problems by continuing the old fee schedule for one more year (Exhibit C). The recommendation is for the measure to be amended with the language in Exhibit C. SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS A.B. 548. SENATOR ADLER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. **** Chairman Rhoads extended his thanks to Mr. Welden and Ms. Brinkman for the work they have done for this committee. There being no further business to come before the committee, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:08 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Natural Resources June 28, 1995 Page