MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES Sixty-eighth Session May 22, 1995 The Senate Committee on Natural Resources was called to order by Chairman Dean A. Rhoads, at 1:35 p.m., on Monday, May 22, 1995, in Room 224 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Senator Mike McGinness Senator John B. (Jack) Regan Senator O. C. Lee COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Mark A. James (Excused) Senator Ernest E. Adler (Excused) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela Drum, Environmental Information Coordinator, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Chairman Rhoads asked for a committee introduction of Bill Draft Request (BDR) R-1880. BILL DRAFT REQUEST R-1880: Urges Congress to investigate additional costs incurred for visitor facilities program at Hoover Dam. SENATOR REGAN MOVED FOR COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION OF BDR R- 1880. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads informed the committee that a small sliver of land in the Groom Mountains located within the Nellis Air Force Range contains some very well known mineral potential, therefore he is requesting a bill draft which would take this small acreage out of the Nellis Air Force Range, so that it could go back into multiple use for mining and other purposes. Chairman Rhoads indicated that Russ Fields, Administrator, Division of Minerals, Department of Business and Industry; John Livermore, a renowned geologist; and Grace Bukowski had visited with him concerning this bill draft request. SENATOR REGAN MOVED FOR A BILL DRAFT REQUEST FOR A RESOLUTION TO TAKE THIS SMALL ACREAGE OUT OF THE NELLIS AIR FORCE RANGE AND TURN IT INTO MULTIPLE-USE LAND. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads indicated he had one other bill draft request. He explained this request concerns Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt's Rangeland Reform which will go into effect August 21, 1995. He indicated this draft contains some rigid rangeland rules and regulations which will be very damaging to the livestock industry, not only in Nevada, but all over the west. Chairman Rhoads told the committee that Senator Domenici of New Mexico, Congressman Cooley of Oregon, and Congressman Evans of Utah, will be introducing a 91-page bill, (The Livestock Grazing Act of 1995) in Washington, D.C., and that he would like to get a bill draft request in support of the referenced legislation. SENATOR McGINNESS MOVED TO REQUEST A BILL DRAFT IN SUPPORT OF THE LIVESTOCK GRAZING ACT OF 1995 WHICH WILL BE INTRODUCED MAY 23, 1995, IN CONGRESS. SENATOR REGAN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Assembly Joint Resolution (A.J.R.) 29. ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION 29: Encourages extension of existing systems and facilities for nonmotorized transportation completely around Lake Tahoe. Pamela Drum, Environmental Information Coordinator, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), explained the measure expresses the support of the Nevada Legislature and the State of Nevada, for a regional bikeway facility around Lake Tahoe. She said the Lake Tahoe bikeway system will be a continuous bikeway facility which will also reach some neighborhoods and other recreational facilities. Ms. Drum indicated a regional bikeway facility will have environmental, as well as recreational and economic benefits for the Lake Tahoe Basin. Studies have shown that more people would bring their bicycles to Lake Tahoe if they knew there was a world class bikeway facility at Lake Tahoe, according to Ms. Drum. Ms. Drum told the committee that support has been indicated by about 12 organizations, public and private, including the Tahoe- Truckee Regional Economic Coalition, Cal-Trans, League to Save Lake Tahoe, the Lake Tahoe Gaming Alliance, Carson City, Tahoe/Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Douglas County Commissioners and others. Ms. Drum said A.J.R. 29 essentially sends a message from the Legislature to some of the agencies listed on page 2, lines 30 through 35, that this is important to the State of Nevada. She indicated a similar resolution has been approved by the California Senate Transportation Committee, and is working its way through the process in the California Legislature. Senator Regan inquired about the private property owners around Lake Tahoe, to which Ms. Drum replied it is the desire to keep the facility on public right-of-ways to the greatest extent possible. Senator Jacobsen inquired if the Tahoe Rim Trail entered into this facility and Ms. Drum said it did not, because that trail is a hiking trail at a much higher elevation. Chairman Rhoads closed the hearing on A.J.R. 29. Chairman Rhoads opened the work session on Senate Joint Resolution (S.J.R.) 10. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 10: Urges Congress to approve California-Nevada Interstate Compact. Senator McGinness referred to the proposed amendments (Exhibit C) as prepared by Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau. He pointed out one of the important things concerning the amendments is the list of people who had input in S.J.R. 10, and he read the list from Exhibit C. Senator McGinness explained all the references to the Carson and Truckee rivers and Lake Tahoe have been deleted and this made the resolution strictly a Walker River System Resolution. He said basically this resolution urges the two directors of the Departments of Conservation and Natural Resources from the states of Nevada and California to work together to resolve some of the issues and the allocations along the Walker River. Senator McGinness referred to the final page of Exhibit C, the third Whereas, which recognizes the past work over the years, so "everything is not just thrown out." Senator McGinness further explained a lot of the existing language has been deleted and new language inserted in reference to the two directors who are to work with everyone to "get this put together." Senator McGinness thanked Mr. Welden for his expertise in putting S.J.R. 10 together. SENATOR McGINNESS MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.J.R. 10. SENATOR LEE SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator Jacobsen called for discussion. He remarked he would like to make the resolution stronger. Chairman Rhoads suggested a letter could accompany the resolution when it is forwarded to Congress indicating this proposed compact has been in the works since 1968 and that this committee would like to see the compact pushed through Congress. And Chairman Rhoads added, the letter could be worded in such a way that it requires a reply. The committee was in agreement and Senator Jacobsen added he thought a letter would have some merit. Chairman Rhoads asked for the vote. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads requested Senator McGinness carry the amendment and the resolution on the Senate floor. Chairman Rhoads opened the work session on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 409. ASSEMBLY BILL 409: Revises provisions governing state grazing boards. Senator Jacobsen made a statement of apology to the chairman for his lack of knowledge on the state grazing boards. Chairman Rhoads declared a conflict as he serves on the Elko District Grazing Board as an elected member. He said, however A.B. 409 does not give him any advantages over anyone else, so he announced he would be voting on this measure. He called for a motion. SENATOR LEE MOVED TO DO PASS A.B. 409. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the work session on Assembly Joint Resolution (A.J.R.) 31. ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION 31: Urges National Museum of the American Indian to return portion of tule duck decoys to Department of Museums, Library and Arts of State of Nevada. Senator Jacobsen said there was no opposition to the measure when it was heard by the committee. Chairman Rhoads asked for a motion. SENATOR McGINNESS MOVED TO DO PASS A.J.R. 31. SENATOR REGAN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS ADLER AND JAMES WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairman Rhoads adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Natural Resources May 22, 1995 Page