MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES Sixty-eighth Session April 17, 1995 The Senate Committee on Natural Resources was called to order by Chairman Dean A. Rhoads, at 1:30 p.m., on Monday, April 17, 1995, in Room 224 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman Senator Mark A. James Senator Mike McGinness Senator Ernest E. Adler Senator John B. (Jack) Regan Senator O. C. Lee COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen, Vice Chairman (Excused) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau Kathy Cole, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: William A. Molini, Administrator, Division of Wildlife Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Senate Bill (S.B.) 92. SENATE BILL 92: Provides for distribution of administrative fine imposed for violation of certain laws and regulations governing suppliers of water. Chairman Rhoads asked the committee to look at the proposed amendment on page 3 in the work sheet. The work sheet is Exhibit C which was provided by Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, for the senators. Senator McGinness stated that he is concerned with this bill, even with the proposed amendment, especially, in view of the fact that they had only collected $200 in the last 4 years. The senator concluded that he didn't see the "worth in setting up a separate account for them." SENATOR MCGINNESS MOVED TO INDEFINITELY POSTPONE S.B. 92. SENATOR REGAN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR JACOBSEN WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Senate Bill (S.B.)141 and Senate Bill (S.B.) 159. SENATE BILL 141: Revises provisions governing eligibility of certain purveyors of water to receive grants for making capital improvements to publicly owned water systems. SENATE BILL 159: Revises provisions governing eligibility of certain purveyors of water to receive grants for making capital improvements to publicly owned water systems. Chairman Rhoads said that he feels S.B. 141 is the bill to go with and to not take any action on S.B. 159 just in case they need a BDR on this subject matter, in the future. The chairman then asked Mr. Welden if there are any amendments on this bill. Mr. Welden said, "At one time there was some discussion on amendments, but the agencies that handle these programs decided that amendments would not be necessary and that it will work fine, as drafted." SENATOR ADLER MOVED TO DO PASS S.B. 141. SENATOR MCGINNESS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR JACOBSEN WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads said, "We won't take any action on S.B. 159. He then, closed the hearing on S.B. 141 and S.B. 159 and opened the hearing on Senate Bill (S.B.) 230. SENATE BILL 230: Establishes wildlife heritage trust account in state general fund. Chairman Rhoads asked Mr. Welden to explain the amendments as noted on their work sheet (Exhibit C). Chairman Rhoads stated he is concerned about the last proposal to amend S.B. 230. William A. Molini, Administrator, Division of Wildlife, was asked to comment with regard to this bill and the amendments. He said the division could live with the amendments as they are with one possible exception and that is, with the recommendation of reducing the management and administration use of funds from 18 percent to 10 percent. Senator Adler responded that he agreed with Mr. Molini. He pointed out that the recommended percent was to cover not only the administrative expenses but also the management of the wildlife. Senator Adler proceeded to give an example by saying, "What if you went to British Columbia bought some bighorn sheep and wanted to helicopter them down? ...That is an expensive project..." Mr. Molini concurred with Senator Adler's observations and added, "It was that line of thinking...that led us to the 18 percent. ...We use that figure [18 percent] as a commonly accepted figure by the Federal Aide Division in our federal aide money...where we charge 18 percent overhead [fees]..." Chairman Rhoads said that the committee needed to "...clarify the account by that first amendment, by adding the word game on page 1, line 6 [before] the word mammal [and before] the word bird is [and] add fur-bearing mammal." The chairman called to their attention the need to reconsider the 18 percent versus the 10 percent recommended in the proposed amendment changes. Senator Regan said that he thinks if the Division of Wildlife is already charging 18 percent in the past as an accepted factor with the federal government, then, 18 percent should be considered for use in the management and administration of wildlife. Senator Adler agreed with Senator Regan's comments and added, "I think if Mr. Molini's board is wasting money on this we are going to hear about it..." SENATOR JAMES MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.B. 230 AS PROPOSED. SENATOR REGAN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR JACOBSEN WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Senate Bill (S.B.) 267. SENATE BILL 267: Revises legislative findings concerning energy. SENATOR REGAN MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.B. 267 AS PROPOSED. SENATOR MCGINNESS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR JACOBSEN WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads opened the hearing on Senate Concurrent Resolution (S.C.R.) 11. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 11: Urges increased development of solar energy in Nevada. SENATOR JAMES MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS S.C.R. 11 AS PROPOSED. SENATOR MCGINNESS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR JACOBSEN WAS ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Kathy E. Cole, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Natural Resources April 17, 1995 Page