MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES Sixty-eighth Session January 18, 1995 The Senate Committee on Natural Resources was called to order by Chairman Dean A. Rhoads, at 1:35 p.m., on Wednesday, January 18, 1995, in Room 224 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen, Vice Chairman Senator Mark A. James Senator Mike McGinness Senator Ernest E. Adler Senator John B. (Jack) Regan, Jr. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator O. C. Lee (Excused) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Fred Welden, Chief Deputy Research Analyst Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Gary Nellis, Intern David S. Ziegler, Senior Research Analyst Chairman Rhoads made opening remarks concerning the opportunities in the field of natural resources this legislative session, commenting the changes which have been effected in the U. S. Congress will create a trickle effect to the state government. Chairman Rhoads called for approval of the committee's Standing Rules (Exhibit C). SENATOR REGAN MOVED THE STANDING COMMITTEE RULES BE ADOPTED. SENATOR ADLER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS JAMES AND LEE WERE ABSENT FOR THE VOTE.) ***** Chairman Rhoads asked if any committee members would like an individual minute book. Senator Adler requested that one minute book be prepared for committee use. The Chairman agreed to the request. Chairman Rhoads introduced Billie Brinkman, committee secretary, and Gary Nellis, a student at University of Nevada, Reno, who will be interning in the chairman's office during this legislative session. Chairman Rhoads introduced Fred Welden, Research Analyst, who gave an issue brief of the subjects which came before the Senate Committee on Natural Resources during the 67th Session of the Nevada State Legislature (Exhibit D). Mr. Welden outlined the topics which are expected to come before the natural resources committee this legislative session. He indicated the members could expect a variety of subjects to come to this particular committee. Chairman Rhoads requested that Mr. Welden invite an expert in the field of extremely hazardous materials to give a presentation to the committee on that issue. In closing, Mr. Welden called attention to the last three pages of Exhibit D which lists state and federal agencies and interest groups which can be key contacts for the committee. He also informed committee members that staff members of the Research Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau are always available for assistance. Mr. Welden introduced David S. Ziegler, Senior Research Analyst, who is staff to the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining. Chairman Rhoads announced the "water bills" which have been received by the committee will be scheduled for hearing after the February adjournment of the Nevada State Legislature. Chairman Rhoads called for public comment. There being none, he adjourned the meeting at 2 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Billie Brinkman, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Dean A. Rhoads, Chairman Date: Senate Committee on Natural Resources January 18, 1995 Page