MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES AND FACILITIES AND THE ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Sixty-eighth Session May 17, 1995 The Joint Meeting of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Facilities and the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services was opened by Chairman Vivian Freeman of the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services at 2:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17, 1995, in Room 119 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the agenda. Chairman Freeman stated the meeting was scheduled to be of an informal, informational nature only and as a result, roll would not be taken nor would there be an attendance roster. ASSEMBLY MEMBERS PRESENT: Mrs. Vivian L. Freeman, Chairman Mrs. Jan Monaghan, Chairman Dr. William Z. (Bill) Harrington, Vice Chairman Mr. David Goldwater Mr. Dennis Nolan Ms. Dianne Steel Ms. Patricia A. Tripple SENATE MEMBERS PRESENT: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Principal Research Analyst OTHERS PRESENT: Mary L. Peterson, Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise K. Quon, Evaluation Consultant Mike Fitzgerald, Consultant for the Dept. Of Education The meeting began with Assemblyman Dennis Nolan's presentation about the Ebola virus. Mr. Nolan is a paramedic and occupational health and safety technologist. In addition, he has worked with an epidemiologist to put together infectious disease and respiratory protection programs for health care providers. Last fall, Mr. Nolan prepared a term paper on Ebola virus for a class in epidemiology and that paper was the basis for his presentation, (Exhibit B.) Mary Peterson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, in conjunction with Denise Quon and Mike Fitzgerald made a presentation on teen suicide in Nevada including statistics on the incidence between 1981 and 1994 and possible solutions to our growing problem, (Exhibit C.). The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Terry Horgan, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Assemblywoman Vivian L. Freeman, Chairman Assemblywoman Jan Monaghan, Chairman Joint Meeting of the Senate Committee on Human Resources and Facilities and the Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services May 17, 1995 Page