MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Sixty-eighth Session July 2, 1995 The Senate Committee on Government Affairs was called to order by Chairman Ann O'Connell, at 4:30 p.m., on Sunday, July 2, 1995, on the Senate floor of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. There was no Agenda. There was no Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Ann O'Connell, Chairman Senator Randolph J. Townsend, Vice Chairman Senator Jon C. Porter Senator William J. Raggio Senator William R. O'Donnell Senator Dina Titus Senator Raymond C. Shaffer STAFF MEMBER PRESENT: Joan Thran, Committee Secretary Senator O'Connell started discussion on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 282 and felt there were problems with A.B. 282. Senator O'Connell asked the committee to consider rescinding previous action taken on A.B. 282. ASSEMBLY BILL 282: Authorizes preference for underutilized businesses in public works and in state and local government purchasing. (BDR 27-337) SENATOR TOWNSEND MOVED TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN ON A.B. 282. SENATOR SHAFFER SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ***** Senator O'Connell started discussion on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 517 and stated there was a problem with the bill. General discussion followed with no action taken on A.B. 517. ASSEMBLY BILL 517: Revises provisions governing reporting campaign contributions and expenses. Senator O'Connell started discussion on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 631 which would reduce mining lease amount received in a fiscal year by the state treasurer in excess of $10,000,000 to $7,000,000. Discussion followed. SENATOR TOWNSEND MOVED TO DO PASS A.B. 631. SENATOR TITUS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ***** Senator O'Connell started discussion on Assembly Bill (A.B.) 725 which would allow unclassified employees to have second jobs. ASSEMBLY BILL 725: Revises limitations on other employment for certain persons in unclassified service of state. SENATOR RAGGIO MOVED TO DO PASS A.B. 725. SENATOR SHAFFER SECOND THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ***** Senator O'Connell adjourned the meeting at 4:37 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Joan Thran, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Ann O'Connell, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Government Affairs July 2, 1995 Page