MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Sixty-eighth Session January 20, 1995 The Senate Committee on Government Affairs was called to order by Chairman Ann O'Connell, at 1:20 p.m., on Friday, January 20, 1995, in Room 227 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator Ann O'Connell, Chairman Senator Randolph J. Townsend, Vice Chairman Senator Jon C. Porter Senator William J. Raggio Senator William R. O'Donnell Senator Dina Titus Senator Raymond C. Shaffer STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dana Bennett, Senior Research Analyst Tanya Morrison, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Hoover, State Chairman, Legacy (Trustees of Square Dance Activity) Leo Humphreys, Member, Legacy SENATE BILL 81: Designates square dance as the official folk dance of Nevada. Bob Hoover, State Chairman, Legacy, stated Legacy represents approximately 1200 square dancers throughout Nevada with the main concentration of square dancers in Reno and Las Vegas. He testified since its introduction, square dancing has progressed through the years in various forms, and over a period of time came west into Nevada. He commented square dancing is a form of recreation and has developed into a form of modern dancing (line dancing) which is enjoyed throughout the state. Bob Hoover stated Legacy's goal is to have this activity designated as a national folk dance. He continued by saying the group is asking each state enact a law making it a state folk dance. Bob Hoover emphasized 22 states presently have legislation enacted making square dancing a state folk dance. He further stated this legislation is in place in the four states surrounding Nevada. He stressed Nevada and New Mexico are the only two western states who do not have this legislation in place. He stated that the goal for Legacy this year is to go over the 50 percent mark of states in enacting legislation. He mentioned that personally he would like to see Nevada be in the first 50 percent of the states. Bob Hoover explained that Nevada presently is host to the largest dance festival in the United States, ongoing today. He stated in 1997 the Silver State Festival will celebrate its 50th anniversary. He continued by saying this festival is also the largest festival in the United States held under one roof. It encompasses the entire Reno-Sparks Convention Center. He said the Silver State Festival has managed to book the convention center through the year 2001 and they intend to be an ongoing project in the state. He explained for the past 4 years the Governor has designated the Silver State Festival weekend as "State Square Dance Weekend." He stressed Legacy would like the status of square dancing become more permanent. Leo Humphrey added this event is of economic benefit. He explained the state organization may only have 1200 members, but the visitors who come to the Silver State Festival book rooms, and visit restaurants, casinos and shops. Bob Hoover introduced some early rules of square dancing to the committee to show them proof that square dancing existed as part of Nevada's early history. He stated the history of square dancing goes back to every day that Nevada was a state and when people first began to populate Nevada. He added the old rules, which he introduced to the committee, are part of square dancing's heritage. He commented square dancing underwent a change in the 1930's that made it the recreational activity it is today. Bob Hoover reiterated that it would be nice to have Nevada be one of the forerunners of the states who enact this legislation. The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Teri J. Spraggins, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator Ann O'Connell, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Government Affairs January 20, 1995 Page