MINUTES OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Sixty-eighth Session June 27, 1995 The Senate Committee on Finance was called to order by Chairman William J. Raggio, at 9:45 a.m., on Tuesday, June 27, 1995, in Room 223 of the Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada. Exhibit A is the Agenda. Exhibit B is the Attendance Roster. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Senator William J. Raggio, Chairman Senator Raymond D. Rawson, Vice Chairman Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen Senator Bob Coffin Senator William R. O'Donnell Senator Dean A. Rhoads Senator Bernice Mathews STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Miles, Fiscal Analyst Bob Guernsey, Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst Larry Peri, Program Analyst Brian Burke, Program Analyst Pamela Jochim, Committee Secretary OTHERS PRESENT: Donald J. Mello, Court Administrator and Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, Office of Court Administrator John Sarb, Administrator, Division of Child and Family Services, Department of Human Resources Senator Raggio opened the hearing on Senate Bill (S.B.) 495 and asked Don Mello, Court Administrator and Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, Office of Court Administrator, if an amendment to S.B. 495 has been agreed upon by all the interested parties. SENATE BILL 495: Makes various changes to provisions governing collection of fines and assessments. Mr. Mello explained he met with Brian Burke, Program Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division, Legislative Counsel Bureau, officials from the Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety, and officials from various cities and counties to discuss the amendment. He noted a copy of a marked-up version of the amendment (Exhibit C), a summary outlining the revisions (Exhibit D), and a copy of the new language for section 19 (Exhibit E) have been distributed to the committee. Mr. Mello referred the committee to Exhibit D and reviewed the proposed revisions to S.B. 495. Mr. Burke stressed there is a consensus on the amendment (Exhibit D) among all the parties which were involved in the discussion. Senator Raggio asked, "This represents an agreed upon revision of the proposed bill?" Mr. Burke replied, "Yes it does." Mr. Mello pointed out Senate Bill 441 has a fiscal impact on the courts and if it does not pass, then similar language will need to be added to S.B. 495. SENATE BILL 441: Prohibits department of motor vehicles and public safety from renewing registration of motor vehicle if fine for certain traffic violations have not been paid. Senator Raggio questioned whether the revisions to S.B. 495 accommodates the budget closings. Mr. Burke responded, yes, and noted several changes were made to the distribution section of the bill, so the Supreme Court would not be negatively impacted. Senator Rawson asked if small communities will have the resources to manage their courts. Mr. Mello answered revenues for small communities will be increased from $2.50 to $4.00. Continuing, Senator Rawson inquired if Judge Nancy Becker agrees with the revisions. Mr. Mello replied, "I do not know. I have not spoken with Judge Becker about this bill." SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE AN AMENDMENT TO S.B. 495 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPOSED REVISIONS AS OUTLINED IN EXHIBITS C,D AND E. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator Coffin inquired if the bill overrides any local ordinances relating to parking citations. Mr. Mello answered, "That is not an issue with regard to this bill." THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Senator Raggio turned the committee's attention to Bill Draft Request (BDR) S-2156 and noted Dan Miles, Fiscal Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division, Legislative Counsel Bureau, will highlight the Authorization Act for the committee. BILL DRAFT REQUEST S-2156: Authorizes expenditures by agencies of state government. Mr. Miles explained the Authorization Act is the sum of funds in the budgets approved by the Senate Committee on Finance and the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means that are not appropriated funds. He indicated the funds in the Authorization Act generally include federal funds, fees, and dedicated funds. Section 1 of Exhibit F lists by budget account title the total amount authorized to each account for each year of the next biennium. Senator Rhoads commented the Washington Office is listed in the act and inquired if the office is funded from the State Highway Fund. Mr. Miles said the Washington Office is funded through a transfer from Nevada Department of Transportation, Division of Economic Development, and the Division of Tourism. He pointed out the transfer from the Division of Economic Development is funded by the General Fund. Mr. Miles referred the committee to section 2 of the act on page 25 of Exhibit F and indicated this section provides a general fund authorization for the State Gaming Control Board. He explained statutory language requires that the State Gaming Control Board receive an authorization from the General Fund as opposed to an appropriation. Section 2 of the act authorizes $17.4 million in Fiscal Year (FY) and $17.9 million in FY 1997 to the gaming control board. Continuing, Mr. Miles related section 3 requires the funds authorized to be expended in sections 1 and 2 of the act must be expended in accordance with the state budget act, Nevada Revised Statutes 353. Section 4 of the act addresses how the authorized amounts can be augmented with the approval of the director of the Budget Division, remarked Mr. Miles. He mentioned, in certain situations if some thresholds are met, then the Interim Finance Committee (IFC) would approve the augmentation. Proceeding to section 5 of Exhibit F, Mr. Miles indicated this section has been in the Authorization Act for over 20 years. This section, he commented, provides that when an agency's authorized funds exceed the amount budgeted from the General Fund, then the appropriation from the General Fund can be decreased by the amount of the funds in excess of the appropriated amount. Senator Coffin asked if the Appropriation Act contains different language on the subject of augmentation. Mr. Miles responded the act requires the Executive Branch to comply with the budget act in terms of deaugmentations. He said there is no opportunity in the Appropriation Act for the Executive Branch to augment General Fund appropriations or State Highway Fund appropriations. Mr. Miles noted section 6 addresses the amount of student-driven fees in each of the institutions of the University and Community College System and provides the system may expend funds in excess of the amounts listed on page 28 of Exhibit F with the approval of the IFC. Generally, if enrollments are higher than projected and additional student fees are collected, then part-time instructors are hired instead of reverting the excess fees to the General Fund. Section 7 allows the Division of Wildlife to borrow monies from the General Fund with the approval of the director of the Budget Division on a temporary basis, related Mr. Miles. He pointed out the loan transfer cannot exceed 50 percent of the amount receivable from the federal government and estimated revenue from license fees. Proceeding on to section 8, Mr. Miles stated, this section authorizes the University and Community College System to expend $2.5 million from the University and Community College System of Nevada Endowment Fund. Senator Raggio asked what is the purpose of the Special Projects account listed on page 29 of Exhibit F. Mr. Miles replied the university system utilizes these funds for a number of different projects. He said he will provide the committee with a detailed list of account expenditures. Mr. Miles indicated section 9 provides the Budget Division shall assess the professional licensing boards for their share of the costs of the Budget Division. Section 10 requires the director of the Department of Administration to prepare a Statewide Cost Allocation plan. He mentioned section 11 outlines the assessment to the counties for their share of the costs for the State Public Defender's Office. In addition, he noted section 11(2) allows the public defender to assess the counties for any salary increases or cost-of-living increases approved by the 1995 Legislature for the next biennium. Senator Raggio inquired if salary increases would include bonuses. Mr. Miles answered "That is questionable. I'll check with the bill drafter." Mr. Miles continued his review of Exhibit F and commented section 13 is a new section to the act. He explained, when the Wildlife Division's budget was closed, the committee required the division to designate obligated reserve funds for accounting purposes. This section provides that any obligated funds already held by the division be transferred to a separate account on July 1, 1995. Turning the committee's attention to page 34 of Exhibit F, Mr. Miles pointed out section 19 designates the act becomes effective on July 1, 1995. Senator Rawson questioned if the Authorization Act contains any salary increases for community college personnel. Mr. Miles replied the act only provides the authority for the University and Community College System to collect registration fees and place them in the budget for general purposes. Senator Rawson disclosed he is an employee of the University and Community College System. SENATOR O'DONNELL MOVED FOR COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION OF BDR S-2156. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Senator Raggio related the committee will take action on the local project bills which have been heard this session. He stated it has been agreed upon with the Assembly to place the local project bills into one legislative measure. SENATE BILL 77: Requires state engineer to establish program to map water rights. Senator Rawson remarked the date indicated on line 17 of the bill needs to be revised to read June 30, 1997. Mr. Miles agreed with Senator Rawson and said the reversion date will be corrected. Senator Raggio clarified, "We will not move the bill as such, but we will take motions on what should be included in the ultimate bill." SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $110,000 APPROPRIATION WITH A REVERSION DATE OF JUNE 30, 1997 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 79: Makes appropriation to Retired Senior Volunteer Program to expand Home Companion Program. SENATOR MATHEWS MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $32,000 FOR EACH YEAR OF THE NEXT BIENNIUM IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 181: Makes appropriation to Life in Pregnancy Assistance and Vocational Training Center. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $200,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 194: Directs state librarian to establish pilot project to provide grants of money to certain public libraries for purchase of books and library materials. Senator Rawson asked if the bill could be held at this time. SENATE BILL 253: Makes appropriation to Nevada historical society of division of museums, library and arts for purchase of Piper's Opera House. Senator Raggio contended the initial appropriation for this bill is not troublesome, but the ongoing costs to bring the building up to code would be the responsibility of the state, so this measure will be held. SENATE BILL 274: Makes appropriation to Lincoln County school district for increased costs of construction of elementary school in Alamo. Senator Rawson noted a $250,000 20-year loan will be made to the school district instead of an appropriation. Senator Raggio questioned if this action is agreeable to the Lincoln County school officials. Senator Rawson responded, "Yes it is." SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $250,000 TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE FORM OF A LOAN REPAYABLE OVER A 20-YEAR PERIOD AT 3.5 PERCENT INTEREST WITH PAYMENTS INCLUDING PRINCIPLE AND INTEREST IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR RHOADS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR COFFIN VOTED NO.) * * * * * SENATE BILL 364: Modifies program to subsidize malpractice insurance premiums for providers of prenatal care in areas of state that lack services for prenatal care. SENATOR O'DONNELL MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $75,000 FOR EACH YEAR OF THE BIENNIUM IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 398: Makes appropriation to Nevada Appellate and Postconviction Project, Inc. SENATOR COFFIN MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $300,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. The motion died for lack of a second. SENATOR RHOADS MOVED TO INDEFINITELY POSTPONE SENATE BILL 398. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR COFFIN VOTED NO.) * * * * * SENATE BILL 430: Revises provisions governing regulation of emergency medical services in certain counties. Senator Mathews recommends the bill be amended to provide a state General Fund appropriation of $197,421 in FY 1996 and $160,060 in FY 1997 for two new professional positions and one clerical position and their operational support costs to administer the emergency medical services program for Washoe County. SENATOR MATHEWS MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS SENATE BILL 430 TO PROVIDE A GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION OF $197,421 IN FY 1996 AND $160,060 IN FY 1997. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 444: Makes contingent appropriation to Mineral County School District for portion of costs of construction of school to replace Schurz School. Senator Raggio stated, if any action is taken on this bill, then it should be processed in the same manner as S.B. 274. He suggested loaning Mineral County School District $250,000 under the same terms as those proposed for Lincoln County School District. He related this action will not replace the obligation of the Mineral County School District and the action will be subject to the approval of Mineral County School District Officials. SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $250,000 TO THE MINERAL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE FORM OF A LOAN REPAYABLE OVER A 20-YEAR PERIOD AT 3.5 PERCENT INTEREST WITH PAYMENTS INCLUDING PRINCIPLE AND INTEREST IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL; THIS ACTION IS CONDITIONED UPON APPROVAL FROM THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES AND OFFICIALS IN MINERAL COUNTY. SENATOR MATHEWS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 449: Makes appropriation to City of Reno for costs relating to construction of National Automobile Museum. The chairman remarked the appropriation should be contingent upon the City of Reno raising the additional $6.4 million. Senator Mathews explained the City of Reno's obligation is $3.2 million and the remaining $3.2 million will come from private donations. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $3.2 MILLION IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL CONTINGENT UPON LOCAL AND PRIVATE SOURCES PROVIDING THE MATCHING FUNDS BY JUNE 30, 1997. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS RHOADS AND COFFIN VOTED NO.) * * * * * SENATE BILL 457: Creates trust fund for support of division of museums and history of department of museums, library and arts. Mr. Miles explained this measure is a one-time appropriation of $300,000 to establish a trust fund. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $300,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator Coffin disclosed he has a collection of materials for sale and the Department of Museums, Library and Arts is interested in purchasing the collection. He has informed the department he is not allowed to accept payment for the collection from appropriated funds, however, the department might be able to purchase the collection from the interest income earned by the fund. Due to this situation, he will abstain from voting on the measure. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR COFFIN ABSTAINED FROM THE VOTE.) * * * * * SENATE BILL 500: Directs department of transportation to construct or cause to be constructed sound barrier alongside certain portion of U.S. Highway No. 95 in Las Vegas. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $600,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS RHOADS AND COFFIN VOTED NO.) * * * * * SENATE BILL 534: Makes appropriation to division of forestry of state department of conservation and natural resources for reseeding areas burned by fires. Senator Raggio said he has been informed this measure was discussed yesterday and a reduced funding request was agreed upon. Senator Jacobsen stated the revised amount of $218,000 is a realistic amount and should accommodate the project. SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $218,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * SENATE BILL 548: Makes appropriation to Douglas County for repairs or replacement of well and appurtenant equipment at China Spring Youth Camp. Senator Rawson noted it was determined the IFC will receive the $150,000 appropriation and Douglas County will approach the IFC for disbursement of the funds. SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $150,000 TO THE IFC IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL WITH THE UNDERSTANDING DOUGLAS COUNTY WILL APPROACH THE IFC FOR THE DISBURSEMENT OF THE FUNDS. SENATOR RAWSON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Senator Raggio indicated an appropriation in the amount of $2.5 million has been proposed to be included in the new appropriation bill for the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City, Nevada. The funding is requested to allow trackage and land improvements. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE $2.5 MILLION APPROPRIATION IN THE NEW BILL APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATORS RHOADS AND COFFIN VOTED NO.) * * * * * The chairman noted a $225,000 appropriation has been proposed to be included in the new bill for an emergency response communication system and equipment for a Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) laboratory for Clark County. Senator Rawson related Senator Jacobsen has requested a Letter of Intent or to include language in the bill which would allow the rural counties to have access to the laboratory and the communication system. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $225,000 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL WITH THE UNDERSTANDING A LETTER OF INTENT WILL BE PROVIDED DENOTING THE RURAL COUNTIES WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DNA LABORATORY. SENATOR MATHEWS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Senator Raggio stated he will entertain a motion to obtain a bill draft request incorporating the actions of the committee on the school projects for Lincoln County School District and Mineral County School District. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO OBTAIN A BILL DRAFT REQUEST PERTAINING TO THE $250,000 LOAN TO MINERAL COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE $250,000 LOAN TO LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND TO INTRODUCE THE BILL DRAFT REQUEST ONCE IT HAS BEEN DRAFTED. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * The chairman said he will entertain a motion to obtain a bill draft request for the remaining local project items which have been approved by the committee. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO OBTAIN A BILL DRAFT REQUEST FOR THE LOCAL PROJECTS AS DISCUSSED ABOVE IN SENATE BILLS 77,79,181,364,444,449,457,500,534,548; AND INCLUDING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.5 MILLION FOR NEVADA STATE RAILROAD MUSEUM OF BOULDER CITY AND $225,000 FOR THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DNA LABORATORY FOR CLARK COUNTY AND TO INTRODUCE A BILL DRAFT REQUEST ONCE IT HAS BEEN DRAFTED. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator Jacobsen questioned why Senator Rawson asked to have S.B. 194 held. Senator Rawson replied he was under the impression, because the grants were to be so small and spread over such a large area, the grants would not be very beneficial to the public libraries. Senator Raggio interjected the Executive Budget has already allotted sufficient funds to the public libraries for books and materials. Senator Jacobsen pointed out this measure was before the 1993 Legislature, however the legislation was not processed. He declared he has reviewed the budget and the Legislature has not provided enough funds for the libraries. Each public library will only receive $500, if the measure is passed, remarked Senator Jacobsen. Senator Coffin explained the measure provides the only direct financial support from the state to the rural libraries. Senator Rawson indicated if the larger counties are included in the bill, then funding is not sufficient. He proposed that the larger counties be excluded from the measure. Senator Jacobsen stated he would like to make the funding available to all 17 counties and allow the library administration to determine the grant recipients. SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO INCLUDE THE APPROPRIATION OF $250,000 AS SET FORTH IN SENATE BILL 194 IN THE NEW APPROPRIATION BILL. SENATOR O'DONNELL SECONDED THE MOTION. Senator Coffin remarked testimony in a previous meeting indicated the grants will be given only to rural counties, which he supports. Senator Mathews interjected the language in the bill does not indicate the grants will only be provided to rural counties. Senator Raggio pointed out the bill requires that the geographic location of the library must be taken into consideration to ensure that monies are granted to all areas of the state. Senator Mathews expressed concern the librarians in the smaller counties are not as experienced in writing grants as the librarians from the larger counties. She would rather the funds be distributed to just the rural libraries. Senator Rhoads stated he would like to amend S.B. 194 to include only the 15 rural counties. Senator Raggio asked whether Carson City is considered a rural county. Senator Rhoads replied, "I think so." Senator Rawson remarked Clark County has some rural areas and questioned if these areas are within the county's library district. Senator O'Donnell replied, "Yes." SENATOR RHOADS MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO ALLOW THE $250,000 APPROPRIATION TO BE DISBURSED ONLY TO THE 15 RURAL COUNTIES. SENATOR COFFIN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR O'DONNELL VOTED NO.) * * * * * SENATOR RHOADS MOVED TO AMEND S.B. 194 BY DELETING CLARK COUNTY AND WASHOE COUNTY. SENATOR COFFIN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. (SENATOR O'DONNELL VOTED NO.) * * * * * The chairman asked for another motion on the local project bills with the inclusion of S.B. 194. SENATOR RAWSON MOVED TO OBTAIN A BILL DRAFT REQUEST FOR THE LOCAL PROJECTS AS DISCUSSED ABOVE IN SENATE BILLS 77,79,181,194,364,444,449,457,500,534,548; AND INCLUDING APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNTS OF $2.5 MILLION FOR THE NEVADA STATE RAILROAD MUSEUM IN BOULDER CITY, NEVADA AND $225,000 FOR THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND DNA LABORATORY FOR CLARK COUNTY AND TO INTRODUCE THE BILL DRAFT REQUEST ONCE IT HAS BEEN DRAFTED. SENATOR JACOBSEN SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Note: The above bills were incorporated into Senate Bill 579.) SENATE BILL 579: Makes various appropriations from state general fund and revises provisions concerning governmental financial administration. * * * * * ASSEMBLY BILL 255: Requires establishment of standardized system of information concerning juvenile justice and makes appropriation to division of child and family services of department of human resources for state automated child welfare information system. John Sarb, Administrator, Division of Child and Family Services, Department of Human Resources, came forward and distributed an amendment (Exhibit G) to Assembly Bill (A.B.) 255 to the committee. Mr. Sarb explained the Governor's staff and the chief probation officers in his division have agreed upon an amendment which is acceptable to all concerned parties. Senator Raggio asked whether Robert Calderone, Chief Probation Officer for Washoe County, William R. Lewis, Chief Probation Officer for Carson City, and Scott Cook, Chief Probation Officer for Douglas County are agreeable to the proposed amendment. Mr. Sarb responded the amendment is acceptable to all the chief probation officers. Mr. Sarb explained the amendment clarifies the responsibilities of state versus county responsibility, particularly in the area of information analysis. He referred the committee to section 7(b) on page 2 of the Exhibit G and indicated this section clarifies the analysis requirement is the state's responsibility. Senator Raggio questioned if the amendment changes the appropriation amount. Mr. Sarb answered, "It will not." SENATOR JACOBSEN MOVED TO AMEND AND DO PASS A.B. 255. SENATOR RAWSON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * Senator Coffin inquired about the status of Assembly Bill (A.B.) 303 and noted the bill has been discussed on four separate occasions. He said a compelling case has been made to support the measure. ASSEMBLY BILL 303: Requires state board of education to adopt program to provide pupils with skills to make transition from school to work. SENATOR COFFIN MOVED TO DO PASS ASSEMBLY BILL 303. SENATOR RAWSON SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. * * * * * There being no further business before the committee, Senator Raggio adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Pamela Jochim, Committee Secretary APPROVED BY: Senator William J. Raggio, Chairman DATE: Senate Committee on Finance June 27, 1995 Page